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To explain more, why it's a problem calling from .Net to COM to .Net. The .Net code running as COM exists in another AppDomain, which is why you get invalid cast exception. I've yet to find a good article explaining this for, although I had to have read one on the topic (how else would I have learned it?).
8 hours later…
This makes sense, though I thought different AppDomains would not affect each other. Not that I've ever worked with more than one AppDomain. We might be able to recompile C# applications. We will not rewrite the COM interface in a non-.NET language.
We are currently working on other solutions to do the same thing without replacing the COM interface. Let me know if you find the article, and I will set aside some time to look for it myself today. Personally I wouldn't mind having the .NET applications recompiled to use direct reference, but that just makes the whole solution affect too many things, and shake to many trees. Pretty much the same as asking your boss if you can have three weeks to do refactoring just before a project is due :o)
6 hours later…
There are also ways to force a process to use a different version of a COM interface than what is registered on the machine. You could redo the COM object in C# and update some of your C# applications that you are comfortable with, and leave the ones you may want to keep untouched alone. Look at Registration-Free COM: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms973913.aspx
I'll take a look at that
I used it in the past to hack a POS application, we had to control it from self-scan software
which is crazy, but works great
Not quite sure what we will do. We are looking at a workaround, as I mentioned. The code we write for the workaround can be used in either situation; in the application we are currently building, or in the COM interface if that is the choice.
At the moment I think we will try to make it work with what we are currently doing, and depending on the conclusion from The Architect, we'll see what we have to focus on then.
Thank you so much for the input so far. I will try to follow up on the existing thread if we return to this situation again.

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