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wake up @Shanthanu !!!
@MichaelDautermann yes im awake
@Shanthanu welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Thanks @Kamini
@Shanthanu :)
why were you being so quiet before?
bezs all quiet thats y :P
that's a terrible excuse.
maybe @AOY has a better excuse
why are you sleeping?
gd mrng all
good morning @Shubhank sir
Q: Why Invoice number is not getting in response paypal?

Aditya Vyas - LakhanI am using paypal sdk and trying to get invoice number in response,i am able to get custom,but not able to get invoice nyumber, .............................. "transactions": [ { "amount": { "total": "88.72", "currency": "AUD", ...

can any one tell
@Rajat comp provide off for tomorrow ?
but i will take off and it will not count in my leaves :P
you are working on boring app
@Arun good morning saale
good morning bhai
kya kar raha hai tu?
will leave for ofc in 20 min
when your office get start
tune hi idea diva hoga hena
@Shubhank atleast i am working but you are doing time paas :P :D
ofc starts at 10
@Rajat when do you work :o
that's the secret my buuuooooy @Shubhank
just because you cant play hangman now
dont start saying you work :P
bull shit
hangman was never my priority :P
i play Marvels Contest of champions
i already have eclipse keystore file so i m using same file in android studio to generate signed apk but its giving me error Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageRelease'.
> Failed to read key hbm from store "D:\AndroidProjects\hbm\HBM_Test": Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect @Shubhank @NightFury
good morning all
stackoverflow.com/questions/6896746/… @Shubhank is this ans valid for 6.0 android version?
@Erum password maybe incorrect ?
Good morning
@Erum alias/pswd incorrect
where were you
how did it go
is Nighfury controlled ? :P
who is your trainerr
Hikup is my trainer :P
today you are strawberry flavour meaty boy. When will you be bandage girl ? :P
i am not going pink :P
hi all ..m getting below error in terminal.0curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to github.com:-9847
But the current one is a shade of pink na :P
please tell m if any one know this
cloning repository?
@snehalrokade when are you facing it
@NightFury nope, its red
@Shubhank:right now m facing it
It's a shade of pink - family of red :P
lol snehal :P
what actions/steps do you do
while runing app on simulator
and the error comes
Hi All
@faisaliqbal someone answered it in May stackoverflow.com/a/37287289/1095089 so it must be working i think
Snehal you aren't describing your situation + error properly
for that m rebuild openssl from terminal
is there any proxy or something
As per gist error, isnt a framework missing?
framework is missing
so she is building open ssl again in terminal
will re add it in project
hmm ok
yes proxy is there
take a screenshot of terminal
with the error
and share
do you have another mac to test on ?
it was submitted
because i m getting error in AS
go ask in diff room
do you think about helping anyone :/
@snehalrokade since you have proxy, try to use this command
A: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection

Lho BenIn many cases it is linked to proxy problems. If so just config your git proxy git config --global http.proxy HOST:PORT

@Erum doesn't matter I think so. You dont need eclipse
just build signed apk with that keystore and check
i created but i mgetting error
what is error
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageRelease'.
> Failed to read key hbm from store "D:\AndroidProjects\hbm\HBM": Cannot recover key
tried to google?
/search Failed to read key hbm from store: Cannot recover key
Q: ERROR: Failed to read the key from store:... Cannot recover key on Android Studio when generating Signed APK

Les PaulI am trying to generate release apk for my new game. Even though I updated one of my other app just 3 days ago keystore had no problem at all. I am absolutely sure I remember my passwords correctly. Because when I give wrong passwords it says your password or username is incorrect. Here's what I...

she never bother to google
she have you @NightFury :P
Raju lol
@Shubhank @NightFury... chnged proxy setting by system admin of office
worked ?
now its downloading properly
okay great
Hello guyes
My app is reject due to ipv6.
I have develop app in Objective-C with AFnetworking 3.1.
I have read in Github AFnetworking 3.1 is support ipv6.⁠⁠⁠⁠

i am using default method of afnetworking for API Calling
AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager];

