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11:06 PM
{Serious mode} As a native English speaker, and one who has had the pleasure and privilege of working with many colleagues who are not, I have no problem with those whose posts lack correct grammar. I am more than happy to edit such posts - if they are otherwise good - to be more 'correct' English.
{Serious mode off} ... Texans excluded. (I generally lose such battles, anyway!)
@AdrianMole as a native English speaker, what do you can say about degradation of literary version of language?
@AdrianMole do exist in the England some groups which fight for the purity of the English?
If somebody is obviously a non-English speaker, I won't judge their post from the language. However, those who use "text-speak" (like "u" for "you" and such) is a different matter. And don't even get me started on posts with 20+ emojis.
@manro There are. I'm not a member of any such groups, though.
Ask a francophone about the impact of "L'Academie Françoise".
I think, in Quebec, you can be hanged at dawn for using the term, "Le weekend."
@AdrianMole Frenchmen love their language and can kill and tear you 😁
Le Wochenende 😁
I think that should be "Française", but my (English) spell-checker disagreed.
@AdrianMole I think they may in France, but not in Quebec.
11:19 PM
@Scratte Absolutely. The Quebecois are far more French than the French.
You are nice boy, cool to talk with you ;)
I know that people in Montreal will say "Le weekend". Montreal is in Quebec, no?
They won't say it if the Police are listening!
... and, yes, Montreal is in Quebec.
@AdrianMole They'd have to set up a Sting to catch them.
I think you mean un Sting.
11:25 PM
unus Aculeus 🤓
I'm sorry to say this, but... The election is happening at the moment, and 20577 users have already voted! I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).

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