« first day (1188 days earlier)      last day (2795 days later) » 

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- - - - t
/hang e
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- - - - t
/hang i
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- - i - t
/hang swift
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s w i f t
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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s - - -
/hang i
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s - - -
/hang e
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s - - -
Hangman hint : make a wish
/hang star
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s t a r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- o o -
/hang f
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- o o -
/hang c
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- o o -
Hangman hint : not stolen
/hang t
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t o o -
/hang k
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t o o k
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- i - - i - - - - - -
/hang n
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- i n - i n - n - - -
/hang findingnemo
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f i n d i n g n e m o
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - - s - - -
/hang e
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- - - - s - - -
/hang i
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- - - i s - - -
/hang h
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- - - i s - - -
Hangman hint : 1947
/hang pakistan
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p a k i s t a n
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded
hang pakistan why :o
@Amira why pakistan
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- c - - - -
@Sarah what?
/hang s
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s c - - - -
why hanging up pakistan
/hang amira
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 |   O
s c - - - -
/hang h
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 |   O
s c h - - -
/hang o
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s c h o o -
/hang l
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 |   O
s c h o o l
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- i - -
/hang j
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 |   O
- i - -
/hang s
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 |  \O/
- i - -
Hangman hint : rascala
/hang mind
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 |  \O/
m i n d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- i - - - - - i - -
/hang s
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 |   O
- i - - - - - i - -
/hang n
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- i - - - - - i - -
@Amira go to sleep
Hangman hint : not dubai
/hang miakhalifa
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m i a k h a l i f a
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - m - - - -
/hang e
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 |   O
- - - m - - - -
Hi guys, I am stuck with a small bug. Please help me
/hang i
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 |   O
- - - m - i - -
/hang h
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- h - m - i - -
/hang s
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 |  \O/
- h - m - i - -
Hangman hint : current chartbuster
/hang t
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- h - m - i - -
/hang o
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- h - m - i o -
/hang champion
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 |  \O/
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c h a m p i o n
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - - y - - - - -
/hang s
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s - - - y - - - - -
/hang o
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s - o - y - o - - -
/hang t
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s t o - y - o - - -
/hang storyboard
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s t o r y b o a r d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Hangman games : 584
Most Correct letter found by : Boominadha Prakash M (309 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (277 times) _ 3rd : Amarbir Singh (245 times) Your score Amira (185 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (262 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (188 times)
Limit exceeded
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- o o -
/hang f
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- o o -
/hang c
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 |   O
c o o -
/hang l
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 |  \O/
c o o -
Hangman hint : hungry
/hang k
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 |  \O/
c o o k
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- o o -
/hang f
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 |   O
- o o -
/hang t
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 |  \O/
- o o -
Hangman hint : close it
/hang book
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 |  \O/
 |   |
- o o -
/hang door
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 |  \O/
 |   |
d o o r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - - n - -
/hang e
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- - - e n - -
/hang o
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 |   O
- - - e n - -
/hang a
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 |  \O/
- - - e n - -
Hangman hint : all of us
/hang friends
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 |  \O/
f r i e n d s
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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- - - d -
/hang e
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 |   O
- - - d -
/hang i
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- - - d -
Hangman hint : shifu
/hang panda
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 |  \O/
p a n d a
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
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t - - - - - -
/hang e
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t - - - - e -
/hang r
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t r - - - e -
/hang o
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 |   O
t r - - - e -
/hang s
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 |  \O/
t r - - - e -
Hangman hint : Dx generation
/hang tripleh
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 |  \O/
t r i p l e h
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Limit exceeded
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- - i - - -
/hang s
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 |   O
- - i - - -
/hang t
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 |   O
- - i t - -
Amira can reset hangman?????
yes i cannn
/hang s
Already used
/hang r
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 |   O
- - i t - r
/hang e
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 |  \O/
- - i t - r
Hangman hint : play me a tune
/hang guitar
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 |  \O/
g u i t a r
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
Hangman games : 590
Most Correct letter found by : Boominadha Prakash M (309 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (277 times) _ 3rd : Amarbir Singh (245 times) Your score Amira (209 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (262 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (188 times)
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- - - d
/hang o
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 |   O
- - - d
why does your profile say you have only been a member for 7 days??
/hang i
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- - - d
@MSU_Bulldog coz i deleted my old profile
Hangman hint : check the room
why would you do that?
/hang saad
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s a a d
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
@MSU_Bulldog well i was upset :p
well thats dumb now you have to restart with getting rep
Well who cares
Amira do you do iOS or android?
Both, u?
mostly iOS
Hangman games : 591
Most Correct letter found by : Boominadha Prakash M (309 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (277 times) _ 3rd : Amarbir Singh (245 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Boominadha Prakash M (262 times) _ 2nd : Amarbir Singh (188 times)
@Amira sleep :p
you're profile image makes me laugh lol
its time for matchhh
what match?
Ooh Shubhank is awake
@Shubhank Hey man I create a background service that plays a theme song indefinately until they move to a new activity, in which case a new song is played, or they exit the app. Can you check it out and see if it is decent enough. Here is the link gist.github.com/anonymous/c26934f4a6f91a5b61c5f4833ec51275
@LukePatterson did you solve it
@Shubhank nope
lets wait for kick off
yay! kick off!
amira is just hanging things no android or ios
wait... what's the kickoff for?
yeahh.. need to fix her
Need to punch you
Shubhank i m switching to IOS ... are the things easy there ?
i mean easy than Android ?
Yeah easier and better
r u sure Amira !
Yes I am sure
I switched once too
@LuisAverhoff do i need to ?
/greet blahfunk
currently i m making app for website as this complete they want me to make an ios version also
hey @blahfunk, may your day be full of compile errors, memory crashes and downvotes on stackoverflow.
and then can i have the question link again @Luke
downvotes on SO >:(
@Shubhank Only if you want too but I would appreciate it.
@Shubhank Plus it's short.
things are easier on iOS Arif
although you will often see the OS restrict you from doing most of the things
i used tab layout here ,fragments recyclerviews and downloading json and then parsing .....
i will need the same there ?
Eeeeet weeeel be done deeeeefferently in iOS
@Shubhank Also, just so you know, I fixed the error that I had earlier today.
i mean is there a way i find exactly how to implement these things thr
@ArifNoumanKhan you have experience with android services ?
where there is a will there is a way :p
no shub .... Not a bit .... i am ignoring them for long time dont know why
@LuisAverhoff there are few issues such as using application Context etc
Q: UIView animation doesn't animate on the first try

