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that crazy guy made me look again xD
Plain strings (207)
Anchors (208)
Ranges (202)
Backrefs (199)
Abba (189)
A man, a plan (176)
Prime (259)
Four (192)
Order (191)
Triples (548)
Glob (379)
Balance (235)
Powers (66)
Long count (211)
Long count v2 (211)
Score 3473
Edit: Four (199)
Score 3480
I'm off xD
5 hours later…
@HamZa (((http:www|http:|www)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&=]+)(.*)(.*)(.*)) I am using this regex for website. everything works fine but the thing is that getting characters after the spaces. For example: Correct pattern is www.facebook.com. In Correct pattern is www.facebook.com in in in(need to restrict spaces and character after that).
@HamZa It should match only like examples www.facebook.co.in www.facebook.com www.facebook.edu www.facebook.org www.facebook.co.uk www.facebook.univ.in www.facebook.ac.in
@HamZa also pattern should works along with http or https or www
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@Enissay well we're all pretty close
@ChandraSekar I have this as Korn Shell script (also a regexp of sorts): mirbsd.org/cvs.cgi/contrib/code/Snippets/…
1 hour later…
Morning !
@ChandraSekar Just use this and remove the anchors ^$
@CasNouwens What did you think about the new hat :P ?
the snow cap? @HamZa
@CasNouwens yup
i like it, did you get it for me?
@CasNouwens Well you wasn't here, so I just starred one of your messages. I gained it by going to the sandbox room
and there I asked someone to star a message of mine
you’re supposed to write something star-worthy, innit? ☻
usually, yes
@mirabilos Euhm, to gain the hat, you had to have a message starred on 20 december
We all cheated, look at the transcript here lol
in Sandbox, Dec 20 at 9:31, by Blowsie
Hey all
will someone star my chat? Im really cold and need a hat!
that's funny yes
Hi boyz
What hat are you talking about... I want a one too :>
@Enissay you didn't activate it ?
how ?
snowflake in the title bar
but it wouldn't work with your current avatar, I had to change mine too
wtf, I keep login with an old account... cant login with this one :<
I'm asking the support since this happens all the time :s
@Enissay You have 2 accounts ?
yeah, the second one is empty, it was created by mistake
and couldnt find a way to delete it, so it's there :/
@HamZa stackoverflow.com/questions/161738/…. which one should i need to use for java which satisfies all the above cases mentioned by me????
@ChandraSekar Argh, forgot you were using java
3 hours later…
I downvoted an answer and got -1 :/
@Enissay Was the answer upvoted ?
@Enissay Ah, you need 1000rep to view up/down votes
4 hours later…
mh, 1000 rep takes quite a while if you only are here occasionally and don't ask questions yourself mostly…
/me also waiting for it ;)
tho sometimes I have the feel not even the OP reads my answers/comments
I was hoping to reach 1k before the end of the year, but it is unlikely now :<
hmh, even more for me
did anyone review recently? I had a first question in the first posts category labelled as "first answer by a new user" in the review popup, if I read the site correctly
confused me
I even visited the link, but I could only see a fresh question
hah and an answer labelled as question
I think they got the texts the wrong way round
hey, btw, how to get a hat... I went HERE but everything is locked :/
@Enissay you get them by doing specific things on the site
such as getting starred in chat twice, or answering your own question, or answering a post $bignum days later
but don't cheat, i.e. don't ask a fake question just to get that hat
I achieved many things a while ago, why doesnt it count ? :/
the things you need to do are listed on that site
no, only fresh things
e.g. it says "post or vote on christmas" for the forth hat from left, first row
things like that
ow, 25th... I tought it was late lol
there are others
oh and then, there are secret hats
I got the one I wanted (by not even trying, just behaving as normal), and don't care now ;) but I'd not cared w/o it either
let's improve on the regex quiz some more…
I'm gonna eat now =)
1 hour later…
[19:05:38] <cnuke> "Sometimes regular expressions can get messy. That's what she sed."
@mirabilos @Enissay I could help you guys with some rep. Give me one answer you think it's worth a bounty
@mirabilos true, I got that feeling too sometimes
@HamZa the pun is on “sed” (instead of “said”)
lemme look through answers
playing again with the alf.nu page…
@mirabilos yeah I got the pun, I don't use sed though ...
dunno if any are worth a bounty, but lots of them could use at least a vote-up…
besides it's a long way from 606 to 1000
I got enough rep :P
Although I wanted to reach 10K for "mod tools", but meh with all those crappy questions I can't reach it soon
yeah mod tools would be awesome :D
some day :D
but first run through the answers I wrote (not that many) and see whether you can upvote some, that saves 10rep each on your side
The first one, the question is off-topic
hm, right
with mod tools you can view deleted Q/A. Some Q/A are hilarious !
lemme see. that first one better on superuser then? if so i'll suggest a move
i'm not quite grasped the differences between each fully yet
The first one, I voted to close it for moving to Superuser
hey, don't forget to share them then =D (The hilarious Q/A)
@mirabilos I chose code skeleton and 16-bit assembly
@Enissay 10K, I'm far from it xD
ok, thank you!
Need to wait atleast 2 days to reward it. Stratigically, it's better to wait for 7 days to gain more upvotes :)
I see. No problem with that ;-)
some day i'll be going through all the open asm questions again ;)
@HamZa, it will come anyway... how much do you gain from your old answers ? (upvotes, ...)
@Enissay Well, I don't get that much from old answers. Although sometimes there are some nice people who upvote some of them for some reason. The one I get most upvotes on is about Twig, that one was a RTFM one. I didn't even know the answer, just looked it up in the manual xD
@Enissay got an answer worth a bounty ?
I dont know what is that either lol... sometimes luck is a wonderful thing :)
working on it
@Enissay a bounty is something that is so good, or so much sought after, that someone awards a karma bonus for it
and preparing some rice at teh same time xD
that is, when the bounty-giving person accepts it, they lose the rep and you gain it
@mirabilos He was talking about "Twig"
@HamZa indeed, don't get that much from old answers, but the occasional thank-you after i answered a several-months-old thing nobody else knew is nice to read too
ah ok, dunno what twig is either
@Enissay Well, it's a sign that there is a lot of people who don't read the manual or just don't know how
indeed, that's sad since reading the manual/help is the first thing to do :/
damn, I overcooked the sauce... Tonight's dinner sucks :<
@HamZa, so a question worth a bounty if it's a long long one ? xD
I don't think I have any :<
A: Scrape Renewal Pricing From Go Daddy' pricing list

