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@DonMag Yes, thanks for those 3 files, very good to keep in handy. I've been playing with different ways to do this I ended up going with just creating an uiview and expanding it's width as the slider progresses. What I realize is that the user may want to delete the recordings (represented by boxes). I created a dataModel that held the recordingUrl, the start/end times/ and the uiview. Once they delete I just remove the view from its superView, and delete the rest from the array
Your answer gave me plenty of insight into CALayers because I'm extremely weak in that area. Thanks. Btw, your previous help with my other project helped me here too stackoverflow.com/a/71457888/4833705. I still haven't been able to get a good grasp of CGAffine ... Anyway, as always, THANKS for your help :)
*approaches not files
6 hours later…
@DonMag, I'm sure you don't need anything like this but it's something that I found a couple of days ago before I asked this question. github.com/Kolch/Charts/issues/1

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