[manager POST: .....];
@Shubhank I am awake!
@Rajat @NightFury i already did the google and have resolved all errors
@PramodTapaniya whats is the rejection reason
paste.ofcode.org/?edit=9CzRX7X9SiE2kx57iyzPwb have tried this too but was getting lot of erros
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@Shubhank Your app crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.3.4 connected to an IPv6 network when we:
why didnt you add crashlytics to it
lifoetopsy.dat' what is this type?
@Erum are you damn sure that alias, password, store file path and name, everything is correct?
yes because same are working for eclipse
and eclipse creating everything ok
ok, then use eclipse
@Shubhank Yes i have already integrate but not getting errors in fabric.
hmm, that sucks
i dont work with ipv6
try asking on main site
apple sent this message also
"Please revise your app and test it on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to ensure that it runs as expected."
i dont know much about ipv6
@MichaelDautermann it was like 4 AM here when you asked me that question)
Himanshu isnt back still
@GurpreetKaur was asking about lara
Amira a joke for u ee le :P
Good morning all :)
Morning all
 |   |
- - - - - - - k
 |   |
- - a - - - - k
@Cookie yes cookie?
 |   |
- e a - - - - k
 |   |
 |   O
- e a - - - - k
 |   |
 |  \O/
- e a - - - - k
Hangman hint : threading
@GurpreetKaur you forgot me na. You are very bad girl :(
@NightFury deleted a branch from git
Can I get it back?
local or remote?
 |   |
 |  \O/
- e a - - o - k
/hang deadlock
 |   |
 |  \O/
d e a d l o c k
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
@AhmadBamieh welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
thank you
@NightFury remote
yes you can get it back locally or remotely
serve 10 cookies at a temple
git reflog
/search restore deleted remote branch git
Q: Git: Recover deleted (remote) branch

Craig WalkerI need to recover two Git branches that I somehow deleted during a push. These two branches were created on a different system and then pushed to my "shared" (github) repository. On my system, I (apparently) retrieved the branches during a fetch: ~/myfolder> git fetch remote: Counting objects:...

you will get a hash (SHA1) for each branch
copy the one you want to recover
@NightFury u didn't told me .. /hateyou
git checkout [sha1 code]
then write
ahmad ^^
@GurpreetKaur Everyone knows :(
that answer looks complicated, mine is easier i guess :O
okiee @NightFury
np :)
@AhmadBamieh I just tried that command, it just ran and stop. Hopefully it didnt mess up :\
@GurpreetKaur hru
good as always :P
wht about u
@AhmadBamieh you can post your detailed answer there on the post, so it can help people
kheryt :)
@GurpreetKaur evill
@Shubhank ??
you are not good :p
@Shubhank what does it mean? Have you ever heard of it? :D "The Github one has Cache-Control: max-age=300 while Firebase Storage doesn't have cache control set by default (you can set it when you upload the file, or change it by updating metadata), so I assume that's why KingFisher isn't caching it. "
i know... :P
@TarvoMäesepp who said it
The guy directly from Firebase :D
what is your code now
push it to the repo, i will fix it for you
@NightFury it still didnt work???
Ask @Cookie. She queried
Hey Done. Thanks @NightFury :)
Cool. Part of thanks goes to ahmad as well :)
stackoverflow.com/questions/7713210/… @NightFury can u pls help me
even unable t o set run as android application then select prj is disable
@Shubhank so what is the problem?
i forgot :(
let me check
mediaprojection automatically null when i call mMediaprojection.stop()
i want to make listView with textView and EditText dynamically. Kindly mention an example source
@AndroidBeginner welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@Shubhank hello
@Erum you need to configure run settings, or for the project perhaps
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
i resolve the issue but i m not getting app_compat_v7 under sdk/extras/android/? @NightFury
so getting all themes error
you need to give path to appcompat project in build path
download it your side and set path in your project
i have already installed but its not inside the folder
I think it will be already in android sdk. just copy project from there and paste into workspace
abe path set kr na :\
you need both projects to be in same workspace for eclipse, else it wont work
yr i dnt have C:\Users\Erum\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\‌​support\appcompat-v7 imgur.com/a/1E0pw
Check in SDK manager, that Google Repository and Support Library is installed
good morning btw
@DimaRostopira hey, morning to you.. You know what? I got some quotes from Firebase guy and from the KingFisher owner.
@TarvoMäesepp need xcode 8 storyboard or later
@Shubhank you are using xcode 7?
wait then.. I update
I'm using Xcode 8
Me too..
@Shubhank I added the storyboard.. it is on the first page
good morning guys
@Shubhank yesterday I was playing No Man's Sky when you pinged me :)
how is it
its good, relaxing.
but I can't play it to much, I spent 3 hours playing the game without ever realizing XD
so, games like those for me don't really work XD
it lacks the multiplayer side, which is sad. it would be nice to be able to play with friends also
@TarvoMäesepp still the same error lol
@Shubhank delete the repo and download again :D
i downloaded again :/
how big is the storyboard
maybe just upload on dropbox or some other iste
I commited now it is in the right folder
afk lunch
@Shubhank cute :D
@Erum done?
@DimaRostopira have a look at it if you got time.. Just so you know how the things are.. Both they are talking different story :D :D
Q: Images not caching with Firebase url but caching with other

