Yeah deadline @DimaRostopira, it was supposed to be till Wednesday morning but the other project wasn't completed either so they're still working on it so I got more time
Hangman games : 1176 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
Hangman games : 1176 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score Dima Rostopira (142 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
Hangman games : 1176 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score Olu (23 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
Hangman games : 1176 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score AseedUsmani (16 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
I have to implement uipagecontrol. But the requirement is the table view. In the 1st cell, there are three different types of assets(video,audio,image) when the user swipes to second then audio will be visible. like below image
This is my pieasce of code
func tableView(tableView: UITabl...
ok you need to load those asynchronously.. it isn't smooth because it is loading synchronously and cannot display the video preview, image, or audio until it has loaded
Hangman games : 1176 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
@Shubhank I get privileges to ban people and to reset hangman and a special annoy command that only I can use, and all punches and kills directed to me must be blocked, will list down more as I think :p
> Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
really, though, I ruined my marriage with that, countless friendships, and I was stupid over the weekend and relapsed and now I am trying to hold it together while withdrawing, and shit is hitting really badly, man...