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these chat rooms are as dead as my brother
3 hours later…
good morning ...
1 hour later…
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@LoneRanger thanku
/flip Amira
@Amira (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@LoneRanger I am awake!
@GurpreetKaur so early go and sleep
shoo goat amira
Hangman games : 971
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (580 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (477 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (416 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (371 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (290 times)
Can we do app rating without redirecting to appstore?Like just pass the value to some api? iOS
/search app rating without redirecting to appstore
Q: How to link to apps on the app store

mattI am creating a free version of my iPhone game. I want to have a button inside the free version that takes people to the paid version in the app store. If I use a standard link http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=300136119&mt=8 the iPhone opens Safari first, and th...

u can open a viewcontroller within your app showing the itunes page for ur app
Q: Direct "rate in iTunes" link in my app?

MosheI've seen posts here on Stackoverflow that describe how to allow users to be directed to apps on the app store. Is there a way to link directly to the rating and comments form in the App Store?

Hi All Good morning
Good morning :)
Good morning!
@iShwar @Shubhank @LoneRanger @Raees @HimanshuJoshi @Lara @SaadChaudhry @Gerwin @iAsmi @snehalrokade @hara @RobinHood @MZeinstra @Amarbir @vype @ricardo @Diksha @Gurpreet @Francisco @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)
@Kamini thank you bebo :-*
@iShwar :)
GM bro
:) :) :) 
hey @Amira you on time now :D
@Lara GM
@Erum you on time too wow :P
Aoa and GM
hehehe i reached at 09.00
yr sorry i was on seaview yesterday
seaview :'(
yup with family
hate you :P
my family never agrees to go there lol
me too
ok. it is very much far
yup not going
I want to play this game. It must be awesome!
@LoneRanger lol it was 10 oçlock here :P
now its 10:29 here :P @GurpreetKaur
@Lara yeah now my timezone matches isliye :p
@Erum hi :P
haha yo
Gmorning ya'all
im fine
GM girl
gm olu polu
hi @Amira
hope yur having a splendid morning
hey @Lara good morning to you too
naah. weather is awesome i wanna sleep but i have to work so not so splendid :P
you do work too amira? haww :P
@Amira thats sad to hear... but its how life goes on
gotta pay bills
@Lara work means 20% actual work and 80% timepass u see :P
hi @Amira
codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/your-first-pwapp/#0 anyone having idea which tech needed to make this type of apps
@Lara @Shubhank @Amira
html, css, js is used by it to develop apps
any third party can be used instead of css
like JQM or any other @Shubhank
I dont know, ask shubhank erum
Good Morning Guys
i have to get the uuid of the connected bluetooth device.. using bluetooth adapter
Does any one know how to get the reuseIdentifier of a cell in iOS?
@JTAppleCalendarforiOSSwift why you want to do that?
@GurpreetKaur please use gist
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@Lara i am creating a framework, and if i had the reuseIdentifier, then i do something with it?
lets say we do this: collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(cellReuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath)
the cell will be created
all is well. And inside the cell, the

override init(frame: CGRect) { } function will be called
but inside the cell,

self.reuseIdentifier is still nil, so i was wondering if there was a way to find out what it is?
@JTAppleCalendarforiOSSwift cellReuse Identifier is a static one
What do you mean "it is static" ?
cell reuse identifiers are used in dynamic cells. you have to give it a name in storyboard
@Kamini hi
@GaneshKumar Oii.. that hurts
Can anyone help me with this question?
Q: How to view a pdf file in android using mupdf?

AndroidNewBeeI am using mupdf to open a pdf file in my android app.The app crashes with this error. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "atof" referenced by "libmupdf_java.so"... This is my java code for viewing the pdf file. public class MainActivity extends AppCompa...

@GurpreetKaur Are you getting parcable BluetoothDevice object successfully?
@GaneshKumar ok. So lets say we give it a name on story board.
And we do this --> let someCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(cellReuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath)

