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What does the Documentation page say.. are StackOverflow answers going to have versions like on GitHub?
dont care
Yeah deadline @DimaRostopira, it was supposed to be till Wednesday morning but the other project wasn't completed either so they're still working on it so I got more time
@Shubhank /joy
/joy @Shubhank
/love kamini
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
 |   |
- e - e - - - - - e -
 |   |
 |   O
- e - e - - - - - e -
 |   |
 |   O
- e - e - - a - - e -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- e - e - - a - - e -
Hangman hint : Daily Bugle
 |   |
 |  \O/
p e - e - p a - - e -
/hang peterparker
 |   |
 |  \O/
p e t e r p a r k e r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
n - - - -
 |   |
 |   O
n - - - -
 |   |
 |  \O/
n - - - -
Hangman hint : moon
 |   |
 |  \O/
n i g h t
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- i - - - -
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- i - - - -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- i - - - -
Hangman hint : cold
/hang winter
 |   |
 |  \O/
w i n t e r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- - u - u - -
/hang n
 |   |
 |   O
- - u - u - -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - u - u - -
Already used
Hangman hint : yesyou do
/hang yousuck
 |   |
 |  \O/
y o u s u c k
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Hangman hint : yesyou do
 |   |
- - - - i -
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - i -
/hang o
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - - - i -
Already used
Hangman hint : Nadal
/hang tennis
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
 |   |
 |  \O/
t e n n i s
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Hangman games : 1176
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
Hangman games : 1176
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score Dima Rostopira (142 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times)
Hangman games : 1176
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score Olu (23 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
i will change the words to like shubhank i love you
Your score Olu (23 times)
only way to stop her playing it
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Hangman games : 1176
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times) Your score AseedUsmani (16 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
/middlefinger Lone
@Lone ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮̄
i will get work from home too
@Shubhank Is there any prize announcement for first 3 people :P
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
Command not found... Sorry @LoneRanger Try again later
@BoominadhaPrakashM yes every one get to kill first 3 people
for an hour
yes, we will allow first 3 people to randomly dare one person
like you .. go and change your name to iSuck
that will have the access of all hangman data
I will dare Shubhank to change his picture to a duck lol
Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /byeishwarstyle /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /musicChannel /kissshubhank /helloAndroid /gmmzeinstyle
I love You Shubhu :* :* :* :* puccchhhiiii
this cat is scary
I have an image encoded in String fetched from a server stored in sphoto1, I have to put that in imageView - display. if I use


It works fine
But when I try to decode sphoto1 using Base64 class I get an IOException :/ Any idea why?
Aseed can make probably everyone asleep
How many hours a day do you sleep @Shubhank? :P
8 or 7
thats great
@AseedUsmani are you sure the data is valid base 64
As I am being told by the office peeps, yes :/
But yeah office peeps are not that trust-worthy :P
But guess there must be something wrong with the data. What else can an image in String format be?

P.S. : I do not need to solve this issue. This is purely for learning purpose. The App works fine if I use Picasso library.
I approved it
What's SO documentation?
A subsititute for official developers' documentation by google?
there is a page about it, if you read it you will know what it is
i'd be glad if it is, the present one is sucky
I am working I will read later :P
I have deadlines @DimaRostopira I am not my own boss :P
@Shubhank @ManishAndroid @LoneRanger @Bot @HimanshuJoshi @AshishKakkad @Lara @Amira @MZeinstra @Gerwin @SaadChaudhry @RobinHood @Duggu @iAsmi @snehalrokade @DipakDhondge @ALL "bByeieieie Friends Good Night Take Care Sweet Dreams, See you tomorrow... :) :) :)"
"bByieiei allzz see you tomorrow :) :)"
@Piraba welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Q: IOS PageControl - Smooth transition between pages inside the tableview

PirabaI have to implement uipagecontrol. But the requirement is the table view. In the 1st cell, there are three different types of assets(video,audio,image) when the user swipes to second then audio will be visible. like below image This is my pieasce of code func tableView(tableView: UITabl...

