Plain strings (207) Anchors (208) Ranges (202) Backrefs (199) Abba (189) A man, a plan (176) Prime (259) Four (192) Order (191) Triples (548) Glob (379) Balance (235) Powers (66) Long count (211) Long count v2 (211) Score 3473
@HamZa (((http:www|http:|www)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&=]+)(.*)(.*)(.*)) I am using this regex for website. everything works fine but the thing is that getting characters after the spaces. For example: Correct pattern is In Correct pattern is in in in(need to restrict spaces and character after that).
@HamZa It should match only like examples
@HamZa also pattern should works along with http or https or www
did anyone review recently? I had a first question in the first posts category labelled as "first answer by a new user" in the review popup, if I read the site correctly
confused me
I even visited the link, but I could only see a fresh question
@Enissay Well, I don't get that much from old answers. Although sometimes there are some nice people who upvote some of them for some reason. The one I get most upvotes on is about Twig, that one was a RTFM one. I didn't even know the answer, just looked it up in the manual xD
@HamZa indeed, don't get that much from old answers, but the occasional thank-you after i answered a several-months-old thing nobody else knew is nice to read too
Prices are generated dynamically after the page's load... here's the link of prices of the default table®t=new&_=1380620289373
It returns a json file ...
In your case, the find('tr') returns 10 elments instead of the 7 rows expected only.
Also, not all the names has links associated with them, trying to retrieve a link when it doesnt exist may return an error.
Therefore, here's a modified working version of your code:
$url = '
Plain strings (207) Anchors (208) Ranges (202) Backrefs (201) Abba (193) A man, a plan (176) Prime (261) Four (199) Order (192) Triples (524) Glob (378) Balance (283) Powers (75) Long count (217) Long count v2 (219)
one day I analysed the reps of some heavy member 50k+... he's getting 200 from upvotes almost everyday xD not to mention the answers he still giving... wich makes a total average of 400/day xD