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And 128 is overkill
I need more RAM
how much ?
And that Mac will be perfect
how much ram you have ?
4Gb have now
8 GB is needed for AS
ahhh add 4 more
AS runs perfect on 4
8GB RAM + Intel I7 is enough
Intel i7, yep
And really need second monitor
intell i3 is even enough if you have ssd and 8 gb ram
I use 16 GB ram in my Macbook Pro
oooh, I forget, XCode eats lot of ram
I regret buying a MAC
XCode SUCKS a lot of RAM :D
because of the ability to edit documents
go buy Microsoft Office
I would buy Microsoft Surface 3
and put linux on it
so you can have Word
Ms office costs around 30K INR
what is INR?
lol, somebody pay for MS?
Indian Ruppees
indian rupies
thats 446 US $$$$
MS Office only costs around $130 in the US
ahhhh man still 53 % to go :( downloading mac captain blah blah
6 plus gb :|
MS Office costs 0$ in Ukraine xD
did you steal it?
I guess he did
@Microsoft WE FOUND A THIEF!!!!
:D :D
no one pays for microsofts products here in asia i guess
@MSU_Bulldog I'm not a thief
I'm using linux
and GoogleDocs
libre office is free and comes with linux any distro ...
T type is interesting in Swift
:D microsoft should do the same
GoogleDocs is free and built in Chrome OS
@MSU_Bulldog will you agree with me, if I say, that MS sucks?))
As a whole yes.. but I don't mind MS Word or Excel
OK, but now we have something common :D
ha we do
I find MS to be good enough to use
Better than other text editors out there
WeirdNerd like Internet Explorer :D
Vim is best text editor
@WeirdNerd I can't open your project
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- - - e
/hang pole
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 |   O
- - - e
/kill @Amira for no hi hello
/hang o
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira for no hi hello
hate you
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 |  \O/
- - - e
@DimaRostopira Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@DimaRostopira Are you getting any error ?
Shush.Lemme play ya all ><
@MSU_Bulldog Bot Awaken
Hangman hint : binary 100
@WeirdNerd there are no build.gradle
/hang four
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 |  \O/
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- - - e
and other files
Oh ok wait
I can't debug it, if I can't open it in android studio
/hang i
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 |  \O/
 |   |
- i - e
I will send you again
yep, actually can, if I create new project, and put your files here
/hang fire
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 |  / \
- i - e
Game over.. The word is five
/hang n
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- - - - o o -
@DimaRostopira Please give me 5 mins
lol you guessed four
/hang n
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- - - - o o -
/hang r
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 |  \O/
- - - - o o -
/hang monsoon
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 |  \O/
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- - - - o o -
/annoy amira
@amira Arent you stupid
S2pid is @amira
/hang d
Just joking you suckk too @amira
Hangman hint : CEO
/hang timcook
/kill amira
/hang timcook
oh its timcook
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
- - - - o o -
Game over.. The word is timcook
 |   |
- - - d - - - - - - - d
tim cock
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @amira
:( no one lets me play
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 |   O
- - - d - - - - - - - d
Dima you were reported yesterday
@amira You are stupid
and you got suspended for 30 minutes while you weren't even on
/hang i
I don't care
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - - d - - - - - - - d
Hangman hint : underground
@MSU_Bulldog I even forget, what I did
/hang needforspeed
/hang needforspeed
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 |  \O/
n e e d f o r s p e e d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Himanshuuuu go sleep
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d - - - -
This hangman is really irritating now
@MSU_Bulldog and know what?
It is cutting off conversations
I'm annoyed now too
@MSU_Bulldog changing frame don't working =P
/annoy amira
@amira Happy birthday to you :)
yes it does.. you are just doing it wrong
@amira Happy birthdayy to you :)
I wont telll annyoneee how ugly are youu @amira
    searchController.view.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 45, width: 250, height: 80)
does it wrong?
Happyyy birthdayyy to dear @amira
not 45......
why not 45?
you need to set the y coordinate to be 20 pixels + searchbar.frame.origin.y
    searchController?.searchBar.frame = CGRect(x: 25, y: 25, width: 250, height: 80)
do 100
do 150
to make sure it works
@DimaRostopira SEnt to your email . please check
also you don't need to set the frame of the search bar, you need to set the frame of the results table view
@DimaRostopira convert this to Swift: stackoverflow.com/a/9199939/3543861
/kill @Amira
OK, I'm not sure, but think, that tried that too
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira
no you haven't tried it.. bc thats the right way to fix it
@WeirdNerd nope, nothing in my inbox
Google attachment failed
Sent you a google drive link
you see SearchResultsViewController has a tableview to show its results.. you need to set the tableview y origin value to be below the search bar y value
@WeirdNerd got it now
@MSU_Bulldog understand, will try
That is the whole project
let me guess, you are using Windows?
what happen ?