Is there a way that i can get what the reuse identifier was from someCell ?
looked into this one?
hey @Lara
hey hi newbee
@GurpreetKaur Can you give me link from where you pulled up that code? If possible
@JTAppleCalendarforiOSSwift If you really want to get reuse Identifier of the cell, override dequeue or init method of cell
in that method, store your identifier
you cant really get to know what is your identifier
@Lara hmm... ok thanks. you gave me an idea
thanks much
@Lara can you help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/38343219/…
@JTAppleCalendarforiOSSwift np :)
@AndroidNewBee Well unsatisfiedlink exception means that your library hasn't loaded
or not found.. something like that
dont have that link now @Lara coded few days back
Okay. So you getting null at String uuid=intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_UUID); line?
@Lara last question, is there a way for a cell to get a reference to its UITableView ?
..do you know how?
Wooo, here I am, morning folks
@GurpreetKaur hmm I see lemme check
or is it with using a loop
@JTAppleCalendarforiOSSwift nopes. u need to keep weak ref for tableview.
Check docs
thanks. have a good one.
@Phantomazi It's night by your side. Isnt it?
using java
@Lara can u start work on backend i mean webservices ?
with db
06:44 in the morning now, just woke up for work, what about your?
A: Android Bluetooth: Get UUIDs of discovered devices

EddieThe documentation on this states... Always contains the extra field BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_UUID However, just like you, I have found this not to be true. If you call fetchUuidsWithSdp() while device discovery is still taking place BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_UUID can be null. You should wait unt...

check this one out
looks like it always returns null, unless some conditions occur
@Phantomazi its 10.43 of morning now
may be you need to pair with device in order to know its UUID?
@Erum For?
@Shubhank strange, but I only saw the ping today, no notification of it yesterday.. don't know why
@Lara quiz app
@Phantomazi Woah man. What are you doing so early on pc?
what tech are you using?
@Lara backing up my old phone, just got a new one ^^
Oh congratz
Buy me a new phone too please :(
thanks thanks :) got the HTC 10
@Lara lol
@Phantomazi congo
gm all
/kill @Olu
You do not have permission to use kill. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
thanks and gm @ankitagrawal
man shit this command
shooo bad
not so bad i already have that command you see
With caprica, I know
@AndroidNewBee did u understand the issue/exception?
gm @Amira @all
@ankitagrawal "Amira all" :p
@Lara no not yet.
/rule6 @AndroidNewBee
> @AndroidNewBee Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
Ok @Kamini
@AndroidNewBee thanks
Dont know what is the use of this pen :D
Q: android mupdf libmupdf.so runtime error "No implementation found for native openFile"

PaulI just finished compiling mupdf from mupdf.com on my mac. Took some time to figure it out but now I have a libmupdf.so in my libs/armeabi folder. They provide an example of this class called MuPDFCore.java which is viewable here: http://mupdf.com/repos/mupdf/android/src/com/artifex/mupdf/MuPDFC...

Q: Import MuPDF to Android app

stiw47I am new to Android development, and I want to implement MuPDF in my Android app (.pdf file is on sdcard). I downloaded MuPDF source code from here: http://mupdf.googlecode.com/files/mupdf-1.3-source.tar.gz I was compile code with 'ndk-build', import to Eclipse, and build apk. Testing on Samsung ...

do you guys know what's the problem of all those clouds and backup and restore options that we have?
we've got too many of them! i've already done probably about 5 restores from different software and im getting confused what have i restored and what not
one does the .apks
other does contacts and media
third does messaging
4th does say apks and media only
overlapping, but not fully..
and ive got the feeling this ain't going to end well :D
@Kamini hi
@GaneshKumar grrrrrr. who told you to ping mee..
@LoneRanger haha awesome. Was so interesting! Physics, inertia, momentum, timings beautifully organized. Must have taken days to make it function correctly :D
@Phantomazi why are you making much hotch potch with your mobile? :P
@Shubhank wake up
/greet @GurpreetKaur
hey @GurpreetKaur, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
hi @ankitagrawal
how are you
@GurpreetKaur great what about you?
Ankit is a fake lol
Somebody kill Ankit
Q: How to move the background Image vertically as parallax effect in android?

praneeth kumarI have a Image whose width extends the screen, so we can view the image by scrolling left or right. I tried some thing from SO and I can scroll the image horizontally top and bottom but it is not scrolling side ways. here is the code: public class ObservableScrollView extends ScrollView { ...

