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ok checked
simple find the interesction rect
do you have any trick ?
and change the color
put some bounty and HJ will do it for you :P
i am waiting for it. i can start bounty tomorrow
oh cool
trick is simple, implement gesture for touch down, moved and up. Increase the highlighter rect frame in touch move, and in touch up make clear color of imagView and highlighter rect intersection points
well thanks @Lara @HimanshuJoshi for taking interest in this question :)
It's simple if you are dealing with rect, but for making exact like that library you have to play with arc and other paths
ok i have noticed down your points & trying on basis of that
@LESANG hey have you worked with latest version of react native?
check from this
they have done same
@Lara Hey lara partner, how are you? :)
Guys, I was going to McD, and opened Pokemon Go. And I am wondering, is here any battles? Oh you just find pokemon and catch him?
@HimanshuJoshi I am good. you tell
Lara, Quite free today
I am not trying to be free today btw. Hating react native currently :\
I tried to install Pokemon Go on my mobile, but it was not compatible :'(
yeah the fb one
ok, I haven't used it. What is the main point of using it?
JS to run in mobile? only that?
Not able to set full message in notification gist.github.com/Amarbir/0ade8910bf3a85622f9c3ff93a939c4a
yup + cross platform too
it supports android as well now
How it is different from PHoneGap and titanium?
/annoy Lara
@Lara I hate you
@Lara @Lara I hate youuuu
like i love you love you @Lara @Lara
@Lara @Lara i will kill you in the dreams too :p
huhh never :P
JS seems to be very boring lang
ever ever
hi , in android "EncodingUtils" And "HTTP" (org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP,org.apache.http.util.EncodingUtils) are deprecate , i fond they in github and make class and copy/paste All code and import they classes, so project work well , now is this wrong way ? this classed are deprecate but project work fine !
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
description: {
marginBottom: 20,
fontSize: 18,
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#656565'
container: {
padding: 30,
marginTop: 65,
alignItems: 'center'
huh, that hardcoded margins , padding :(
@HimanshuJoshi well its components used directly render native controls. faster than both platforms - AFAIK
and I dont like web part
dirty mind :P
ok next annoy
/annoy Amira spider
@Amira spider @Amira spider
@Amira spider @Amira spider @Amira spider
Listen to mee @Amira spider
Are you annoyed @Amira spider @Amira spider @Amira spider
@Amira nice.. :)
/annoy Himanshu
You do not have permission to use annoy. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
why not me :(
hate you :P
ricardo back in action!
@DimaRostopira you pinged me yesterday?
yesterday was not a good dev day for me...
did kamini greet you yesterday?
she never does XD
/annoy Ritu
@Ritu @Ritu
@Ritu @Ritu @Ritu
Listen to mee @Ritu
Are you annoyed @Ritu @Ritu @Ritu
haha okay
@RicardoAlves forget about it) MSU helped me
sry @DimaRostopira I wasn't home, was catching Pokemons XD
oh, nice
I got a question about pokemons :D
Is in this game any battles?
What can I do with pokemons, that I caught?
atm you only battle the gyms
Aaaaa, OK then
Just got second one
and with the pokemons you caught you can evolve or send them to the professor
for the candy and then evolve it
And what I will get for that?
I just evolved one to pigdeot
Can I play it somewhere online? :(
annoy @HimanshuJoshi @Shubhank @Lara @LoneRanger
/annoy @HimanshuJoshi @Shubhank @Lara @LoneRanger
only on phone @Lara
@Amira @Amira
@Amira @Amira @Amira
Listen to mee @Amira
Are you annoyed @Amira @Amira @Amira
haha :P
@RicardoAlves oops alright
@Lara what device do you have?
I have a doubt, that isn't compatible
try to download not from Google Play and install
I have device with api 17. while min sdk supported is 19. So... :(
i actually live in a area that has lots of good pokemons, but no gyms/pokestops XD
/annoy @HimanshuJoshi @Lara @LoneRanger
@Amira 1 sa @Amira
@Amira 2 sa @Amira @Amira
I saw an apk which supports 2.3+
@Amira 3 sa @Amira @Amira @Amira
@Amira 4 sa @Amira @Amira @Amira @Amira
really? Can you give me link
Or lemme find
I downloaded apk. when tried to installed, it gave me parsing error. Why can that be?
@Lara my app is in pending because of services api , so can i do it locally
didnt get you
@Lara that can be anything
quiz app is in pending because of web services
@Lara so can i do it local db
If you are using firebase, there are no web services for that
what tech u using
i m trying to implement native android
i m not using firebase
no work from previous 15 days
just doing code review
> Use only english for conversation. Use of other languages can lead to banning you from the room.
@PriyantaSingh is here too
/kill shubhank
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @shubhank
:D @Shubhank
@Erum then you have good time to learn web service na
utilize it
yr how ?
using java ?
hello anyone help me to solve one problem i m facing now
@Erum i can understand your situation ! once i was trying webservices and website was down that month was just tensed
@PriyantaSingh how are
I will talk about your company in private chat. Plz just ping me on wp instead of skype :\
no.. public chat pleasee
/search can't create outlet IB
Q: Can't drag outlets from Storyboard to Assistant editor in XCode

