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The issue is when you try to use a COM interface from a .Net language that is written in a .Net language. You would never need to do this anyway as you could reference it as a .Net dll. I'm trying to find an article for you on this.
Break down your situation for me. You have a COM interface, you want to redo it in C#. What languages are your existing applications in?
8 hours later…
For some reason I thought this chat was sort of a PM board, and not a chat. Anyways; we have some applications in C#, and a few in plain C++. As you said, I want to redo it in C#. One, or possibly more, of the existing C# applications can be re-compiled to use the new direct reference. The problem is that we might not be able to recompile/rewrite them all as we either do not want to touch them, or go through the deployment of them for some reason or another.
I assume I will be available back here in about 9 hours. It is 00:14 GMT+1 now.
2 hours later…
I think your best option is to recompile all C# .Net applications to just use a direct reference. I not sure of another way, unless you want to redo your COM interface in a non-.Net language.

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