Hey guys. A client sent me a .p12 file to publish their iOS app and it says the certificate is expired. Am I right in assuming they need to send me a new one or is there something I can actually do to renew without bugging them?
Oh like the email and pword for the admin developer account? I didn't get that. Just a provisioning file and the .p12 with a password to use it on my machine.
Hangman games : 4 Most Correct letter found by : Aditya (8 times) _ 2nd : Francisco Melicias (2 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Aditya (11 times) _ 2nd : Francisco Melicias (1 times)
why load text from String array and set text to textview is very slow in big string array?
please help to me.
//get khotbe text from database and copy to khotbe activity
private void setkhotbetextarabicfarsi() {
this.sqliteDB = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(this.getDatabasePath("a...
Hangman games : 13 Most Correct letter found by : Aditya (7 times) _ 2nd : morroko (4 times) _ 3rd : Diksha (4 times) Most Incorrect letter by : morroko (8 times) _ 2nd : Aditya (6 times)
I'm getting video thumbnails asynchronously with the following code:
let imgGenerator = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset)
imgGenerator.generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes([NSValue(CMTime: CMTimeMake(1, 30))]) {(time1, image, time2, result, error) -> Void in
if ...
@MSU_Bulldog currently we are storing user settings using NSUserDefaults, which one is a better approach for sdk providing customisation setting in info.plist or storing it using NSUserDefaults?