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Good morning
sleeepy day
how are you
I was sleepy, but now nend gone
oh haha
thanks :)
how ur nend gone ?
did not read
you can go in gallery and enjoy morning sunshine
nend will go away
/greet gurpreet
hey @gurpreet, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
Hi All
Good morning
@NightFury hii
For faster builds, increase the maximum heap size for the Gradle daemon to more than 2048 MB.
To do this set org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048M in the project gradle.properties.
I am trying to implement MusicPlayer in android, I have Two Activities, One is empty and another is displaying the list of songs, First Activity Which runs is the empty Activity. I created a layout for MediaPlayer Controls. All my MediaPlayer Code is in Service Class. Now I want to communicate this Single Service which is for playing songs, with Multiple activities. I don't know how to do this?.... Any Solution?? Please Help me
@Mayur gm
@Erum done?
A: binding a service to multiple activities

JIthinYou have to use the same object of the Service call in both the activities. The best way to do it will be to extend the Application class where you have to write code to start service and to stop.Then you can access the service from any activity. public class AppController extends Applicatio...

Use Application class to bind service or start service. Keep instance in a manager(singleton) so all activities can access it
nops @NightFury still For faster builds, increase the maximum heap size for the Gradle daemon to more than 3072 MB.
To do this set org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3072M in the project gradle.properties.
For more information see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html
Error:The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K.
Learn how to resolve this issue at https://developer.android.com/tools/building/multidex.html
googling it
any idea what the purpose of this lib
@NightFury no xamarin no xamarin :p
@Shubhank u tried api for request access token ?
which api
how was your holidayyy
any api
i just want to ask u handlde ?
which is your horoscope ?
why ?
tell or i will find it out anyway :p
you can find it out anyway
i can also find it out yours btw
nhi, i will do cool things ruko
hi can anyone tel me how to draw a path between two points (straight line)not only dwaing i want to to get each LatLng on that line
@Shubhank I am included now. zabardasti include krwaya :P
@Erum teach me android
i dnt know android
seriously u know better than me
that is funny :\
you have more experience than me in ando
@NightFury what should i write in getService() method
sometimes autocomplete textview works sometimes it doesn't, anyone had similar problem before?
@Telkitty buggy android
@NightFury how should i start service in Application Class??
simply, startservice(newIntent(this, YouService.class))
playIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MusicService.class);
getApplicationContext().bindService(playIntent, musicConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
I am using this code to start a service
Actually I am binding the service to the activity
What issue are you facing?
your code to start a service is only starting a service, But i am trying to bind the service and then starting the service
how to bind and start service in Application class??
The above code which i sent is from my Activity Class
A: Cleanly binding/unbinding to a Service in an Application

Sven JacobsI solved this problem by counting the references to the service binding in the Application. Every Activity has to call acquireBinding() in their onCreate() methods and call releaseBinding() in onDestroy(). If the reference counter reaches zero the binding is released. Here's an example: class M...

distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.10-all.zip Error:(36, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'classpath()'
Possible causes:<ul><li>The project 'hbm' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method.
<a href="open.wrapper.file">Open Gradle wrapper file</a></li><li>The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin.
<a href="apply.gradle.plugin">Apply Gradle plugin</a></li>
do you know some company in Da Nang
I want to work in there :D
@Erum are lynda tuts free?
yes they are free
but basics are free u have to find cracks
in their site videos are not free
abe yaar ok :(
@NightFury If i pause the playing song, whether it will also pause the service??
/annoy Erum
@Erum I hate you
@Erum @Erum I hate youuuu
like i love you love you @Erum @Erum
@Erum @Erum i will kill you in the dreams too :p
Dota 2 is 14 gigs :(
tomb raider? :O
first dota
this is @Amira
no she is the stinky oneeee
this is gurpreet
there is no stinky angry bird
pigs ? :p
Happy Independence Day guys!
we are still out sourced labourers :p
with cruel deadlines and modiji's high taxes
I am handling our own startup's project so not true for me :P
And yeah I dont pay taxes, instead tax-payers are paying for my education. Buwahhaha
see modi ji sucks :p
@Shubhank exclude that :\
why would ayeeeeee
Yeah but my parents pay more taxes than they'd have to spend on my education even if I was in a private university
Shubhank where are you based in? I mean city?
yes, we are not talking about that again -_-
For your job?
Dilli 6
No, I was just pointing out how much are we taxed.
Where in Delhi? Chandni Chowk?
nope, janakpuri
i roamed a lot in chandni chowk in my childhood
Dilli 6 is Chandni Chowk
ok Dilli 18
now its right :p
 |   |
 |  \O/
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s a - h i n t e n - - l - a r
/hang sachintendulkar
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 |  \O/
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s a c h i n t e n d u l k a r
Success. You should get back to work
 |   |
l - - - - -
/hang a
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l - - a - -
/hang e
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 |   O
l - - a - -
/hang i
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l i - a - -
/hang m
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 |  \O/
l i - a - -
nightfury will guess
Hangman hint : lara's favorite
Do you guys enjoy music while working?
Hangman games : 2349
Most Correct letter found by : Dima Rostopira (1486 times) _ 2nd : Amira (1286 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (1078 times) Your score AseedUsmani (33 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Dima Rostopira (668 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (588 times)
@Shubhank Hi
time to finish breaking bad
Wait @Shubhank I have a Q
ask night fury
android related ?
Hey @Shubhank is it important to me to know basics of 'Data Structures' to be able to work on Firebase (JSON Tree) ? I have previously parsed JSON data, I know how to do that, I know what a tree is but I am clueless about how to use JSON tree
Data Structures would be there in my syllabus next sem :/
ask Erum
@Erum help him
@Erum help me please
I searched the whole night trying to get some basic idea about how to use JSON tree but I'm still clueless
If you want to understand tree structure, just have a basic overview, not more. You wont be able to understand concepts deep
Moreover, just saw. Json Tree is simply how you write json, nothing else.
you can try to practise here how json is created
I do know how to write JSON tree, not sure how to parse through it and implement it in our App
then you need to know where in json tree is the start of key-value pair(dict) and array
then you will be able to parse it
Good afternoon @TarvoMäesepp
@AseedUsmani any help needed ?
I have created JSON tree on Firebase, I do know how to parse simple JSON data but I am clueless about trees.
Like, I need to keep working through the tree until I reach the leaf which would have an image and I'd display that.
If I am able to create a listView with items: Accomodation, Food. In onItemClickListener I want to access JSON inside that, then when either of the child item is clicked I want that URL value and display it. How to do that? Any tutorials?
@Erum slept
anyone worked here on google maps route making ?
need a small help !
@AseedUsmani Are you creating model classes from firebase json when you receive it?
Q: Draw a straight line on Google Map v2

developerHi i want to draw a straight line on Google Maps v2. And get all LatLng points from that line (Note : This is not simple drawing a line ....i want to get all step points). I searched google a lot but that give road routes ....i want straight line only(not by roads). This is code i am using: Pol...

Log.wtf :D
Hi @Khuong
Low salary here
Waiting for Apple :)) macrumors.com/2016/08/05/…
@developer I dont think that straight line is going to give your required information. May be you need to try something else for that
tried many refernces bro
from two days i am stuck on this small thing
i just want to draw a simple route btw two points and get all step points from that line
how much avarage salary for 1 year experience
I visited Da Nang last week
oops :))
beautiful ?
yes, I love there
@NightFury what a terrible failure
I come to visit my gf
aha... I see :))
Connect me on FB
@ColdFire I see :P
please give me your link :D
@developer okay
I don't see Lê Quý Sang
please search me
I am chatting with you
I don't see Add Friend Button
Your account is follow type
Please inbox
I've already inboxed
h r you
today i need your help on uiwebview cookie ;)
i am good thanks, you ?
I am also good
Do anyone of you know which could cause the behaviour like. If you search, the searched items are given but on click it opens different things
on chrome?
i found to functions for saving and loading uiwebview cookies i tried but nothing happen :(
i need to make separate cookie storage of every webview, mean they not share their cookies each other
use WKWebview
but i did't find much information about WKWebview as compare UIWebview so now what i can do? i just need functionality using wkwebview or uiwebview no matter
/search custom pool for cookie iOS WKWebview
Q: Getting all cookies from WKWebView

aporatwhile getting cookies from UIWebView seems straightforward by using NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage(), it seems WKWebView stores the cookies somewhere else. I did some research, and I was able to get some cookies from the grabbing it from NSHTTPURLResponse object. this, however, does...

this is ios app
i need functionality like that
@Kamini thanks let me check it
@ZAFAR007 :)
good morning
today I have a memory leak >_<
second time, while developing project
Wow, haven't seen you for a while :D
was busy
and wasted :D
hahh :D :D but your memory leak. Did you checked the instruments log?
don't worry, I don't need help
it's just a memory leak
Today I just checked memory leaks too :d Didn't find any
@DimaRostopira free ?
hey guys
@Shubhank happy independence day
Do you know how to unbind service from BroadCast receiver class ?
I think you just need context and service class to unbind. Since context is same, you can stop it anywhere
or may be you can send your activity a message to unbind service
7 players from pakistan for Olympics
on wild card
what a shame
ok, so why mentioning? :\
oly oly oly olyyyy

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