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Great Sunday! No one online!
7 hours later…
@Dante zinda ho?
Hay ho @Jigsaw @Dante
ho ho ho
@Jigsaw hn
le gaana sun
dadi wale baba ka gaana
video to maine dekhi hi nhi
mp3 pada hai :D
ab tujhe mp3 kaise share krta
yaar aj interrogation karna tha sir kati laash ka time hi nahi mila
khel.. maje aayenge
game novel type hai
uske husband se pooch taach karni hai :P
cartoon style graphic bhi mast hai
@Jigsaw husband se ek spoiler yaad aaya :P
game ka hi
ek bewada bandar hi bhi hai
jaadui mirror :P
@Dante @Jigsaw Are you familiar with iOS ?
@stack ios/Android room
are you familiar ?
What's your question?
I am trying to track user location. I am doing so by using 2 classes
But, it's not working.....
read the room description
@Dante Sorry, I will take care of this
@aMother whats the issue
does nslog printing nything?
aata hn
lkin pehle ki tareh pada nhi rehta
:D pada
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
This NSLog is not printing. Also, the alert for giving access of location services to the application appears and disappears automatically
post ur code on pastebin and share the link here
@Jigsaw ok
Each link contains the class interface and implementation
@Jigsaw Is it fine now ?
@Dante have you use MKStoreKit?
I worry about rejection
still OK in iOS7?
there're an warning there
transactionReceipt Deprecated
Don't understand much
@Jigsaw do you found the bug ?
@aMother u r calling this method in location update class [self.manager startUpdatingLocation];
put breakpoint there and check weather that method is called or not
@stack which method .. can you give code ?
@Jigsaw That method is called ... A prompt is shown whether to give this app to access location service. Then prompt automatically disappears within a few secs
Inside MKStoreManager.m
@Jigsaw That method is called ... A prompt is shown whether to give this app to access location service. Then prompt automatically disappears within a few secs
    [self provideContent:download.transaction.payment.productIdentifier
           hostedContent:[NSArray arrayWithObject:download]];
transactionReceipt deprecated
you hosting content ?
just warning
I just use non-customer type
then should not be issue
Just curious
Don't understand much
@Dante @stack can you please find what's wrong with my code... It's pretty small.
click method decleartion
it should point out in the doc which to use for newer version
ok, something in WWDC, I need to watch
@aMother Why use another class
@aMother do one thing just write this method in ur location update class - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
and then check
@stack my GetViewController was getting messier due to some other functionalities
@Jigsaw ok
MKStoreKit super easy to use. Hic.. I waste my time with ray tutorial
@Jigsaw It's still not working
@Jigsaw I was also facing problem with this too...
Man City 6 - 0 Tottenham
[self.manager startUpdatingLocation] press command+click on startUpdatingLocation and see u r redirected to the defination or not
I was redirected
to @interface CLLocationManager
sorry that was for stack to click method decleration
@Jigsaw I can upload the project on git... if you wish to test...
@Dante dekh lega :P
What's that?
Copy and paste Apple comments
Good Night!
Hey, Is it possible to send and receive UDP packets from and to a specific user in android?
I mean in a single application
Listen on a port and send from another..
Why do you want to do this though ?
Actually i am trying to create a Tic Tac Toe game in multiplayer
Will this be practical to create a socket, make it listen to same port on both sides?
Multiplayer.. But not with a player on another device ?
You won't be listening to same port twice. You will listen on a port, and the other guy can send udp packets to that port
How can i create a two-way transmission then?
Please Help me... Try building this project
@Jigsaw I have posted github link
You need to read up on some basics of network communication.
And udp is probably not what you need
See differences between udp and tcp
@aMother it does not have any project
Do you want the two players to play on the same device ?
Or do you want two players using two different devices to play with each other
Yeah, i did. And came to a conclusion that with UDP i can broadcast my messages but with TCP only two players will be involved. That's why i choosed UDP
@Jigsaw wait I have messed up something
On different devices
Okay, then your original question sounds invalid. As you won't be sending data to the same application on the same device
I hope you got my point :P Please guide me through this
How many players can be involved in a tic tac toe game ?
Two players only, but i want to learn how can i create apps in which more than two players will be involved.
Just read up any doc or tutorial on how to communicate using udp. There isn't much else involved
Udp has it's limitations,.. Anyway, as long as you are aware of those
And how can i do this over 2G network instead of LAN or Wifi? How will i identify a user uniquely ?
yeah, no ACK in UDP, i am aware of that whole mechanism.
You need some network communication basics . Identifying.. that depends . Basically you want some means of finding out how to reach the other user and then actually communicate
If they are behind firewalls, then you might have to use a server in between, which can pass the packets from one side to the other
Yeah, kind of sending and receiving Bytes of data across a network.
Firewall on 2G networks ?
Both sides connect to the server, give some name for themselves..
On ISP side
Is this possible without a dedicated server? i mean one of the connected user will act as a server?
Simplest is to communicate directly. On a LAN .. Wifi router. Get that working first
Do the simplest scenario first, it will help to tackle some imp problems first
Both parties will be listening anyway..
okay, i will try on Wifi first. But that server thing!
What ?
Do i need a dedicated application? or any one of the connected user can be acted as a server?
you are getting mixed up. Forget "server". In the simple case of lan over wifi.. both sides will have to listen on a port to receive packets from the other side
