some bugs can take lot of time to fix, but if you do it yourself, then at the end of it, you learn a lot, and the next time you hit similar issues, you would be able to do it much quicker
since you are using native code, that could be causing a heap corruption somewhere. could be a bug in the native code or some pointer that the native code didn't verify etc
what i meant was that you didn't google properly! I found that info in one search
now you know more about it, so continue from there
logging is just one (and at times poor) way of debugging. try to understand what is happening, sometimes guessing (hypothesis) and then trying to prove that ..
anyway, i gave you pointers. good luck now. spend some time/days on it :p
look at what kinda problems people found (even if other libraries) when they had similar error.. that should give you an idea about what kinda issues can cause this
Hello @all, I didn't find anything on google to that question: I want to use the keyboard like it appears on the (newest) iOS lock screen (it is totally black and the buttons have a white/light stroke). But When I choose textField.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDark; the keyboard is not drawn exactly like that (more like a dark version of the normal iOS 7 keyboard)... anyone an idea?
@Kabira but in UIKit there is only this: `typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIKeyboardAppearance) { UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault, // Default apperance for the current input method. UIKeyboardAppearanceDark NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0), UIKeyboardAppearanceLight NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0), UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert = UIKeyboardAppearanceDark, // Deprecated };`
Because of the performance issue, i try to initialize my mapview in multithread. it works perfectly in iOS4.1 or below version.. however today some users send me emails that they got problem with the map. and i got this message:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reas...
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