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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

Good noon
3 hours later…
hi guys
1 hour later…
anybody has dealt with TwitterKit ?
@JAHelia welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Hi ya'all
Its nt my birthday @Kamini :P
@GurpreetKaur grrrrrr. who told you to ping mee..
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m - - - - - - - - -
/hang i
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m i - - - - - i - -
/hang s
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m i - - - - - i - -
/hang d
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m i - - - - - i - -
Hangman hint : not dubai
/hang n
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m i - - - - - i - -
/hang l
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m i - - - - l i - -
/hang e
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m i - - - - l i - -
Game over.. The word is miakhalifa
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- a - - -
/hang m
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- a - - -
/hang s
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- a - - -
/hang t
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- a t - -
/hang o
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/hang i
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- a t - -
Game over.. The word is water
how can i convert String to resouce id
you know i have a resouce like R.Drawable.z1 and i want to convert it to resource id
@Sarah why don't you pass it directly? this is already the resource id
because it is string
and probably run error
just use an int resourceid as the incoming parameter, wait, I will post a quick sample of what I mean
i did it gave me error
the resource is integer and i should have to convert string to integer
@Sarah passing it to?
to what!!
Paste that line of code here
then it'll give me int to string error
foodViewHolder.txtImage.setImageResource("R.drawable." + food.getTxtImage());
Why the quotes
of course it's run int to string error
Imageresource takes an integer
Remove the quotes
food.getTxtImage return string value from database
Convert the image to bitmap
And setimagebitmap
Wait... so u get the name of the resources
it is like R.drawable.z1
i found a method name getidentifier
but i don't know how to use it
Q: Can you convert String version of R.id to int?

NoviceAs an exercise, I am building a calendar. Below is a small segment of my code. I have a class MyCalendar that extends Activity. This Activity will be linked to an XML file whose layout includes seven TextViews with ids R.id.day0 thru R.id.day6. If converted from String to int, will the Activit...

Q: Using Android getIdentifier()

HousemanI've tried this: r = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("ball_red","drawable","com.Juggle2"); Log.i("FindBall","R = "+r); And this: r = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("com.Juggle2:drawable/ball_red", null, null); But 'r' always ends up as zero. I'm calling this line from inside a hel...

One min pliz
String uri = "drawable/icon";
// int imageResource = R.drawable.icon;
int imageResource = getResources().getIdentifier(uri, null, getPackageName());

ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.myImageView);
Q: Android - Open resource from @drawable String

kape123I have: String uri = "@drawable/myresource.png"; How can I load that in ImageView? this.setImageDrawable?

Have u tried that
this seems like the answer to me, should be okay @OluDouglas
hmm, I was wondering, do you have any idea about this? stackoverflow.com/questions/37766473/…
Let me check it out
you using the style word makes the question cofusing cause android has something called style too
/search passing color to a drawable file programatically
Q: How to change shape color dynamically?

chobo2I have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="rectangle"> <solid android:color="#FFFF00" /> <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" android:right="7dp" android:bottom...