say, both sides listen on port 8000 for incoming data from the other side
Whenever one side wants to send data to the other side, they will send the packet to other side's ip_address:8000
so, same code on both side
no real "server" involved in this case
Okay! Thanks. :)
read up a network communication tute for your platform
Please help. Anyone here... Build this project github.com/aMother/hope
when you do this simple case, you will run into bunch of problems. by the time you solve those, you will understand all this a bit better :)
Got it!
@aMother, i suggest that you show the relevant code instead of the whole project. And sorry, I don't know about this, so i won't be able to help
@radical It's about tracking location in iOS
sorry, i don't know about that. Dante, Jigsaw and others can help you
@Jigsaw is everything fine with repo
m checking
@radical you know android ?
@Jigsaw ok
i'm mostly new to both iOS and android :)
i'm new to ios...
@KushSharma I recommend you to consult MultiNetworking framework if available for android... It will hide most of the complexity from you...
hey guys, if you use AFNetworking in a function that needs to return data, how do you return the data retrieved by AFNetworking ?
^^ for iOS
erm already seen but somehow not able to understand how to do so
I am retrieving some data from a API which I need to show on a view, so unless the async returns the data, the code which is showing stuff from that data to the view will give error
I was thinking to use something like a while loop to not allow the code for view to run before I get data in my main code and till then show a blank view
@vongolashu Show the data from inside the async callback
@vongolashu block pattern is what you have to use
that will actually
cluster up the code
atm I am doing fetching of data using a separate function and that function uses async
@Dante sorry but I am really a noob in regards to blocks, started ios programming just 3 weeks ago
you could use delegate pattern or block
both will add an extra method layer to the function callbacks
@Dante any sample code or context you can link me to so I can understand better ?
AFNetwork calls are like request performRequest:(block Syntax) {
// called after request complete
I was thinking of this, declare my main code's data holder array as a property in .h file, async will directly will the array property with data
till then in my main function I use something like while(array.count<2) and make the loop sleep or something to delay main code execution
@Dante, enjoying GTA5?
@vongolashu that will be definitely writing bad code
@vongolashu using this will block the delievery of events on the main thread... Also, it will contradict the concept of async i.e non bloacking ...
@radical yeah, its great . but too reliastic :D
heh in what sense?
not pick up and have fun
@Dante Please help me with this project github.com/aMother/hope
hello evryone
@radical what you playing ?
damn this block thing is hard to grasp for me without some sample code
nothing on the consoles these days. Playing a bit of 'Super meat boy'
does anyone here know a good tutorial about creating pdf and then presenting? i´m stuck on the part of scrolling everything inside the web view that i present...
@Jigsaw so, do you know what's the prob
@vongolashu search on delegate pattern
@vongolashu, google for: objective-c block
@Dante can you help me?
@radical on pc ?
yeah, on the mac
@Japa Use pageViewController to present your content if it fits...
great game :)
@Japa web view automatically takes care of scrolling
@Dante suppose if we aint using async and using normal sync, that causes data fetching a 2-3 secs load when changing view
Is it possible to show a blank view or rather a activity indicator meanwhile the data is fetched and ready ?
guys could you do me a big favor and see this: stackoverflow.com/questions/20177382/…
because the web view is not scrolling..
what is in my code that is wrong...i don't now what is escaping me..
@Dante, yeah, its fun! How is the opengl stuff?
i mean, you were learning that..
@vongolashu not using async makes some request to fail automatically
iOS have inbuild mechanism to terminate them , if they take more than 2-3 sec on a main thread
I think I had better post my question to SO with my code, that way I will be able to get some example codes to see on how you meant to do it
you probably can use them on background thread
@aMother not yet
@radical hold off currently
oh okk. unity?
@Jigsaw Thanks for giving me time....
will pick it up next weekend again
@Jigsaw Can you spot problem in this...
jst wait few more min
@Jigsaw ok
@Dante could you see my post please!?
@Dante if we have a UI image outlet in one class, can I put the image from my async function (diff class) ? I remember you mentioned handling data from within async a while ago
@vongolashu yes you can...
@aMother I have another idea, I separated all the data handling code to a function rather then directly in viewDidLoad method, I am thinking to pass the data and call this function directly from within my async block
@vongolashu It's sounding great... But, I will be able to help constructively if you can share your code
CGRect frame = self.tableView.frame;
frame.size.height = self.tableView.contentSize.height;
self.tableView.frame = frame;
@aMother will just in a bit, modifying code to try it, there is just a little hickup
@Japa frame would be screen size only
I am dynamically using the table section header title from the data I get, so wondering how to do that while using async
@Dante when i init the web view?
@vongolashu first post your code... Then I will try to help you
Use git or pastebin
k just a sec
you mean.. gist(.github.com)
@Dante man...you´re a life saver..!!!!
initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]
this resolved the problem
you need to increase table view frame to accomodate all cells
@aMother now @Dante can help u i quit :P
@Jigsaw Can you ask him... I have asked him many times. But... he is not replying.
Also, thanks for your support
have you tried
Q: Tracking User Location in the Background in iOS 7

