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I learned everything about Android and Java by blog articles and SO. But with iOS I give up
Watching video on YouTube
In last video I watched man said "See? See? That's how it's simple! Let's compile! Hmmm, why it doesnt work? Wtff??"
what are you working on
I'm learning now
I can't work like this
what you learnin
Core Graphics
that will be tough
core graphics API is tough in iOS. custom drawing is tough in android too
you need to figure out the paths. angles and the fill color and stff
/greet Aarti
hey @Aarti, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
0_o In Android it was very simple to learn
its in iOS too. if you are just drawing a circle
I just need semi-transparent green-circle :D
hmm. should be easy enough
whats the code
do it quick though. leaving in 2 min
In android I done that with 30 lines of code
@Lara lol why me mad?
gist: daf5d52c41c5d15e12056dfe6aac11f6, 2016-07-19 08:07:07Z
public class CircleView extends View {
    public float radius;
    public Point center;
    private Paint paint;

    public CircleView(Context context, AttributeSet attrSet) {
        super(context, attrSet);
        radius = 0;
        center = new Point();
        paint = new Paint();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        radius = (float)(Math.min(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight())*0.4);
        RadialGradient gradient = new RadialGradient(
                center.x, center.y, radius,
                Color.argb(90, 0, 255, 0),

        canvas.drawCircle(center.x, center.y, radius, paint);
/punch @Lara
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Lara
@DimaRostopira ok. gradient
you can do it easily in iOS too
just make a view with gradient shape ca layer
Nice, but my problem not with code
and then round the edges using corner raidus
my problem with XCode
it never does what I want
ok. good luck. i will be back later
/punch @Shubhank
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Shubhank
@RicardoAlves do you have Pikachu? I caught one today)
@AartiWale hey
hey @ankitagrawal
AOA, Hi @all
hi @SaadChaudhry
hey ankit, aarti
I hv a quest ......... wht is store in a variable before initialize
in c language
hi!! can anyone help me how to store value in edit field while moving from one to another fragment. stackoverflow.com/questions/6787071/…
@UchihaSasuke welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
depends on variable
@AartiWale didn't understand
extra is used while using intent @UchihaSasuke
int x;
wht it vl print ?
@Arti @ankit i dont want to tranfer data ..i just required to store value in edit field..
@UchihaSasuke use sharedpref man
so u want to say in c before initialize it default value is 0@ankitagrawal
@AartiWale yeah if it is int
and ru sure there is no null value in c
bcz I dnt get any warning will compile
null value is something that points to nothing
@ankitagrawal what the point of shared pref?
@Lara What kind of app?
@Shubhank kitna thoosega? :P
@UchihaSasuke use static variable
so wht happen when we multiply it with some value ?
@DimaRostopira it's not working when i am coming back from previous fragment
static variable? Don't working? 0_o
@DimaRostopira not yet. my gf just caught a magma on her desk at work XD
@RicardoAlves few days ago I caught aerodactyl on office desk
I haven't been going out, so I didn't caught to much lately
But I've caught pikachu with cheat :D Mock Locations hidden with Xposed
@DimaRostopira I want apk
cn u share with me
Apk of what? Mock?
nope Pokémon go game :P
@AartiWale it get multiply by 0
not in your store yet? @AartiWale
@RicardoAlves not in india yet
@RicardoAlves not in india yet
not in my country yet too
XCode driving me mad
I just put a view - it's OK, appearing
I Ctrl+drag to super view, and selected - center horizontally, center vertically
and it's dissappeared
In android studio I could just put it in center - and it will be always in center, on any screen
@DimaRostopira Check you have added any view above that center view
I've checked, not so stupid, as you think
I'm don't asking for help
just blaming XCode
 |   |
 |  \O/
g - - - - -
Already used
 |   |
 |  \O/
g i - - - -
Hangman hint : share code
/hang github
 |   |
 |  \O/
g i t h u b
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Failed to solve word in time. Booo
/jomble apple
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /byeishwarstyle /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /musicChannel /kissshubhank /helloAndroid /gmmzeinstyle
Oh no, @Sarah, I always had problems with recycler
And with all front-end part :D
how about u @GaneshKumar
@Sarah what are you talking about
i'm going to implement on click on items in recyclerview i did but i it doesn't run anymore
@Sarah ask @SureshKumar he is the one
i think he work on ruby and rail
yes he knows android too
@SureshKumar welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
i can help
@Kamini hii
@GaneshKumar blah blah blah blah blah
@SureshKumar thank u mr. Suresh
i have problem with recyclerview
I saw your gist
im going to implement onclick on items
if this worked before and now it doesn't then it's related to theme or unsupported library/dependencies
@SureshKumar i did exactly like that question you shared
but get same
the onclick doens't trigger anymore
but it was working before ?
the onclick doens't trigger anymore
Ok i found the Issue
the UserViewHolder should be an abstract class as per standards .
instead of extending from Recyclerview.Adapter use BaseAdapter and use the method
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

