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Good Mornings :)
Gooood Moooorning....
2 hours later…
good morning
4 hours later…
Hello guys
How are you
I've a question if you could answer. It will be a great help. @Himanshu
Q: ViewPager not getting updated using FragmentStatePagerAdapter

droid_devI've a two fragments, Fragment A and Fragment B. Fragment A lists all products and Fragment B shows detail about the product and its images. Fragment A calls Fragment B and Fragment B fetches data from web service and sets to ViewPager using Adapter. Initially it displays correct image but there...

when you are not getting updated images; i am unable to understand ?
I am calling fragment B from Fragment A
then what's wrong if you call notifyDataSetChanged() after you update your adapter ?
If i click on notifyDataSetChanged from any event like from button then it updates images but if i just call setADapter then it doesn't have latest images
Whenever we call Fragment B from Fragment A, we have to display images.
We are fetching image URL after fragment B is displayed
why you are calling that from any button call as soon all data is loaded
I am only calling to see if it works using mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged()
can we remove adapter data when we switch back from fragment B to Fragment A?
we are setting new data then why adapter has issue
@Himanshu are you getting my question??
Q: How to destroy old fragments in FragmentStatePagerAdapter

vovahostI want to implement this: I use a ViewPager with a FragmentStatePagerAdapter. I started with the example from this page: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/FragmentStatePagerAdapter.html This is my ViewPager adapter: public static class MyAdapter extends Fragme...

@Himanshu I am not getting it
how to post jsonobject to get jsonarray response
4 hours later…
Do you have any idea about the issue??

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