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@Sarah try to put cardview inside a layout
@Raees there?
Is there anyone who can provide a solution to this weird question that I wanna ask?
Need to think of a logic, I'm brain-tired :/
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/hang a
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/hang u
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Hangman hint : so many stars
/hang n
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Game over.. The word is milkyway
Is there anyone who can provide a solution to this weird question that I wanna ask?
Need to think of a logic, I'm brain-tired :/
@AseedUsmani android?
Basically its Java part
Through my App I open camera
in onActivityResult - this is some part of my code:
image_name = "image1";
compressedImage = compressImage(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/temp1.jpg");
my_image1 = set_image(compressedImage);
all three are Strings
OK, and what?
by compressImage function I'm trying to compress the image I got, in a new folder whose path is to be stored in compressedImage (which is String variable)
you got this part?
I got something similar in my app
so, what's the problem?
now I'm trying to encode the compressed image in my_image1 variable (base64)
I did get the compressed image saved in my device memory, but the line where I try to encode it crashes the app
Show the line
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.graphics.Bitmap.compress(android.graphics.Bitmap$CompressFormat, int, java.io.OutputStream)' on a null object reference
at parkaro.humans.tech.parkarosurvey.Paid_parkings.ParkingLotInsert.set_image(ParkingLotInsert.java:1547)
at parkaro.humans.tech.parkarosurvey.Paid_parkings.ParkingLotInsert.onActivityResult(ParkingLotInsert.java:670)
and log
yep, now line
Line 670 refers to my_image1 = set_image(compressedImage);
Where I called to set_image function
Line 1547 refers to a part of set_image function (sending in a min, its a small function)
OK, so Bitmap or the output stream is null
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
> Use Gist to share code in the chat.
Here is the set_image function
This works if I give it a hardcoded path of an image, I even tried uploading the encoded String on server and it worked
hello every one
Line 1547 refers to bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50, baos);
Hi @ArifNoumanKhan
Q: Bitmap is returning null from BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename)

Sumit PatelWhen I am calling this function there is no image in image view bitmapFactory.decodefile(filename) showing null .. please help for this. Here is my code : public Bitmap ShowImage(String imageName,String userImageName ) { File sdcard_mainDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorage...

You should rename yourself to ANK
Your image is big? Isn't it?
Photo from camera always big
Nop, I have already compressed it
Using the compress image function
Let me check how big the saved image is
i do use ANK every where @AseedUsmani but no here
But you compressing it after loading from file
32.92kB only!
Yeah that part independently works! So does the encoding part
You got 33Kb from camera? I don't believe
anyway, try code from answer
I think, you should use decodeFile, not decodeStream
Nop, I get around 3.5MB pics from camera
But I compressed that to 33kB and I'm trying to encode that 33kB pic
You getting null here Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis);
I have sent a link to SO question
4 mins ago, by Dima Rostopira
Q: Bitmap is returning null from BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename)

Sumit PatelWhen I am calling this function there is no image in image view bitmapFactory.decodefile(filename) showing null .. please help for this. Here is my code : public Bitmap ShowImage(String imageName,String userImageName ) { File sdcard_mainDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorage...