@Olu lol
wtf olu
As In Whatsapp Facebook twitter (wtf)
Nice combination
whatsapp twitter facebook
That's right!
/annoy @Olu
You do not have permission to use annoy. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
man this sucks
/slap @Olu
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
/slap @Olu @Olu @Olu
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
@Olu what you doing?
@Amira lol
/slap @Amira
"@ArifNoumanKhan slappeddddddddddddddddddddddd"
@ArifNoumanKhan now has gotten used to slapping lol
enough ankit don't ping too much to arif
kamini is buggy :P
@Shubhank the machanic will fix it
man i cant kill olu
buggy kamini right
go to his home and kill him :P
@Olu tell him your address :D
@LoneRanger look ankit slapped me, ban him pls
/kill AnkitAgrawal
You do not have permission to use kill. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
@Lara lol
/kill Ankit
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Ankit
Buhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah buhahahahaahhahahahaha buahahahahhaahhaahhaha (`へ′)
I love You Shubhu :* :* :* :* puccchhhiiii
evil Ranger
thank u ranger on doing on my behalf :P
@LoneRanger kill lara for me once
no i will no kill lara
i will ask her to sing lara lappa for me :P :D
ye cheez ^_^
@LoneRanger lmao
@LoneRanger it's very far..I'm afraid you can't make it
@Olu lol xd
find Olu and hunt him in Ugandaa
@LoneRanger Command Lara learned
lap lappa lap lapppa lara lap pa pa pa lappa
Kiaa hy :\
go and make tesha learn lara lappa pappa all this stuff
@Lara wrong spelling lol
hey how is she now? Forgot to ask @LoneRanger
@Olu replication
@Lara it was a success
Don't remember the last time is touched it
congratz. Now you can RIP :P
@Lara she is bit fine now but still not feeding much :(
what happened to her
stomach infection
okay that's bad
yeah that is bad :(
uh oh
giving her water medicine? What doc said
will take time to recover since we can't gove her strong meds
good morning
i enable the dial pad touch tone by this Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(),
Settings.System.DTMF_TONE_WHEN_DIALING, 1); its work but switch not change
okay :( May she get well soon ameen
@lara switch state ramian false
but its value change
Settings.System.DTMF_TONE_WHEN_DIALING, 0) == 1;
@MukeshRam welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@MukeshRam its give error
== operator can not be applides to boolean, int
use your common sense
or google
Settings.System. DTMF_TONE_WHEN_DIALING, 0) == 1;
@MukeshRam i set it by putInt()
Settings.System.DTMF_TONE_WHEN_DIALING, 1);
@faisaliqbal Yep just try it if works with putInt()
its working but issue is this the switch remain false but dial touch tone enable
if you have CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE declared in your manifest, the toggle to allow WRITE_SETTINGS will default to the on position even though the permission is not granted.
yes i have also get permission
Now santonu's turn
@cyberlobe welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
can anyone help me on this :
Q: Remove background from an image just like in iWork

cyberlobeHere is what i needs to achieve : Take photo from camera or Photo gallery User can manually remove background colour part of an image by moving finger over it just like an instant alpha. Here is the reference which i am referring : https://github.com/RobotsAndPencils/RPInstantAlpha. Its avail...

good morning
Good morning
Or wait...good afternoon
good time of day then :D
hi @Kamini what do you want today?))
@DimaRostopira ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Android how to set custom ringtone for each SIM??
/search set ringtone dual sim
Q: Android set custom ringtone for each SIM

Sanjay PanchalI am trying to set custom ringtone using below code: private void registerRingtone(String ringtoneFilePath) { // Create File object for the specified ring tone path File ringtoneFile = new File(ringtoneFilePath); // Insert the ringtone to the content provider ContentValues valu...

wow, isn't it simple?
@Kamini wants to date me. She asked for my email address yesterday.
@AseedUsmani ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
no ans there
Mi not feeling so good today
hm, ok I googled, dual sim API available only on Android 5.1
before that OEM manufacturers does that in different ways, so there are probably no API for that
i have android 5.1
so can we get and set ringtone for dual sim in 5.1
Have you read official documentation of dual-sim API?
@Olu i see
so, you should
damn, there is nothing useful in this manual
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
@Lara sleepy severe
Severe? lull. It is going to be break time soon
play some game online
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 17 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
pls dedo
@Erum any DOS game you used to play? Dangerous dave, prince of persia, skyroad?
play this simple one :P
or you can try games from miniclip.com/games/en
posted on July 13, 2016 by Johann

TransLucid from Lucas Ortiz is an open source Swift based component that allows you to create text with a custom background, and the ability to animate the background. With TransLucid you simply specify an image to be used as the background for the text, specify a font, the text, and start the animation. This image […]

I have a question regarding calculate downloading speed:
* Returns average download speed in bytes/second.
public float getDownloadSpeed() {
long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - downloadStartTime;
return 1000f * totalDownloaded / elapsedTime;
May someone explains why we have to multiply the totaldownloaded by 1000?
@PhuNguyen welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
hello every one ! after noon
/kill @ankitagrawal @Olu @DimaRostopira @Ozuf @Sarah @Shubhank
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @ankitagrawal @Olu @DimaRostopira @Ozuf @Sarah @Shubhank

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