aMotherI am trying to track's user location when the application moves to background. I just need to track once. So, I am not using background location services. In the code below this works when I uncomment 1 but it doesn't work when I uncomment 2. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication...

@Dante just doting this:UIWebView *webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];....resolved all the problem...thanks again dante!
i cant force him he will help u when he will be free @aMother
@Jigsaw ok
@Jigsaw did you see that SO question
@vongolashu code ?
@aMother just a sec, since moved all code to a separate function, have to change all self. to class obj.
@vongolashu ok
@aMother @Dante here is the code/function which is fetching my data from my API dropbox.com/s/1iseihd6wcp779n/…
I need that array gameData to use images, titles etc in my view and its elements
the commented code is how I was doing it earlier which was causing previous view to hold for 2-3 secs while data was fetched, I just want to add a acivity indicator using async or w/e so when a user clicks a game, indicator shows meanwhile data is fetched
@aMother, hm am I correct in thinking that the "startStandardUpdates" is a non-blocking call, and so it will return and your async block will end immediately
@radical Could you eloborate
trying to first understand how the bkg task stuff works
where do you get updates from startStandardUpdates?
@radical you are talking about SO question or git project
IIUC, when you are in bkg, your bkg task is pretty much what is active
SO question
@aMother saw the code ?
@vongolashu yes, you can start your activity indicator in view did load and stop that in async callback
and the way I am calling my function (which shows all data in view by IBs) and passing the data is correct ?
@radical "the run loop keep observing all the event sources of thread". And when the event is fired it dispatches the handler on thread
okk. source for that ?
damn not working
the data being showed in IB elements is default one I created in interface builder and not the one I am passing via code
@radical THERE was a bug in code it was [self.manager startStandardUpdates]
Source is OS kernels linked with GPS I guess
@radical I am a beginner so, I may be wrong
no, i meant, source for that quote .. "the run loop keep.."
Apple thread programming guide
does it talk about the background task case?
@vongolashu use NSLog to see does array contain something in asyn block
@aMother contents are fine
I even checked the array passed to showGame func and its content are corrcet
I hope you have already checked the common mistakes, which google turns up on the topic. also, this kinda thing doesn't help? stackoverflow.com/questions/6347503/…
this is just one of many though, but maybe you have already tried those
using gdv.gamePublishers.text = [gameData valueForKey:@"PUBLISHERS"];
gameData has correct data for that ley
but the value shows as nil in gamePub.text thing
@radical my case is different. I don't want after some intervals. Moreover it's working in case 1 but not in case 2.... In case 1 I guess I am using main thread for execution of [self.manager startStandardUpdates] and in case 2 I am using some other thread
I can't suggest more at this point, w/o actually trying to debug
I was using self.gamePublishers.text while using it on viewDidLoad but now when I am doing it inside a function, I made a object of class where these IBs are linked and so using gdv.
yes, that was my earlier point, that in case of bkg task, i'm not sure that you are getting any events delivered. Or.. you can try makign that task actually stick around for some time, rather than just quit immediately !
you declared bkg mode, correct?
@radical actually my app can't wait... No, I am not using background location services
Q: Background task or updating location in iphone