EnissayPrices are generated dynamically after the page's load... here's the link of prices of the default table https://www.godaddy.com/domains/controls/jsoncontent/generalpricing.aspx?tab=general&widthreduction=160&hidelinks=true&TargetDivId=tabgj_new&regt=new&_=1380620289373 It returns a json file ...

A: Simple HTML DOM - traversing html

EnissayIn your case, the find('tr') returns 10 elments instead of the 7 rows expected only. Also, not all the names has links associated with them, trying to retrieve a link when it doesnt exist may return an error. Therefore, here's a modified working version of your code: $url = 'http://espn.go.com...

not regex ones :>
Plain strings (207)
Anchors (208)
Ranges (202)
Backrefs (201)
Abba (193)
A man, a plan (176)
Prime (261)
Four (199)
Order (192)
Triples (524)
Glob (378)
Balance (283)
Powers (75)
Long count (217)
Long count v2 (219)

Score 3535
this makes me ill ;)
indeed, you're crazy xD
/me plays Nintendo – The Legend of Zelda (25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD)
@Enissay You traitor, how dare you parse HTML without regex :O
I suck at Triples
nice though, I still at Score 3483
and glob
^((.+)( .* \2$|* .* \2)|b|*[fiptve][^x])
@HamZa, haha, nice hat btw =)
lol I thought why in the world can't I award a bounty. Remembered that there are 3 active (3 is the max)
oh oops
cancel mira's one
nah just ACK them in 2 days so Enissay can have theirs
meh, one bounty is going to expire in a few hours.
btw, these bounty are taken from you right ?
I mean you give us points from yours
@Enissay yup, done
@HamZa, that's not cool for you... that way you will never reach 10k xD
@Enissay I kind of gave up that goal. So much crappy questions it's not even fun
/me got a hat for awarding a bounty
@HamZa See you even got something from it :Þ
Yeah :D
wow 16 hats…
one day I analysed the reps of some heavy member 50k+... he's getting 200 from upvotes almost everyday xD not to mention the answers he still giving... wich makes a total average of 400/day xD
@Enissay There is a limit of 20 upvotes per day, so if you get 24 upvotes, you only get 200
yeah, I know about it xD
And thanks for the bounty <3
can one see who up/downvoted an answer/comment?
@mirabilos votes are anonymous, even mods can't in a way ...
ah okay, thx
Do the Swim! hat \o/
@Enissay you're at 1000 now
@mirabilos voting too much will get it reversed :/
not doing too much. well, trying not to.
@mirabilos I mean, voting too much on the same person in a short period of time.
ok let's hope that this was not too much

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