THis should work
but baseAdapter is for listview
@MichaelDautermann zzzzzzzz
@DaveRandom welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
lol I guess you're doing OK with your bot then :-)
@Sarah Why dont you use Recycler View on Item Click listener on activity ?
recyclerView.addOnItemTouchListener(new RecyclerItemClickListener(this, this));
because i need to know which items is clicked
public void onItemClick(View childView, int position) {
// Do something when an item is clicked.

public void onItemLongPress(View childView, int position) {
// Do another thing when an item is long pressed.
You can get position returned
but it's not in activity it's in fragment
that can be done in fragment too
hi guys
i integrate in-app in my app. app is developed in android studio.
now i require to specify VersionCode and VersionName in manifest file ? because it is already specified in gradle file
@ShaileshLimbadiya you shouldn't put anything in manifest, it will be replaced with gradle values during build
i am doing this kind of things first so i don't know more about this
thank you @DimaRostopira
xamarin constraints are confusing for me :( Can you suggest some good tutorial?
In xcode, everything was clear, whom is hooked to what. yahan to pta he nh chlta :\
time is wasting lol
@AbhishekMishra welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
have seen first one. let me 2nd one thnx
weird constraints :\
@Kamini Ok i understand thanks... :)
@AbhishekMishra :)
@Kamini What to do and what not to do here?
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
what are you trying to clean rajat? Some dust over your lappy? :P
i want to clean all humans :P
someone has to clean the mess
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
is kamini a human or a computer program??
she's talking like a robot :D
can someone help me in swift, xcode?
@jasbath welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@PriyantaSingh hey
kamini is a human
hmm may be :-!
@Lara Does swift support method overloading? :P
@Kamini is a stupid guy :D
@HitCat blah blah blah blah blah
@HimanshuJoshi it even support operators overloading
Dont know much about swift
It supports BTW
interview question :P
Swift is great
But Xcode sucks
Swift is great because it has many helper methods which make things easy
It's much like C#
It's much like Python
I love both, C# and Python
Python, you can say coz of language def and practises
@Lara is still have problem with recyclerview i post my question here would u plz to help me
Q: RecyclerView itemclick doesn't respose click

Sarahim going to implement onItemClick in recyclerview but i don't know why it doesn't response to click event. i also used Log,Snackbar and finaly toast to see the result but all result was same it doesn't response to click. here is my code: my cardView: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <andr...

but c# has many useful methods and properties in its farameworks
Most of all I like extension feature
But wondering, why there are not transient keyword
app extension or class extension?
class extension I mean
ok, you can make transient in core data properties
I don't use CoreData, because I'm using Firebase
WTF, why everyone is using Firebase :(
Because it's awesome
I will also try it
It's wasn't so awesome, before Google bought it
But now it's integrated with all google services
This is MY Special Room 3:) :-
@Sarah try to put on name
what do u mean @RituNagpal
hey androidians... how can we create a pentagon shape background
click listener on txtProfileName @sara
@GurpreetKaur u need to go "pentagon city" for this
thanks for the suggestion @HitCat but not feasible
@RituNagpal got it but it will be my last trick, good note
@Sarah Your code seems right to me.. May be you can try putting listener in adapter? Just a suggestion
@GurpreetKaur you mean drawable pentagon?
Q: Android: Drawing custom shapes

Rohan KandwalI want to draw a custom shape like this-. One option is to make each shape in photoshop individually and then use it in coding but I want to know that is it possible to draw this using xml? How should I draw the shape like this? Don't expect complete code, just give me idea or point me in the r...

@Lara recently one of my friend suggested me this link hastebin.com/tosumimuxe.java but i get same
@GurpreetKaur this can give you idea
the difference is that i use fragment instead of activity
your recycler is rendering items correctly/
Invite somewhere else please. Thanks
@Lara do u with me
thanks @Lara
Sorry? That wasn't for you
@Lara any lib that optimize image size by doing lossless compression?
like imageAlpha and ImageOptim
I think kundan has idea about that
@HimanshuJoshi I ran my xamarin first application, and it told me to update to el capitan :'(
that's total bull**** :(
it took whole 1.5days in setup

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