JohnykuttyI want to make an application that updates users location to my remote server in every xx minute, even the application is in background I have tried the following code - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { i=0; UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApp...

@aMother any idea on whats causing that nil ? :9
Q: Requesting iPhone location whilst in background?

fuzzygoatSimple question ... I have an application that records a users location at 30second intervals (using an NSTimer) it works perfectly until the application goes "inactive" and the NStimer stops. As a consequence I am looking for options to maintain my location interval (30secs) whilst still being a...

read both of those
by wait i meant, .. make that task that you launch, stick around, rather than immediately returning. But if you aren't using location bkg mode, then i think that could be the issue :|
@radical In my case I don't need that. Also, If I use background location services I won't need to create any bkg task because iOS will do that for me...
@vongolashu I am not able to get you completely. It will be nice if you can post your complete code not whole project but code that is relevant. I mean your viewController too
@radical by the way thanks for reviewing that question
@vongolashu use pastebin.com or gist.github.com
i think there is a mismatch b/w how you think it works, and how it actually does :| But I haven't used this, so i would have to delve deeper or debug a bit to be sure
@radical The problem is that I am not able to figure how secondary thread works...
@radical Do you know any source from where I can know
add some nslogs, and try to find about the lifecycle a bit. Also, make that block actually wait around for a bit, maybe then, the system will be able to deliver the location updates. Also, try setting the location bkg mode. And try to note at what point does your expiration handler get invoked
re:source, i would google to get to the docs
@radical I tried these things...
.. that would have given you a better understanding of this works
@radical have you published any app till now ?
anyway, i can't help beyond this, sorry
would that determine whether i know about the subject? ;) nope, no published apps yet
@radical no... don't take it that way... Neither have I... I was just asking it ... anyway
i was just kidding :)
are you developing any app ?
right now
tell something about it
#I am also developing...
can't talk about it much, yet :/ It involves bit of opengl, but it isn't a game
how about you?
ok, At least you can tell it's core function... I mean like "it reduces food wastage", "it's a code sharing app"...
todo kinda app
mine app helps the user to get help in emergency, disaster...
i gotta go now
good luck with your app!
Ok, you too
let me know when it is in stores...

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