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@VonC summary: I have invited icza and JimB. Among the other top users, Cerise Limon doesn't have a chat profile, so I can't invite them
icza showed up and then left. probably he was daunted by the excessive amount of context I provided. JimB didn't show up
I don't think it's necessary to invite more people, at this time
Feel free to invite others yourself, and/or direct interested people here at your discretion
I'll leave the chat up as long as possible, although if nobody talks, it will get frozen eventually.
I believe there are other lower reputation tag regulars that may be interested in this chat, but I don't feel like going on a spam campaign
those who are interested will naturally come. I did my part
hope to see you around here from time to time. have a good day!
1 hour later…
I've read the chat history but didn't have time to reply.
I think it's a good initiative, not sure how well it'll do.
we'll see over time.
I'll help out when I can.
@icza thanks for replying! I also have mixed expectations, given that the Go community has other channels for chatting. However the lack of a room on SO was a bit egregious, so here it is
LMK if you are interested in becoming room owner
not sure what advantages are there for room owners
it would be good if ppl could find this chat easily
i have this tab open since the invitation, but if wouldn't, I wouldn't even know where to look for it
that is a major drawback (no point to exist if ppl don't know about it and can't find it even if they know something exists)
@icza actually it's not an advantage, it's a duty. room owners keep the chat clean and tell people to behave
yes, chats are a secondary feature on SO, they aren't very prominent
the path is from your main page -> stack exchange logo -> chat link -> search by keyword
I have added a link to this chat into my own profile (stackoverflow.com/users/4108803/blackgreen?tab=profile). other than that there isn't much to promote it, except if someone is active on social media
the chat link should be displayed here, on SO
what do you mean
the tag info would be a prime space to put it
oh, this is a good idea
the tag info that's displayed on top of the page listing go questions
although not sure if the link fits the purpose of the tag info
ok, that's the tag wiki excerpt. a link in the excerpt probably isn't even allowed, I'll have to look that up on meta
a link in the tag wiki instead is absolutely fine
yes, that's what I fear. otherwise that would be a good place and then this chat room would have meaning
I'll have a look on meta about this, and ask around
the tag wiki, you can edit it at any time. I can but with <20k my edit will have to be approved
will do so, but that page is rarely checked by newcomers looking for quick help
the problem with the wiki excerpts is that it's plain text only. markdown won't render
if we add a link in there, provided it's allowed to do so, it won't be clickable
oh right.. I remember of another feature
if there are people chatting in the room, and the room is tagged (this one is), people browsing Q&As in that tag will (should) se a panel "people chatting right now"
though I'm not sure how that works exactly
Q: Make the Stack Overflow chat more prominently linked

Antti HaapalaRecently I have noticed that not many people know about the existence of the Stack Overflow chat, among them many seasoned (10k+ rep) users. Stack Overflow Chat is just something where you end up by happenstance after using the site for some years. This is unfortunate, as I consider the lively di...

I have to go now, will come back later on today
there is no "people chatting right now" on Go's question page
@icza Putting the link to a Go chat room in the go tag wiki page is a good idea.
Currently there is such a link... to the old Go chat room


Everything around GOlang
@blackgreen Note: there is already a link to a Go chat root in the Go tag wiki page: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/157347/golang
@icza In the meantime (to start some activity/discussion), I am trying to follow along the intense debate around int: github.com/golang/go/issues/19623
That seems to be for Go2 only, if I understand correctly
The goal of this proposal is to make the default integer type capable of storing arbitrarily large values, to avoid security and overflow issues (and secondarily make programming more fun)
Yes, I've seen that, it's an old issue
not sure if it'll even come to fruition
imo that would be a breaking change (hence targeted for 2.0), but still
if they can add generics without advancing to 2.0, I don't think 2.0 is coming ever near
From stackoverflow.com/a/31290231/6309, this is currently "supported" through pkg.go.dev/math/big#Int
Speaking of generics, I am also "amused" by github.com/golang/go/issues/50348
proposal: rename the "constraints" package to "of"
`func Abs[V of.Number](v V) V{...}`

`func Sum[K comparable, V of.Number](m map[K]V) V {...}`
I'm not a big fan of arbitrary prec int, but probably would be fun and easier to use. big.Int is for explicit / special use, you don't expect a loop variable to be of big.Int...
@icza indeed, that would be awkward.
Regarding, constraints, I would prefer anyof anyof.Number, anyof.Ordered, as suggested in the comments
indeed constraints is a bit long, but clearly communicates what it is
was brought up before marked as resolved: github.com/golang/go/discussions/…
but I'm very welcoming the alias any for interface{} :)
btw the constraints package contains only a few identifiers, which could be dot-imported, so you could directly write Integer, Float, Ordered etc.
@VonC hah, look at that... all frozen rooms, from several years ago
well, time to update that link
overall I'm very happy with the generics proposal, I'm also happy they didn't overdo it
it's always easi(er) to add, but almost impossible to take away
yeah, for example it was a good idea to keep maps and slices packages as experimental
Also now that they added the approx operator ~, I'm looking forward to it being allowed in type switches
yes, that would be nice, although its significance decreases exactly due to generics
btw icza, why/how did you start with Go? I gather you were a Java developer before
I followed a similar path, from Java to Go. in my case it was a requirement of a new job I had taken
I was kind of a Google fanatic back then (nothing madness), and so Google coming out with a new language, I was naturally interested
and fell in love with the simplicity and concurrency support built into the language
so I stayed
how about you?
I had applied for a new job with a startup. They wanted a Java dev. Along with the offer they also said: "oh btw we work mostly in Go; interested?"
I knew about Go but never actually used it seriously, so I said why not. And now I'm very happy about that choice
Simplicity is a key factor. At my current employer, when we onboard new engineers, they get up to speed with the code base in no time
Although I must say, some times simplicity gets in the way. Lately I've been working on migrating a GraphQL server in Java over to Go. Without generics, it's too heavy on config files and codegen for my taste.
related to
that's about to change with 1.18

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