I have spent lot of time to find correct cordova plugin for parse push notifications for both Android & iOS platforms.
My requirements are:
To receive parse push notification (in both android & iOS)
Able to store all the incoming push notifications in mobile local storage Sqlite.
I have trie...
In order to go live, you need to register your application with PayPal to obtain an application ID.
When you submit your application to PayPal for review, the application
is quickly scanned for the requests to PayPal operations. If no
"advanced" operations are found, PayPal issues an AppI...
Problem in xamarin Studio submission 64 bit app to appstore
I work with Xamarin Studio. I transform my app with Unified Api and changed my supported architectures to "ARMv7 + AMRv7s + ARM64".
Rebuild and it's ok but when i submission my app to appstore, i receive always:
"Missing 64-bit support ...
@HimanshuAgarwal kindly check this they are setting values here https://github.com/LukeDeighton/WheelView/blob/master/WheelViewSample/src/main/java/com/lukedeighton/wheelsample/MainActivity.java @Override public Drawable getDrawable(int position) { Drawable[] drawable = new Drawable[] { createOvalDrawable(getItem(position).getValue()), new TextDrawable(String.valueOf(position)) }; return new LayerDrawable(drawable); }
I am trying to call SOAP web service using one WSDL file.
I have added all required parameters in it.
But I am getting error as below:
SoapFault - faultcode: 'ns1:unexpected-error' faultstring: 'Fault occurred while processing.' faultactor: 'null' detail: null in android
Here is my code sampl...
Among the settings that I am saving to NSUserDefaults is a non-mandatory object that doesn't make sense to have an out-of-the-box default. Until the user sets a value for this object, the app generates the error "[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL" when I unarchive from NS...
Earlier this year I mentioned a great example of a pull-to-refresh animation from Yalantis called Rentals and a library for Here’s another great example from Yalatnis that utilizes the customizable pull-to-refresh library providing an interesting animated pull-to-refresh view which could be great for cooking apps called PullToMakeSoup and a library for creating your own custom […]
I am facing a issue and I have tried so many ways but none of the way worked for me. I am using fragmenttabhost for tabs. In one tab i.e SearchFragment tab there is edittext with the search button and bottom to it listview is shown.
Let's say I perform search, now the list is shown to me, now if...
@SaadChaudhry Google form use kar sakte hai, for taking input.. its better.. . email me na?? matlab inbox me submit button par click kare to mail ho jai pdf..
I want to achieve infra red vision effect (the vision usually used for aliens in movies), just like the one used in Predator 2 - using OpenCV.
I have searched, but I have been pointed out that IR filter is made using webcam hardware that supports it.
Is there any way to achieve effect clo...