@Kamini Thank you
@Piraba :)
I need help
please any suggestion about my help
@Piraba why are you putting a page control inside a tableview?
my requrement is video and content should scroll
so part of the video only have to show the pagecontroller
I don't understand what your problem is?
that means, first part is video under the video the is the assignment description and below button
ok that actually was more confusing than your original post..
in the 1st section there is the 3 different types of assest. 1st is video the audio then image
just tell me what the problem is, I understand what your app does
in the 1st section have to show the page controll
ask the question.......
below part is just content, when user swipe below nothing won't happen
so that is the reason , i have gone to tableview
my question is
smoothness is not there when swipe to next page
are you loading the video, images, etc. from a url?
like IOS device , in the home screen when swipe to nect page you can feel smoothe
and both screen is partially visible
Video and audion image all loading from URL
any idea?
ok you need to load those asynchronously.. it isn't smooth because it is loading synchronously and cannot display the video preview, image, or audio until it has loaded
do you know what asynchronous and synchronous loading means @Piraba ?
yes asynchronous means synchronous with a extra a
No. i will share required image here
Piraba dont do that
@HimanshuJoshi there?
ok... lol
here you can see the next page design and previous page design
in btween you can see
in my code, i could not see that effects
@Piraba so it just pops to the next view without any animation?
Apple Dev membership is free?
apple and freee
god damn, so I can't implement deep links till I get it
Shubhank do you want to explain to Piraba what he is doing wrong
Dima its only $99 for the entire year
I better will spend 99$ on beer
i was not following
whats she doing wrong ?
i am hungry and its first day at office so i am not running around like i own the place yet
I know what @Piraba need
She is making a page controller and it doesn't animate when she swipes
well she isn't doing it right
she added her own swipe gestures to detect swiping left and right and then sets the page herself
troll are awesome
Shubhank did you get a new job???
congrats, what are you doing there?
sweeping floors
and taking out the trash
1) not sleeping whenever the f i can want
2) not eating whenever the f i can want
eventhough I applied animation
I didnt work
    UIView.animateWithDuration(10.0, animations: { () -> Void in
dont do that
how much view are in your view controllers
lagging animation main cause is you are doing too much processing on main thread
so make sure you do it in viewDidAppear and not in ViewDidLoad
I told her to load stuff async but the doesn't know what that is
is it possible to get above smothness from guster
^^^^ lol
@Shubhank there should be prize only for first :D
what's guster
it's loading in the dispatch_async
Hangman games : 1176
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (746 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (610 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (547 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (449 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (323 times)
@Shubhank GestureRecognizer
no. you need to understand what we are saying
heres the thing Piraba.. your approach is like 80% wrong to implement a page control
don't overload your main thread
other way you are wasting your time
@Amira what shall it be
@Shubhank I get privileges to ban people and to reset hangman and a special annoy command that only I can use, and all punches and kills directed to me must be blocked, will list down more as I think :p
I would suggest finding a new tutorial that does it correctly without gesture recognizers.. you shouldn't use gesture recognizers
I am totally mess-up
haha @Piraba yes, you just need to make that page control again from the beginning with another tutorial
@Amira its a tiny tiny little much dont you think
@MSU_Bulldog is it possible to show 1/2 page pagecontrol
don't think like that, just make a page control without gesture recognizers for the horizontal scrolling and it will behave like you want
Hi every one
@Shubhank Naah I don't think so :p
where di the bot go
What dijju do to my bot
> Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
kicking you for not following it
Shubhank laying down the law
 |   |
- - - k
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- - - k
/hang i
 |   |
 |   O
- i - k
Hint obscured till 2 lives left
/hang pick
 |   |
 |  \O/
- i - k
Hangman hint : take a off
i want
/hang sick
 |   |
 |  \O/
s i c k
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- - - t - -
 |   |
- a - t - -
 |   |
- a - t e -
 |   |
 |   O
- a - t e -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- a - t e -
Hangman hint : guru
/hang r
 |   |
 |  \O/
- a - t e r
/hang master
 |   |
 |  \O/
m a s t e r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- a - a
/hang t
 |   |
 |   O
- a - a
 |   |
 |  \O/
- a - a
Hangman hint : check the room
/hang k
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- a - a
/hang lara
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
l a r a
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- - - - - - - - t
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - - - - - t
 |   |
 |   O
- i - - - - - - t
 |   |
 |  \O/
- i - - - - - - t
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Hangman hint : i hate apple
/hang microsoft
 |   |
 |  \O/
m i c r o s o f t
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
 |   |
- - o o - - - o o
@DimaRostopira Command linus learned
/hang r
 |   |
 |   O
- - o o - - - o o
/hang a
/hang t
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - o o - - - o o
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- - o o - - - o o
Hangman hint : yikes
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
/hang scoobydoo
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
s c o o b y d o o
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
I sorry I have to bring this up, but has anyone here dealt with suicidal thoughts to the point that they checked themselves in before?
@blahfunk in that case I usually buy few packs of Prozac
One month - and I'm fine
but be sure to minimize usage before stop
wish it were that easy
It's that easy, prozac is great
a lot of the meds they give for mood stabilization fuck with my seizure medicine for epilepsy
then try MXE
it's illegal, but works great :D
I'm thinking of trying Bullet, 9mm size...
yes @Lara
don't ask Xamarin :P
@blahfunk heroin is better way to became dead :D
more fun, I think
lol, I don't know, it's question of taste :D
you like ot go donw. I like to go up...
really, though, I ruined my marriage with that, countless friendships, and I was stupid over the weekend and relapsed and now I am trying to hold it together while withdrawing, and shit is hitting really badly, man...
really really badly
actually, I like to go up, but amph's sucks, cocaine is much better
yeah, I ruined my marriage on crack. I couldn't even be sophisticated and do coke like a real person, I had to smoke crack...
that's how pathetic I was back then
Try to make coding meaning of your life
We all need something to live
@DimaRostopira A doubt in design
I fucking hate coding. Always have. This is just for the money, pure and simple
Bad. I love my work, I'm happy
@blahfunk Are you only doing it for money ?
so I can raise my two kids
Great !
whaaaaat? :D
you know

« first day (1219 days earlier)      last day (2764 days later) »