@RicardoAlves - So gravity may be everywhere in space, but that won't stop astronauts or others from describing the wonderful feeling of weightlessness. Sometimes the illusion of human experience speaks volumes more than strict scientific fact. - See more at: space.com/7050-gravity-space.html#sthash.dJ4Q1eQn.dpuf
pls Ricardo
I win
Astronauts and space tourists may rhapsodize about feeling weightless during spaceflight, but don't be fooled by the somewhat misleading term "zero-gravity." Every object in space still feels the gravitational pull from other objects, including space travelers who imagine themselves free of Earth's gravitational shackles. - See more at: space.com/7050-gravity-space.html#sthash.dJ4Q1eQn.dpuf
I'm pretty new to Java, and coding in general. In my class we need the user to input the month (1-12) and a day (1-30) and we determine on a set date (june 15 to sept 30th) if it is or is not monsoon season. I'm trying to use a if else statement in a switch to say that anytime before june 15 is n...