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but your problem was, that music stoped playing
so I will read again
If you were playing the Grateful Dead, the Music Never Stops!
Music should stop when the user clicks on the close button in the notification
When I exit the activity the music stops
and if you playing The Doors, music is your only friend
public void validate() throws InterruptedException {

wat is zat
I will comment this one
Not needed
I used it only for checking
mmmm, where do you pass song?
and what type you pass? Uri/File?
I am only passing the song path from main activity
Yeah gimme a min
From the frag here
Got it ?
Inside the on Item click
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
Got it
that was less than 10 lines
and he already put in gist
it's to @blahfunk
um... it was over 10?
well over it?
Ok see the code under onItemClick method
as people say here
You can find the code there
анус себе почисть, пґс
So now you must be pretty clear with what I am doing
not sure if you wanna keep that there, considering how google translates it
lol, google translate always wrong
and don't know russian memes
I know it is, but what is coming up doesn't bode well in chat
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
nope, I can't delete it know
but nobody cares
@WeirdNerd damn, I can't found anything strange
You mean the code is supposed to work as it should
all looks OK
I read it 3 times
all files
from first to last line
But I don't understand why does the music stop when the activity quits
I'm too :D
Is it because of this START_NOT_STICKY
I was thinking about that, but I think no
try step-by-step debugging
and add logging in each method at least
I am getting mad at this
there are better things to get mad over. getting mad at this will not benefit the outcome in any fashion
I mean when things are fine and still nothing works out, makes me wonder what is wrong
hello evey one
Will return in 5 minutes
Ok waiting for you
@DimaRostopira Only while pressing the back button and coming out of the activity the music stops
onDestroy method is commented in my code
@DimaRostopira Where do I unbind the service ?
mmm, sorry, but I can't catch this
and it's 22:30 on my clock
Ok but just tell me where do I unbind the service ?
This is enough
Don't use service binding
try broadcasting intents with actions
For me it's always worked
But if you really want use service binding, give me all project and I will try to debug it tomorrow
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Tell me what do you need ?
all project in zip. To run it and debug
@DimaRostopira Your email ID ?
I'm going to sign Dima up for a bunch of newsletters on his email
you can remove it
I don't care, really
good night, buds
@DimaRostopira i wont miss you. you can go.
@Kamini suck my balls\
@DimaRostopira Speak english
@DimaRostopira Oii.. that hurts
@Kamini yeah, bcz my balls bigger, than you mouth :D
@DimaRostopira i will call the mods on you
 |   |
- r - - - - - - r
/hang e
 |   |
- r - - e - - - r
@Kamini call your mother first
@DimaRostopira Please dont ping.. i hate you :p
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- r - - e - - - r
@Kamini I hate you too
@DimaRostopira Speak english
/hang s
 |   |
 |   O
- r - - e s s - r
do you do this normally, @DimaRostopira? get drunk and banter a bot?
/hang processor
 |   |
 |   O
p r o c e s s o r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
@blahfunk lol, yeah
why not?
I have no girlfriend
and working for 12 hours a day, with no weekends
hey, there's a project you should go pick up
a gf, or bf if that's your tastes
Yesterday I was looked in eyes of reality
Sent you
And I think - I just can't create iOS copy of my 10k lines project in 1,5 month
JSONException: Value [{"3":"imgRoom.jpg","id":"5","2":"ssaaa","1":"apple","0":"5","4":"20160714011530‌​","name":"apple","chatdesc":"ssaaa","image":"imgRoom.jpg","chatdate":"20160714011‌​530"}] at 0 of type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject
can anybody help me
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@Sarah nope, I'm too drunk to help
lol drunk
@ArifNoumanKhan where are u
what did u drink @DimaRostopira
too much beer
too strong beer
I don't even know
know what
i m right here @Sarah where were you
my partner said "I know a place, where beer is really tasty"
and that's all
@ArifNoumanKhan @DimaRostopira is drunk lol
but that was really tasty
ahhhh, I don't care
go to sleep
/slap @DimaRostopira
good night friends
@DimaRostopira i will miss you
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
@Kamini suck it
@DimaRostopira blah blah blah blah blah
lol @DimaRostopira drunk again
now go to sleep bro @DimaRostopira
@ArifNoumanKhan do u know where is my problem
the type of json
im in doubt it should be like this
or like that i shared
@ArifNoumanKhan you know
so what to do
u need to fix it
exactly get error on this
JSONObject jobject = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
@ArifNoumanKhan plz be serious
im in trouble
u posted 3 different json ! so how can i figure it out which one is correct
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
ok you need to parse the string to json object and then get the array out of it and then your code is ok
you are parsing json object into json array thats why exception arises
you mean pars string to json object in array
i mean parse the whole damn string to json object and then get the json array result from that object
"Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an optional value" how do I find out which value is causing the error
and then your for loop
/kill @Amira how would i know
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira how would i know
 |   |
- - n - -
/hang e
 |   |
- - n - e
/hang r
 |   |
 |   O
- - n - e
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- a n - e
/hang d
 |   |
 |   O
d a n - e
/hang c
 |   |
 |   O
d a n c e
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- - o - - -
Amira can't handle watching someone else play hangman
:p ....