Luke PattersonMy issue is that my UIView animation only works after the first time. I have two different sets of animations. The first set works correctly, its the second set that is giving me issues. The first set slides 4 buttons onto the screen a little farther than where I want them. (These locations I cal...

@Shubhank what is wrong with it in that context?
Q: getApplicationContext() returns null in a Service

whizzzkeyI have a Service in it's own process, I've declared it in manifest like that: <service android:name="com.discountscatcher.util.PointService" android:configChanges="orientation" android:process=":pointservice" > </service> But onStartCommand I was trying to get an...

activity context can also get leaked and stuff not sure.. i would i guess wait for other devcs to review your code
Luke, there is animator part and one is UIView.anim part
which one is failing
@Shubhank if my day turns into that, I am going to find the author of this script and kill them
@Shubhank what is the next issue then besides that one?
@blahfunk lmao
im serious... this should be a flippin great week for me...
so if it goes south, Imma hunt you down
@Shubhank do u change profile pic
so cute lol
I have a two day music festival this weekend followed by a concert followed by a day off from work...
so this weekend is looking great
which bands!
@LukePatterson you there ?
the festival is a bluegrass festival... probably haven't heard of any. the concert is Phish
@Shubhank yeah
I'm trying to use expandablelayout in my app but i get this error
uiview anim is failing
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@icon value=(@mipmap/ic_launcher) from AndroidManifest.xml:7:9-43
is also present at [com.github.traex.expandablelayout:library:1.2.2] AndroidManifest.xml:13:9-45 value=(@drawable/ic_launcher).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:icon"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:5:5-18:19 to override.
but only the first time. every time after the first, it works fine
@LuisAverhoff cakl the super method in destroy
@blahfunk whats Phish
a band
jam band
@Shubhank Does the service stop automatically when I press the home button? I have an exit button that simply goes back to the home screen and so should I first stop the service and then go back to the home screen?
@LukePatterson self.buttons[3].frame = buttonRects[3]
add a print(self.buttons[3].frame) before it
@Sarah remove one of the icon
surprisingly there is one icon
I even added tools:replace="android:icon"
and got more error like No resource found
Error:(12) No resource identifier found for attribute 'el_headerLayout' in package 'com.example.android.collapsedcontentapp'
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@Shubhank should i have to change it to my package name
i added via dependency in my project
@Shubhank the print statement reveals that the button's frame right before it gets set to buttonRects[3] is the location of its extendedState
is that right ?
thats where i want it to be, then i want it to animate to buttonRects[3]
@Sarah clean your project and run again some time it works
but instead, it jumps right to buttonRects[3] without animating
search 'el_headerLayout' usage in your app
    anim.removedOnCompletion = true
> Alternatively, you can tell the animation to remain in its final state by setting its fillMode property to kCAFillModeForwards and prevent it from being automatically removed by setting removedOnCompletion to NO.
all I want in life is to win the lottery. is that too much to ask?
@blahfunk American lottery
money money money
yes, the american lottery
that's all I want
how much you want @Shubhank
@blahfunk do you want green card
I'm already a citizen
still can't quite seem to win the lottery, though
@Shubhank that didn't solve the issue :(
can you even buy tickets for the lottery if you don't live in the US?
I think you can for the powerball, but some of them require a US ID
buy it for mee
and take a oath that you will give me my money :p
lol... when the powerball was at almost a billion I bought a few
I didn't win obviously
lol he will do
if I won the lottery I would buy the entire stack overflow
what will that get you
how much the lottery
nothing, I would just do it bc I'm rich
buy zuckerberg
i work at a lottery store sometimes
even the lottery wouldn't get you enough money for that
he literally own each of our profiles
when the powerball was at a billion there were some crazy people blowing lots of money on the lottery
thousands and thousands of dollars
the usage is simple but i still get this error: Error:(9) No resource identifier found for attribute 'el_headerLayout' in package 'com.example.android.collapsedcontentapp'
right now the powerball is at a measly $415 million
one thing i hate the most is smelling money :|
at that time, you would win money if you bought every combination of numbers possible
guaranteed to win the jackpot
but the problem is its physically impossible to buy that many tickets within the time frame
i did all the math one day i was bored
Sarah u cleaned and re rerun ur project ?
yes i did
i think the CAAnimation are messing up with the things
several times
or you might be just not animating on main thread
if you can make a reproducible project i will check it out
@Shubhank any idea
isnt ankit available for helpp
@Shubhank lol
ankit still waiting for repair man
i need an image slider for android any one who are using it ?
should be there on github
i checked 2 ,3 but
@RicardoAlves finally push worked :D

« first day (1188 days earlier)      last day (2795 days later) »