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from background it can fail or might not be fire at right time
Bad, very bad
Hi every budy.
I need help in Alamofire Swift iOS.
Dips after a long time
@Dipang what is the problem?
I am using Cocoa Pod in my app. I update a pod. In swift 3 their are so many errors in Alamo fire.
ask almofire to update there framework with swift 3 :P
Or update manually :D
I've updated manually DrawerController
200+ fix it presses
bcz "Fix issues" not working
damn Xcode 8
HI guys
I have add branch 3
Then raise the issue which you are facing in Alamofire Github
They will give you the status..
i am creating an android project which creates several files on external sdcard .....now i want tat user shud not be able to change anything in file (nor data not even extension) .....and still if user does i shud know about it .....files r extension less initially
whether that will support swift 3.0 or not.
@BoominadhaPrakashM @Dipang @LoneRanger @Kamini @AmarbirSingh @SaadChaudhry @Lara
@developer give me your email.. i need to tell something :p
related to my question ?
@developer am not android dev
@developer I am also not android dev
@BoominadhaPrakashM I use like this

pod 'Alamofire', :git => 'https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git',
:branch => 'swift3'
someone plz help
/rules @developer
> @developer Please read the room rules here.
though I gives error.
@LoneRanger in which library Name class is?
Xcode claims Unresolved identifier
but WHY, I have it from autocomplete
Android Studio always import anything automatically
top right corner there must be displaaying error icon
click that
xcode does not :P
"Use of unresolved identifier Name"
@Dipang.. try to remove the pod and install it again with :branch swift3
I tried. Not working.
NSNotification.Name worked
damn, that working, awesome
@Amira someone called you in trashy please check ther e:P
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@developer there is no way to know if file has been changed externally. May be you can hide files folder or change permissions.. just a guess
Raju you are doing good admin job nowadays... cleanup :P
/annoy Lara
@Lara 2 sa @Lara @Lara
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@Lara 4 sa @Lara @Lara @Lara @Lara
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@Lara 3 sa @Lara @Lara @Lara
haha she is buggy right now. Let her RIP for a while
kamini slows after every garbage transfer @Shubhank
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@LoneRanger I'm getting this error "cannot convert value of type to expected argument type" for following code:-
var vehicles = [string]()
let mustang = Car() // car is a class name
mustang.bName = "abc"
vehicles.append(mustang) // giving error in this line
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
dont give more commands
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
she will process itt
Why it don't suspending?
@LoneRanger will U kindly tell me what mistake I'm doing....
after some time
yeah they are being queued
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
lap lappa lap lapppa lara lap pa pa pa lappa
haha now she responded
@Lara 1 sa @Lara
@LoneRanger Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@ripa let me see
i am not fond of swift :P
ohh ok
hello every one
Please help me with this problem :)
Q: How to hide section in Collection View

KhuongI have a collection view, this collection view has 3 section: A B C Then I want to hide section B, then it will look like: A C I have tried collectionView.deleteSections(NSIndexSet(index: 1)) but it crashes and says: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsiste...

@ripa i am just guessing that your vehicles is of string type array and you are adding class objects in the array
so might be there is the error please check
@Khuong have you taken sections or rows?
sections, my friend :)
khuong are you updating your data source also ? @Khuong
I just want to hide / unhide section when I press button
you need to remove data from your array and reload the collectionview
then how can I unhide section again?
keep 2 arrays from one array manipulate the hide/unhide
and keep other array for original data
deleting only sections will won't work
@LoneRanger hi
The number of sections contained in the collection view after the update (3) must be equal to the number of sections contained in the collection view before the update (3), plus or minus the number of sections inserted or deleted (0 inserted, 1 deleted).'
@ArifNoumanKhan hi whatsup
searching for somethign
2 arrays like you said
then 1 array you manipulate in
on hide remove B from the array and on unhide load original array
@Lara nice
@LoneRanger Bot Awaken
/kill @Amira for hangman
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira for hangman
/boo Amira
👻👻👻👻 @Amira
thankuuuuuu rajat :p
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 12 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
i need bottom line for textview @LoneRanger @Lara
@LoneRanger pls reset it rajat pls :D
dont reset :o
reset don't work
buggy command
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 10 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
@ArifNoumanKhan bottom line just below text?
till then
/annoy Amira
@Amira 1 sa @Amira
@LoneRanger post some jokes then pls :P
@Amira 2 sa @Amira @Amira
@Amira 3 sa @Amira @Amira @Amira
@Amira 4 sa @Amira @Amira @Amira @Amira
ok @amira here is the joke
Note Amira is the spider in this pic
yes @Lara like the background rectangle shape but i need only botton line
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @LoneRanger for posting spider pic
yay lara :D
@ArifNoumanKhan put one uiview with height 1.0 and set the background color for uiview at the bottom of the textview
/kill lara for blaming me its Kamini
ha ha... nice try!
hoho haha
@LoneRanger Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
rajat trolled
lol that i dont want @BoominadhaPrakashM
kamini needs to consult Dr. shubhank
Dr shubhank is old he has retired
nopes he has not
i need shape thing ! so i can re use it
@Lara joke pls :(
@Lara any suggesstion
p o n k a
use core graphics simply
draw border on one side, just at bottom
@Lara u knw i saw gerwin in the room yesterday?
@LoneRanger Bot Awaken
/kill lara
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @lara
I saw him too. He was mute, probably because shubhank was not there at that time
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 4 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
@LoneRanger are u lonely
after 4 minutes I will suspend it :D
lonely angel @LoneRanger
@LoneRanger are u lonely
lonely angel @LoneRanger
@Dima how is ios going on your side
@DimaRostopira y do u hate me :P
@Lara not bad
draw border at one side just at bottom i know that to @Lara but how do i draw thats what i need
hi @DimaRostopira :p
@Amira bcz highest score in hangman
u look so cool right now. You dont need to keep your head in freezer today :P
@Lara drinked some energetic drinks :D
@Lara and I found freezer in office xD
I got some meme for you dima
drinked isn't a word
/kill @Amira for correcting every one
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira for correcting every one
Well I will share it on right time
/youtube english is not rice plate eating
/annoy @Amira for being aunt
@Amira for being aunt 1 sa @Amira for being aunt
@Amira for being aunt 2 sa @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt
/annoy amira
@Amira for being aunt 3 sa @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt
@Amira for being aunt 4 sa @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt @Amira for being aunt
im granny, not aunt :p
@DimaRostopira Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@ArifNoumanKhan take a custom view, in its drawrect method, draw borders. See raywender tutorial or some SO post for drawing rect or a line in core graphics
@Amira better play Pokemon GO
she herself is a pokeman
@Amira and beat me here xD
haha which one Rajat? :P
which pokemon
hi himanshuu
ehvjevuerhvjwgcwq.vh/vvvvhgvn hiiiiii
@Amira try to beat me at Pokemon GO
she can't
@Lara amira is gibbrish Pikachi :P
i dont have time to play pokemon go
she has time to play Hangman
haha i was gonna say she is meowth :D
yes it helps me work :p
u wont understand :p
ok play with me
_ _ _ _ _ _
/hang n
isnt there any better game than hangman plz
@Lara lel :P
sky roads
wow sky roads
dangerous dave
ok thanks @Lara thats what i needed :| it good to be answering straight forward if you know things already
woooo nice
already have played
cant open game screen here :P
resize window
as I do
i played on a different site, shubhank told once
yeah this one
it had alladin too
its boring
no one here played captain claw?
anyone played tanki online?

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