I am newbie to Cocos 2d-x,what is the best way to start learning cocos 2d-x,I started with official wiki, was able to make the player-monster game.Pls guide me through..
@DJ' 1. there are no video tutorials on net, 2. only one book in english,that too teaches cocos 2d-x on Mac not on window machine 3. I am on Windows machine.
@user1980105 its depends on ur post objects and ur server ( how it fast handle the request) but i cant help you to do it fast but you use progress bar and blocks to use seperate thread
@DJ', the problem is , I am dynamically adding rows to my table, and every time I add a new row, I want that to be selected and previously selected to be deselected, So I had a iVar called "selectedIndexPath, suppose it had a value [0,5], so after I add a new row, my logic used to try to deselect a row at [0,5], but infact it had to deselect a row at index [0,6] because a new row is added. So I think, I should increment my ivar value everytime, I add a new row