See my question...can u help
Amira doesn't the app crash and highlight a line of code in red??
No, it crashes but opens up some gibberish.
set breakpoints in your code to find out the block of code that it crashes in.. then you will be able to narrow down exactly which variable is causing the crash
Hmm ok
I hate swift
Hate it
me too
Hate it a lot
but debugging is the same whether its obj-c or swift
Obj c didn't have wrapping optional value thingy
yeah thats dumb
I have no idea why swift does that
everyone hates it
that Sia song was on the radio again during break... again stuck in my head today. Was stuck there when I came in the office this morning... now again at final break...
No letter...
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- - o - - -
/hang r
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - o - - -
Hangman hint : scary
/hang ghosts
 |   |
 |  \O/
g h o s t s
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
 |   |
- - - - k
/hang c
 |   |
- - - c k
/hang i
 |   |
 |   O
- - - c k
/hang o
 |   |
 |   O
- - o c k
/hang l
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - o c k
Hangman hint : cant react
/hang shock
 |   |
 |  \O/
s h o c k
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
Shubhank broke the reset hangman command
Mama's got a squeezebox. Daddy never sleeps at night!
are u there
/kill @Sarah
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Sarah
/kill @ArifNoumanKhan
You do not have permission to use kill. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
and that's that
/t3 challenge @ArifNoumanKhan
Duel initiated. @ArifNoumanKhan, Sarah has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 @Sarah
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 challenge @Sarah
Duel initiated. @Sarah, Sarah has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
There's a bug
Initiating game between Sarah and Sarah. Sarah mark is O. Sarah goes first! Each player gets 30 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 challenge @Sarah
/t3 1-1
Sorry, Sarah failed to respond in time. Sarah wins the game!
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 accept
@Sarah You are not null. Back off!
do again
wow @Sarah you suck and rule at that game simultaneously!
/t3 challenge @Sarah
Duel initiated. @Sarah, Arif Nouman Khan has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
Initiating game between Sarah and Arif Nouman Khan. Sarah mark is X. Sarah goes first! Each player gets 30 seconds to make a move. Not responding will lead to the other player win automatically. Game ON!
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
||   |   |   ||
/t3 1-1
||   |   |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
now your turn
worst square to pick first
|| O |   |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   |   |   ||
quickly have 30min
/t3 2-1
|| O |   |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   | X |   ||
|| O | O |   ||
||   | X |   ||
||   | X |   ||
game is set now... no winners
/t3 1-0
|| O | O |   ||
|| X | X |   ||
||   | X |   ||
|| O | O | O ||
|| X | X |   ||
||   | X |   ||
Arif Nouman Khan won the game.  i always knew Sarah was going to lose :p
my first game ever
/t3 challenge @ArifNoumanKhan
Duel initiated. @ArifNoumanKhan, Sarah has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/kill @Olu
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Olu
/t3 accept
@ArifNoumanKhan You are not ArifNoumanKhan. Back off!
/t3 1-1
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 challenge @ArifNoumanKhan
A challenge has already been initated. Please wait for it to be declined to initiate a new one.
accept arif
/t3 accwpt
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe. To play a solo game with AI use /t3 solo. If you want to challenge a opponent use /t3 challenge @<username>.
/t3 accept
@ArifNoumanKhan You are not ArifNoumanKhan. Back off!
/t3 challenge @ArifNoumanKhan
Duel initiated. @ArifNoumanKhan, Sarah has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
you do late
/t3 accept
@ArifNoumanKhan You are not ArifNoumanKhan. Back off!
dont want to play
who are u
send me challenge
your problem solved i think ? @Sarah
hi @Olu how are you
the way i told ?
and shot me out
Good to be alive right about now!
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
/loveyou @Kamini
@LiquidPenguin give me your email.. i need to tell something :p
that's just nasty @Shubhank
 |   |
- - - - - - i - - -
/hang a
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - - - i - - -
 |   |
 |   O
- e - - - - i - - -
 |   |
 |   O
t e - t - - i - - t
/hang o
 |   |
 |  \O/
t e - t - - i - - t
Hangman hint : OTA
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
t e - t - - i - - t
/hang p
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
t e - t - - i - - t
Game over.. The word is testflight

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