I think u will have to repaint the view for the style to get applied
i still work on it
i used this:
  int picId = myContext.getResources().getIdentifier(food.getTxtImage(), "drawable",
@Shubhank i'll try this in 5ish mins and let you know how it goes! :)
but when the app run it's suddenly disappear with this error
Any exceptions in logcat?
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 24921
> Exception : Olu is still using a generic avatar
@Sarah there should be other descriptive errors
Fata Signal 11 is ndk crash
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
Guys... I'm on mobile and the view isn't very friendly
06-12 12:50:35.843 25108-25108/com.example.android.dezcook E/dalvikvm-heap: Out of memory on a 9437196-byte allocation.
sarah blew up the device
Edit manifest and add the heap attribute
they are about 15 image
@Shubhank that's me... the avatar
2 meg image run of memory
that's crazy
@Sarah the way u doing it must be not efficient
@OluDouglas you didnt saved it ?
still shows the old in profile
U loading them all at once @Sarah
i used it in onBindViewHolder
in RecyclerView.Adapter
@Shubhank u sure?
@Shubhank u sure?
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
yeah.. doesnt load up here
@Shubhank u sure?
@Shubhank don't mind it
do u have any solution @Shubhank
what error are you facing right now
06-12 12:50:35.843 25108-25108/com.example.android.dezcook E/dalvikvm-heap: Out of memory on a 9437196-byte allocation.
how do you load images and on which device are you testing
/youtube teri galiyan villian full song
i am using geneymotion with device : Custom phone 4.1.1 API 16
okay. then show your code
and this is where i load it
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
how big do you think its height is
depending on screen size
should really learn how to load image with options/scaling
developer.android has a good article on it
Olu gave one too
@Shubhank are u with me
question why!!!
the image are too big for the device memory
any android developer?
2 mg is bigggggggggggggggggg
are u joking @Shubhank
yeah. there are other things in memory also awell if you load 4 images at a time it will become 8
and then the app already h as other things in memory
@Sarah well its different, but these days I had to convert a 1mb image to base64 in C#... 45 000 lines!
the device base memory is 2048
RAM and heap are different
and its not really worth to explain such things here. its sunday lol
yes @MasoomBacha ?
sunday is the second day of week
i have a problem in shareprefrences
will you solve it please?
past the code
what is the problem
public class Profile1Activity extends Activity {
//TextViews to show details of volume and brightness
private TextView tVBrightness, tVVolume;
//SeekBars to set volume and brightness
private SeekBar sbVolume, sbBrightness;
//AudioManager object, that will get and set volume
private AudioManager audioManager;
//Variable to store brightness value
private int brightness;
//Content resolver used as a handle to the system's settings
private ContentResolver cResolver;
//Window object, that will store a reference to the current window
past it in pastebin.com not here
when i click on button app crash
ahh.. null pointers..did you ever create that button?
@Phantomazi what do u mean?
button is something that u click on it
in app
and it does the specific task
i read 9/10 time the name as Phantomnazi lol
what u wana say?
nothing just joking dear
i have 3 thing which i want to save in shareprefrences with button but when i click on it app crash
editor.putInt(BRIGHTNESSS, sbBrightness.getProgress());
editor.putInt(VOLUMES, sbVolume.getProgress());
it give error here
@Shubhank hahaha, yeah, it was unintentional but happened so..
@MasoomBacha theeere you go, in the first place, before we continue, do you know what a "null pointer excepetion" is?
no i am new
in android
you have declared sbBrightness as shown here: private SeekBar sbVolume, sbBrightness; but then you never instantiated it, instead you tried to directly use it.
will you please tell me
for example with your button you do:
b1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.but2);
but you never do this for the SeekBar
private void initializeControls1() {
//get reference of the UI Controls
sbVolume = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.sbVolume1);
sbBrightness = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.sbBrightness1);
tVVolume = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tVVolume);
tVBrightness = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tVBrightness);