I'm getting FileNotFound Exception
You getting NullPointerException
10 mins ago, by AseedUsmani
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.graphics.Bitmap.compress(android.graphics.Bitmap$CompressFormat, int, java.io.OutputStream)' on a null object reference
at parkaro.humans.tech.parkarosurvey.Paid_parkings.ParkingLotInsert.set_image(ParkingLotInsert.java:1547)
at parkaro.humans.tech.parkarosurvey.Paid_parkings.ParkingLotInsert.onActivityResult(ParkingLotInsert.java:670)
I'm getting both now
Isn't it possible that due to FileNotFound Exception I'm getting NullPointer Exception?
@Pirate welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
That's straight forward YES
thank @Kami
@Shubhank share link to cpature image and then get image name from bundle using intentn
You getting image from camera through intent, so you should put desired size in intent extra
So you the system will resize image for you
@Kamini :)
Before I applied this method I tried my best to compress via intents :/
            photoPickerIntent.putExtra("scale", true);
            photoPickerIntent.putExtra("max-width", 300);
            photoPickerIntent.putExtra("max-height", 300);
No distortion?
I use this
works perfect
Oh, no, wait
Why did no one at my workplace try this before, weird :/
distortion will be, if you put both max w and h
@DimaRostopira u using intent camera ?
I was given this project to fix the image issue, their method of compression sucked as it distorted the images
nope, I'm using pick from gallery
So i applied my own which didn't
you working with people, who thinks, that shouldn't learn something new, if they already have work
Yeah I guess, while I'm just an intern
So all their 100s of lines of code was useless lol
How old are they? 30+ ?
i m capture image from camera using intent built in camera features here is the code gist.github.com/engr-erum/e1e902c32885675ce7d589ab699828f2 @DimaRostopira
Nop, around 27
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t - - - t
Hangman hint : .show()
/hang toast
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t o a s t
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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o w l
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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/hang n
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Game over.. The word is microsoft
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/hang microsoft
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This should work just fine?
Intent takePhotoIntent=new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
takePhotoIntent.putExtra("scale", true);
takePhotoIntent.putExtra("max-width", 768);
takePhotoIntent.putExtra("max-height", 1024);
startActivityForResult(takePhotoIntent, 1);
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@AseedUsmani yep, and should return you bitmap, not path to file
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Yeah that would do
/hang l
@Shock_N745 welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Hangman hint : deadly air
/hang pollution
/hang pollution
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p o l l u t i o n
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Hangman games : 1102
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (706 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (505 times) _ 3rd : Boominadha Prakash M (497 times) Your score Amarbir Singh (421 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (379 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (307 times)
@AseedUsmani but you should set only max-height, because most camera apps support at least 2 aspect ratios
@HimanshuJoshi Yup
and you can't be sure, that it will be portrait orientation)
@Lara Good, then your IQ must have been improved now :P
@LoneRanger How's kido?
only chill timing has been increased uptill now :P
how you came back? go away
shoo :P
ha ha
life got busy without any work :P
@LESANG After a long time
Still coding or left?
left then code
code and left
left then right
right then left
hi 0/
hellos :)
ethey rakh
Aoa hru
how are you :)
kheryt Allah ka karam
how is your job going
Hey.. @Lara
Damn 1 more stupid Q. I have image in Uri, how to save that :P
@LESANG create a clone of pokemon go, name it pokemon loo :P
@Lara going great, hows yours
@Olu hey Good eve
pokemon, I don't understand it
not impress
@SaadChaudhry going fine uptill now
@AseedUsmani getData() ?
It impressing the many part of the world
now how to save this? I have done this in the past when I first learnt to use camera but now I'm fricking confused. Office time is almost over
wait, I forget
mb Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.getContentResolver(), imageUri);
@Lara any plans for lhr
Currently diffiicult for me still :(
Amira <3
:) wassup
how r u
where r u
Workin....got bored
You tell
nothing, kinda just passing time
Brb...meanwhile find some good joke pls :p
hello guys
Le ji :P
Hello arif