Tarvo MäeseppI have little problem. I got caching to work with the following URL: let URL = NSURL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onevcat/Kingfisher/master/images/kingfisher-\(indexPath.row + 1).jpg")! But can't get it to work like this with this URL: FIRStorage.storage().reference().child("\(p...

Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /declineforever /byeishwarstyle /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /noobquestion /musicChannel /kissshubha
@Tarvo onevcat said right thing, everything is ok. You can get images without internet connection. If error != nil just pass empty URL and cache key (product name) to resource, that should work
I've tried that, look at this.. It does the same behaviour: gist.github.com/MaeseppTarvo/4f38fab882cb75ec3e28eb1498b9da69
If url == nil -- nothing executed
it's the case, when no internet connection
replace lines 7-9 with var _url = url; if _url == nil { _url = URL() }
or something like that
What is the last URL() ?
Just new empty object, you cant create Resource with nil url
but the url is let constant
yes, and _url is not
Oh yeah
but the empty object must be NSURL?
What the hell is that logic...

var URL = ""

var _url = url
if _url == nil {
_url = URL()
The URL is unresolvd identifier in this case if I dont declare it before
yeah, NSURL
it was renamed
like this it is nil
and crash
It acts same :(
Just that if I turn off the internet app crashes
@Shubhank what about the metadata
what about it ?
you said you try.. I just wanted to know is there any progress :)
Because the way I try I can't get it to work
So I think maybe the Firebase guy is right but I don't understand him
i should download this right ?
nops still nt @NightFury
for fuck sake
Hi @Shubhank
I just make new repo
I want to declare a struct
but I don't know where to define it
don't donload
Is it define in AppDelegate?
you can delcare it anywhere
outside a class
It doesn't allow me
It says "ARC forbit OBjectiveC object in struct"
then use a Swift object
@Erum ok tried what?
@Shubhank this is the correct one: github.com/MaeseppTarvo/SnusPedia You may download now if you have time :)
I don't get your answer, ShubHank
trying to import v7 but i have imgur.com/a/1E0pw @NightFury
@Khuong can you show your struct code
struct Books
NSString *title;
NSString *author;
NSString *subject;
int book_id;
use String instead of NSString
and Int instead of int
it not allow
@Erum that is AS referred sdk. Eclipse is referring to same?
It ask me to go back NSString
AOA, hi @all
yes i have given same path
@Khuong share the error
Morning @SaadChaudhry
kya haal
I change to:
struct Books
__unsafe_unretained NSString *title;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *author;
__unsafe_unretained NSString *subject;
int book_id;
it worked now
Q: Fixing ARC error when using Objective-C object in struct

Seth bollenbeckerI am having an issue with my Xcode project. I have these lines: typedef struct { NSString *escapeSequence; unichar uchar; } and I am getting this error: ARC forbids Objective-C objects in structs or unions. How can I fix it? I cannot seem to find how this violates ARC but I wou...

follow this answer
@Shubhank it is afternoon already :D did you get it?
I mean the repo
building it
@Erum Isnt there any folder like /extras/android/support/v7 ?
what is inside folders there? Lib for every api level
@TarvoMäesepp how do you test no internet connection ?
I tested on real device.. But on simulator you need this developer.apple.com/download/more/?q=Hardware%20IO%20Tools
ok tell one thing
if you use the app without internet connection
does the brands name come ?
they come
only images are not coming
ok, so i will give the code
you test it on your side
This question has some quotes also: stackoverflow.com/questions/38979706/…

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