try {
audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
//set max progress according to volume
//get current volume
check here please
stop pasting these code chunks here, they are completely unreadable.
use pastebin/gist please
yeah.. i will dump it in a few sec
the match started
no one told me :/
player is bleeding lol
@Phantomazi i have do same thing for seekbar in initializeControls1()
modric the star ( hala madrid)
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@LESANG welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@Shubhank I am awake!
> Use only english for conversation. Use of other languages can lead to banning you from the room.
> Be nice to everyone.
> @0 Be nice to everyone.
dont break my bot :p
Tomorrow 00:am
new year ?
yah, new WWDC year :)
Check schedule, seem nothing new
New Swift :)
WWDC is tomorrow
@Shubhank I am awake!
/addAdmin 2988942
/removeAdmin 2988942
/addAdmin 2988942
@Shubhank I am awake!
/addAdmin 2988942
@Shubhank I am awake!
/addAdmin 2988942
Only admin can use this command.
@Shubhank I am awake!
/addAdmin 2988942
/removeAdmin 2988942
@Shubhank I am awake!
@Shubhank Affirmative, proceeding to standby.
@Shubhank Bot Awaken
@Shubhank what are you actually trying to do? haha
making ownerism part dyanmic
fixing bugs :p
its hard to work on weekdays. people don't let me
yeah, i work weekends as well, i have office restrictions as well, so I can't work on my own projects there :( i feel your pain
you can join chat though during office hours right ?
oh yeah, that's perfectly fine
i can't open IDEs though
i've only started doing Android few months back and I am completely self thought, which is not the best thing :( i find quite some little things that non-stop make me go debugging instead of actually working on something, and all because I don't really know what's going on :D
where did you intended to learn it from ?
well I started with a high-rated course from udemy, then as I started working on my own little training app I went through the relevant Google documentation and quite some SO questions until I got the first version working
everyone learns the same way i believe.
you need only a teacher to teach you OOPS :p
but now with the little things coming in the first "update" i find myself struggling, as these are not so basic and require some deeep reading, but I am a bit unsure where to start.
yeah, sounds right
i've got OOP, that's okay
3 years into studying I can say that I am okay with writing at least basic things without any supervision... but you know, nobody is happy with basics :)
learning a language is easy
mastering is quite hard
and everyone takes his/her own path.
yep, totally agree
I am trying to get my hands on as much as possible different techs now and try to find which one I like most
so I can start building my proficiency around it
@Shubhank can I steal some of your time?
y u work on sunday
normally no, but need to deliver notifications tomorrow or will need to delay this update
oh the notifications
my notifications are still not working on testFlight
I've done almost everything
new profiles, new certs
have one to adHoc also, tried that and no changes
and when I run from xcode, it works
you should add alert to the didRegisterToken and didFailToRegister method
and show the error in alert.. that way you can debug the adhoc build with speciific error
ok, gonna try that
is there any nice documentation I can read to familiarise myself with the different types of drawables? I am wasting ridiculous amounts of time fiddling with something I don't understand :( it is still not working as supposed, but when I try to search for "android drawables explained" all I get are numerous questions about the drawables folder
weeehooo, i've got reading for the next 2 days :)
The eagle has landed
I think
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- - - - - - - s - - - - -
/hang p
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- - - - - - - s - - - - -
/hang i
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- - - - - - - s - - i - -
/hang l
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- - - - - - - s - - i - -
Hangman hint : headshot
/hang a
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- - - - - - - s - - i - -
/hang m
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- - - - - - - s - - i - -
Game over.. The word is counterstrike
still uploading Shubhank....
hi guys
poland is dominating
what's the score?
Ozuf works on sunday as well
ooh next match is germany <3
Crazy soccer
chrome eats up a lot of memory and ram
thoughts ?
@Shubhank and everybody, happy Sunday folks.
wooo .. its a disease :D
hey Ozuf :)
should switch to sfari then i guess
Please, I need a little help.
what do you need help with
Posting comments to posts on Jetpack REST API. U have asked the question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/37777010/…
@Shubhank I've uploaded and it goes to didRegisterToken, never passes on didFailToRegister
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
@Kamini why?
@OluDouglas Please dont ping.. i hate you :p
Why @Kamini
Commands : ((super admin only) /ban /unban
((admin only) /awake /suspend /learn /forget)
games /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
 /welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /annoy /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /kill /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome  /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry More info to use can be found on github.com/Shubhank101/SO_ChatBot
@Shubhank Wats the score
@OluDouglas Only admin can use this command
Ok agreed
power is out
full time poland 1-0
@RicardoAlves then it seems to be your server error
@Ozuf commenting will be quite hard
@Shubhank but not impossible, right?
obviously :D
#once upon a time
where is the jetpack rest api @Ozuf
wassup with you @OluDouglas
I don't get you @Shubhank
@Shubhank nothing
Just trying to stay alive
there is a shootout in florida
@Ozuf where you from ?
Ooouch that's terrible
Illinois, Ford county
But I am in purto rico now
omg.. there is F1 racing coming
/wiki purto rico
Puerto Rico (English /ˌpɔːrtə ˈriːkoʊ/ or /ˌpwɛərtə ˈriːkoʊ/; Spanish: [ˈpweɾto ˈriko], locally also [ˈpwelto ˈχiko; ˈʀ̥iko]), officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Spanish: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, lit. "Associated Free State of Puerto Rico"), is an unincorporated United States territory located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea. It is an archipelago that includes the main island of Puerto Rico and a number of smaller islands as Mona, Culebra, and Vieques. The capital and most populous municipality is San Juan. The territory does not observe daylight saving time, and its official...
F1 happening when?
dont thing its live
/wiki Eurpean Le mans series
The European Le Mans Series (ELMS) is a European sports car racing endurance series inspired by the 24 Hours of Le Mans race and run by the Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO). The European Le Mans Series is similar to the American Le Mans Series (ALMS) based in the United States and Canada that has been running with ACO backing since 1999, which is run by IMSA. ELMS team champions and runners-up receive an automatic entry to the following year's 24 Hours of Le Mans. Originally titled the Le Mans Endurance Series before becoming simply the Le Mans Series in 2006, the series was renamed once more in...
Hi @Ozuf
Ah. Android, why do you need this permission? http://t.co/ByWwwn4oUi
Hi @OluDouglas
@Shubhank The POST url is supposed to be in this format public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/82974409/posts/843/…
where are the docs ?
there is teh authentication part
Yea, I have seen that too but confused too.
what about
The user has to login before making a comment right?
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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