Don't use rar
Had no other choice
support of it in other platforms are terrible
Suggest me some
zip is good
Hmmm Ok :)
@WeirdNerd just imagine, if I send you a tar.gz
I open with RAR :P LOL
tar.gz messy too on widows
Just kidding
@WeirdNerd you use WinRAR?
Have you bought it?
On windows it works fine
Nope cracked
Just kidding ..
Trial version
Forever trial :D
Infinite trial
he changes his clock back every 30 days
Only some features remain after the trial expires
this is how it works for RAR
@MSU_Bulldog That doesn't work
it was a joke....
:P :P I know that :P
Before it seriously used to work but not now
@WeirdNerd Have you tried to fix it yourself?
What ? The code ??
yeah back in the day some software you could get away with that.. and on your phone you can do stuff like that for some apps
@DimaRostopira ?
stopping music after activity close
music.stop = YES
What are you experiencing ?
Compiling now))
@MSU_Bulldog don't you think, that YES and NO instead of true and false - is very strange?
in swift there are only true and false, so, be prepared xD
@DimaRostopira When in the music player pull the notification, the music stops, but again you click on the play button it does not play the song
yes I've noticed.. I'm used to using either one
I mean when you click on the close button in the notification
empty screen
no mp3 on sdcard
Add some files
now it's crashing
go the DDMS and add some there :)
Oh I wondering why i
DDMS? wat is dat
It's null pointer here
You must fix it
Is it just because of no files in sd card
Where is the null pointer ?
one is here
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "null"
at java.lang.Integer.invalidInt(Integer.java:138)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:358)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:334)
at com.media.khanware.fragmentdemo.MainActivity.getListOfSongsFromDevice(MainActivity.java:214)
at com.media.khanware.fragmentdemo.MainActivity.checkPermissions(MainActivity.java:193)
at com.media.khanware.fragmentdemo.MainActivity.onCreate(MainActivity.java:154)
at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5990)
I did not get an error there
Because there are no files that is the reason you are getting an error
I use Xperia Z1 with 5.1.1
Nope, there is a file
on sdcard
It must show them right ?
But it just crashing
It is showing in mine
Know a joke about proger, who became a firefighter?
Call in 911:
- Help, there is building in front of mine on fire!!
- Strange... I have the same building in front of mine - and it's OK
you want a screenshot ??
lol, no
I just testing
Nope, it not running
You can put some files in emulator and then test it
It ll work fine
I don't understand the joke...
@MSU_Bulldog "cannot reproduce"
@WeirdNerd emulator - it's like pornhub instead of sex
@DimaRostopira Ok While you test it.. Is the code fine Like is the unbinding and all other things fine ?
^^ those are the kinds of things that will get you flagged lol
@MSU_Bulldog lol, what? Are you crazy?
So, if I wrote "penis" - someone get offended?
I'm offended
^^ that offends me too
Making fun of me being offended offends me
I'm wondering, what people like that do in real life?
ХУЙ - on every fence of Russia
lol they just flag people and cry all day
Do they walk with bunch of flags?
I think, in real life they are very aggressive
they probably put that flag in someones ass
@WeirdNerd the first thing I see - your app 5Mb
we have 2 moderators just creeping in the room listening
but nothing here
@DimaRostopira Something bad ?
@WeirdNerd do you know why?
why apk is big?
Because of the images ?
Then ?
All of your added libraries - compiling and puting in
It takes time to compile each time
Oh ..I am doing something wrong ??
it takes size
Yeah, you haven't configured proguard
then write code
Right now I am concentrating on the functionality alone
RTFM ? @DimaRostopira
read the fu*ing manual (hope, you will not get offended)
I thought so
I am a beginner dude and I did not know about it
Just advice
But you really should learn it at the begging
Ok..but I haven't even completed my app
Better to master it now
that's why I did not learn
OK fine I will do it
I had a project
and it was 9k lines of codes
and tone of libraries
it was compiling for 20m
I lost hours of time, bcz haven't read a manual
But it worked perfectly, really
functionality and other things
Great !
So how is my code ? I know that it is not effective enough
Just a feedback would help me !
I deleted app
And compiling it again
and now what? 3 times in row - compiling error
and now it's crashed :D
What are you guys arguing about?
@DimaRostopira I think we can chat separately Ok ???
I will create a sep room here
I think, you should post it on github
Use hangouts
on same email
Here ?
Please please
Hello guys
almost time to go home for the day
No letter...
/hang e
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d e - - -
/hang r
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 |   O
d e - - -
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d e - - -
Hangman hint : capital
/hang delhi
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 |  \O/
d e l h i
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
Solve the jumble: a/cat/a/sat/hours/climbed/and/there/tree/for
Time Left : 90 seconds
/jumble a cat sat and there climbed for a tree
Penalty 1 Time Left : 52.094 seconds
/jumble a cat sat for hours and climbed
Failed to solve word in time. Booo
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 28 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then

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