econclicksI used to be able to do this in XCode, and now suddenly I can't in a new project I've opened that was sent over by a friend. Is there a particular setting I have to change to start this again? I.e. there is a textbox I want to link via Code, and now I just can't. :( Need help guys!

@Shubhank i am good. hw r u ? and kamini ? :P
@Erum nopes. you can use node js and mongo - an option..
@PriyantaSingh hey
i am good.
raining raining
/greet @ankitagrawal
hey @ankitagrawal, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
raining ... where ?
hello anyone there?
/greet @PriyantaSingh
hey @PriyantaSingh, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
anyone else here : for node.js or any chat pls share url @Shubhank
@PriyantaSingh on shubhank's head
nice view from 15th floor
@Lara lol
@Lara ponkiii
Hey @VishalHalani you can ask your query here :)
@Shubhank where are you
heavy rainn
@Erum try to search behna
no rain here :'(
@Shubhank where ?
@Lara i am facing one problem to select date from datepicker fragment
/search behna
@VishalHalani and what is that
all the predictions regarding rain are false for khi
php is easy option for services ! @Erum
@Shubhank I can't create outlet(( Automatic open's tableController class not tableCell
i have set current date as default. and future date i was disable
@Erum always. yes I know. I was telling my amma too that. She wasnt believing me :P
now when i am changed date then i cant select current date i cn select any other date but not current one. its not disable also still
@DimaRostopira select from manual instead of automatic
I selected, and outlets just don't appear
@Erum next time you go to sea view, you are going to take me with you
@DimaRostopira you are in wrong class then
ctrl-drag, this blue line - and nothing happens
controller in xib is diff than the one you have opened in .m
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
Sorry dude
sure i went there after 3 ,4 years @Lara
@Lara see is am i doing anything wrong?
@Lara oh lol, there was a typo
tabelCell :D
@VishalHalani let me check
@DimaRostopira haha good you caught that
@Erum okie
@Lara @Erum from pakistan ?
ji beta
ok aunty @Lara
@VishalHalani do you want to disable any date?
i m from swat @Lara ever visited ?
yes future dates
I see
can i playyy
 |   |
- a a -
/hang saad
 |   |
s a a d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
@ArifNoumanKhan yes u from ?
no @Amira
 |   |
- - o - -
i m from swat pakistan @Erum
So, now width of tableviewcontroller (which embed in drawerController) around 5pt
/hang s
 |   |
 |   O
- - o - -
/hang r
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - o - -
we need command pingiOSDevs :D
Hangman hint : the best IDE
/hang xcode
 |   |
 |  \O/
x c o d e
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
xcode sucks
 |   |
- - - - - - - - d
@DimaRostopira doesnt!
 |   |
a - - - - - - - d
 |   |
a - - - - - i - d
 |   |
 |   O
a - - - - - i - d
@Lara i dont know why i m facing this issue i have never faced like this before
try like this
A: Disable future dates in Android date picker

nicholas.hauschildYou should be able to call getDatePicker().setMaxDate(long) on your DatePickerDialog to set today as your max date. You can update the function with the same name from the snippet you posted. Note the DatePickerDialog is the object that I referenced in the Android Docs from the link I posted....

