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A: CAShapeLayer with different Colors

DonMagTo get this: We can use a CAShapeLayer for the red "boxes" and a CALayer as a .mask on that shape layer. To reveal / cover the boxes, we set the frame of the mask layer to a percentage of the width of the bounds. Here's a complete example: class StepView: UIView { public var progress: CGFloa...

THANK YOU!!! I was working on this for hours yesterday and all this morning and couldn't figure it out. Much appreciated. I gave you both :)
I just realized something. You hardcoded the values let steps: [[CGFloat]] = [...]. What I'm trying to achieve is the as the user slides, whatever condition turns the gradient red. For eg. let's say the conditions start at the slider value 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, and 0.9 but they continue until the user lefts their finger which would be 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, and 0.95. In the example you gave the user tapped/slid/lifted 4 times. But in practice the user may tap/slide/left 9 times at any point. For an easy demo the condition could be the initial tap points but the lift points can vary.
@LanceSamaria - ok, that's confusing... Do you want to start with an empty "bar" ... user moves the slider thumb to, say, 0.1 and releases. Then user slides the thumb to 0.4 and releases. The bar now gets a red box from 0.1 to 0.4? And so on? Can the boxes overlap? Do they have to go left-to-right (0 to 1)? Or, can the user create a 0.8-0.9 box and then create a 0.4-0.55 box?
I assumed it was confusing. The problem is the condition isn't well explained. Definitely starts with an empty bar. For simplicity let's say the only 2 conditions to turn red are at 0.4 and 0.8. When the user starts scrubbing at 0, if they lift their finger at 0.3999, the condition is false. But if they scrub and hit 0.4, then the condition is met, it turns red. They keep scrubbing and lift their finger at 0.7, then from 0.4-07 it'll be red. They scrub some more, from 0.71 to 0.79 it's not red, but once it hits 0.8 it turns red until they let go or reach the end
Overlapping is a good question. In the actual project, I have checks to make sure that the boxes don't overlap. For this example if it's easier to not make them not overlap, then definitely not. But if it's more difficult then don't worry about it.
They can create a box anytime the condition is met. Let me explain the project. It's a recording. As the slider slides, they can record, once they start recording, the box starts to turn red on the parts of the slider so that the user knows that they recorded at those particular time frames eg 0.4-07. Once that box is there, they can't record over those time frames again They can scrub forwards and backwards and the box will always be there. They can record at any other point in on the scrubber timeline as long as it doesn't overlap the box. Thats the condition. Dont overlap any existing boxes
The user isn't actually doing the scrubbing, it's the player playing, and while the player plays the periodicTimeObserver updates the slider. To keep things simple I just created this example to say that the user is scrubbing, but it's really the player that is scrubbing. They press a recordButton and they can record audio while the player plays/scrubs. While they record the box appears red. Once they press the button to stop recording or the slider reaches the end, that's the end point of the red box.
@LanceSamaria - let's see if I understand what you're trying to do... You'll start with an "empty" bar... something happens that starts the progress moving from 0 (left end) to 1.0 (right end)... while it's moving, the user maybe touches-down, and a red-box begins at the progress point? Then it expands while the touch is down... user lifts touch, and the "progress" continues but the red-box stops? User touches down again, and a new red-box starts, expanding until touch-up? Or...
user touches-down at, say, 0.1... red-box expands until touch-up OR progress reaches 0.3? Progress continues, with touch still down but no new red-box, until user touches-up and then down again?
Yep, exactly. You hit it on the read.
In the real project the condition to start the red box is them tapping the record button, but that was overkill for this so I used 0.4 etc as the start conditions. In the actual project the red box stops once the user presses the recordButton again, but for this I just decided to use 0.7 etc or until the finger is lifted off. The only preventive thing in both is no recording over an existing red box which means another red box won't go over an existing red box. But that's not a big issue for this because in the real project I have an array, and start/stop times to check it
@LanceSamaria - see the Edit to my answer.
Thanks for this. I’m looking it over it over on my phone, I have to get to my laptop to fully comprehend and try it. From what I can tell the your button works exactly as I described. The reason I didn’t post the project in more detail is because I notice sometimes less is more. I’ve came across several questions with no answer and I attributed it to there being too much. In this situation I could’ve used the same code and just explained better. Thanks. I’m going to take a good look at this later tonight, test it, and let you know the results. Enjoy your day. TTYL
@DonMag. Interesting way that you did it, no gradientLayers and instead you just colored the caLayer. It's odd because everywhere I looked on the internet about coloring caLayers, it said to use a gradientLayer. But this definitely a GREAT job. Thanks :)
@DonMag, this answer applies for several other questions that I came across. I've seen several people ask how can they create mutilcolored progressView or multicolored slider. This works because they can make the track colors of the slider or progressView clear, put this behind/underneath it, then animate using the caLayer colors as it progresses,
There are many, many ways to do a "mutilcolored progressView or slider." Which approach to take depends on a whole lot of other factors...

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