Bye Arif
Arif you are from which city?
@Raees good you say
@LoneRanger turr turr
@Amira jhissss jhissss
here web there web everywhere web :D
Old Lone Ranger had a naala EIEIO
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
I am lonely lonely angel... Come and save me before I fall apart ໒( •́ ‸ •̀ )७
lap lappa lap lapppa lara lap pa pa pa lappa
-_- that's not me ok
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
@iShwar how are you bro how is pune?
@LoneRanger hey hi bro.. i am fantastic.. pune is juzzz coooll as usual.. how about you, where are you now adays
@Lara now you shifted to afternoon
Olu poluuu
nopes haven't
@Amira hahahah thats youuuuu :D :P
@Lara peshawar
i recall by 12:00 EAT your not on anymore
whats changed
ok saad thanks
@iShwar in gurgaon aka gurugram ;)
haha (y)
Well Olu, actually ramadan were going on those days, so I was doing shift of 7 hrs. Now back to normal timing
lull rajat
I guess thats a good thing then
@DimaRostopira I'm still getting 3MB pics even though I have set max-height to 1024
hm, strange
And now I just got one of 7MB xD
Never before my camera has been clicking pic so large xD
This is funny. It's just a 13MP camera
just 13Mp
@DimaRostopira do you have some working code which clicks an image from camera and saves it to desired resolution?
What times :D
I have, but only for picking from gallery
Yeah these days even mid-range smartphones are having 16-18 MP cameras
I have 21Mp
@LoneRanger great
I meant from 13MP camera you hardly get 5MB pics
good to hear that
But I really don't understand, who needs resolution like that
Yes that's what I meant. 13MP isn't too great these days
Ooh raees is here today :p :p
Clarity bro, when you click scenic images
@LoneRanger @Lara @Shubhank @HimanshuJoshi See this
Phone Photography is also an art :P Carrying a DSLR isn't handy always
@Raees already seen :P
lol wish I was in Chennai :P Extra holiday!
these NCR ppl are boring
@LoneRanger I don't support piracy :P
rockstar girl
@Raees holiday due to film release? o_0
Damn, why setting isHidden don't make my UIView visible?
check its alpha value
The blue one looks like raju's daughter and white color dress looks like anum :P
may be size as well
alpha =1
@Lara Its not just a movie, its Rajnikanth ;)
Ah, that was out of bounds
okie cool you figured out
But with UISearchController that don't works(
It's always visible
umm dont know about that
evening blahfunk
I wish. I am not looking forward to the rest of this week. weekend, definitely, but htis week? Can I just sleep the rest of it off?
Got It?
umm ok
uuiiiimaaaa ok
@DimaRostopira error was in file path xD
Office hours should be a little less and they should serve tea more often :P
Is anyone able to answer this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38450405/xcode-gps-simulation
I'm sure someone can answer that question. Do I get points for answering @Pigman168 's question?
You get hugs and rainbows
damnit. I don't need anymore rainbows...
Limited offer
@Kamini kill me
@AseedUsmani Stay away!
@Kamini /kill @AseedUsmani
@AseedUsmani dont u ever dare to ping me again.
the gay alliance just moved in next door. There is no more space to put anymore rainbows...
/kill @AseedUsmani
You do not have permission to use kill. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
@blahfunk Interested in unicorns?
I mean, even their house is rainbow'ed
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
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o... haha, very funny. Unicorns, what kinda fool do you think I am? Last time you tried to do that, I spent a night at the vet getting them to carefully remove the horn you had glued onto that horse's head
But it looks the same!
a French horn doesn't look anything like the horn of a unicorn... how you even glued it on is still a wonder in itself.
I used the stickiest & cheapest substance available
"work work work work work work"
Twerk-twerk-twerkin dat unicorn
@AseedUsmani my office hours from 10am to 5pm with unlimited tea and coffee :P
@DimaRostopira 9am to 6:30pm here :/ I'm an intern, I just take tea when they offer lol :P
i have another project with google map , it is possible to use that google map api key for my new project ?
@AseedUsmani I'm lead dev
actually, no other devs here :D
Yeah lead dev always bullying juniors @DimaRostopira
oh LOL
@DimaRostopira is it possible or not
@ShaileshLimbadiya it is
no, it's not possible
create a different key
Ohh wait yeah its not
and know what? @ShaileshLimbadiya
@DimaRostopira LOL
the most useful pic there
Senior developers wouldn't believe when interns come up with a new technique
I was supposed, that /humans command will let understand people, that kamini is bot. But people are too stupid
And yesterday we got some problem in R file and the blame came on me :/
likes me
problem in R? Isn't it generated automatically?
I dont know, when I showed up this morning I was told that I messed up with the R file

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