/hang l
 |   |
 |  \O/
a - - - - - i - d
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
a - - - - - i - d
have you checked?
Hangman hint : rovio
/hang aangrybird
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
a - - - - - i - d
Game over.. The word is angrybird
/hang angrybird
Q: How to Disable future dates in Android date picker

vnimmanapalliHow to Disable future dates in Android date picker Java Code : mExpireDate.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // To show current date in the datepicker final Calendar mcurrentDate = Calenda...

 |   |
- u -
/hang fun
 |   |
f u n
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
amira :\
@Amira you just know all the words
what the point to play then?
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
@morroko hi morrokooooo
good :P
@DimaRostopira i enjoy it. whats your prob :P
@Lara i was tried but same problem
she is pro player
you came back kool
shouldn't be
/hang r
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
yeah but its
@morroko you seem busy these days, which is kool too :p
not much
lil bit
you tell whats going on
as per the code in links, you should be able to select current and past dates, just not future ones
did u debug?
@morroko just tryiing to get back to wrk
make a listener on datepicker and check what is current value, why disabled etc
actuall in date picker i cant select current date after select any date so how i debug?
what happened with you?
lel nothing happened, was on vacation
okay Kool
@Amira EID?
then just do you your work dont irritate others :D
and current date not disable after change just i cant select it
hows the weather at khi @Erum ?
/annoy morroko
@morroko Happy birthday to you :)
is it create problem because of timezone?
@morroko Happy birthdayy to you :)
Happyyy birthdayyy to dear @morroko
I wont telll annyoneee how ugly are youu @morroko
How do you know today is my birthday ? @Kamini
@morroko ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
@VishalHalani umm I dont think so. how did you set max value? Using new Date().getTime() or System.getMillisec() ?
@ItachiUchiha yes ramadan and eid
/annoy morroko again
@morroko again You are stupid
@morroko again Arent you stupid
S2pid is @morroko again
Just joking you suckk too @morroko again
/thanks @Amira again
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@morroko again You are stupid
@morroko again Arent you stupid
S2pid is @morroko again
Just joking you suckk too @morroko again
@Lara both i was try i have also try using create new calendar instance
@Amira I have to say something to you
try to set max date to some other value, and check
@Lara mean?
larta? :P haha
@Lara not "honey"
ah you.. not you again
@Lara i sorry
haha it's ok vishal
hi @LiquidPenguin
was kidding
/kill @ankitagrawal
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @ankitagrawal
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 20 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
/slap @ArifNoumanKhan
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
Vishal I mean to say try to set maxdate to some other date, except current. and check how picker is behaving
Solve the jumble: missing/oh/wait/there/word/find/isnt/one/the
Time Left : 90 seconds
@ArifNoumanKhan hola
/slap @ArifNoumanKhan
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
/kill @ankitagrawal
You do not have permission to use kill. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
why you like to kill and slap people so much ankit
@LiquidPenguin try the slap command
@ankitagrawal i need photoviewer do u know any best library ?
@Lara well what you can do for fun more than that
/jumble oh wait there is not one word to find
/slap @Lara
Penalty 1 Time Left : 31.894 seconds
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
@ArifNoumanKhan make it yourself its easy
@Lara what i do now?? :((
@ankitagrawal Q_Q
how do i kill people now
@ankitagrawal punch
you mean just showing one image view on whole screen ?
bomb :P
/punch @ArifNoumanKhan
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
:( no command
@VishalHalani already told you man :\
this is fucking censorship
@DimaRostopira ever worked on React native?
@Lara i was tried all but not work.
@Lara no commands like that :(
*I tried

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