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got a quick easy question
I want to say $(this).(".box").... for example. How do I?
@AdamLynch What are you trying to do? Select anything inside of $(this) with a class of box? That would be $(".box", this)
Thanks. I'll run that now
hey guys
I have a little question, how do i set a div to be centered with jquery?
I did it with javascript however I want to animate its increase so i'm using jquery, but the code doesn't work when i do the same thing with jquery animate
@Henry that's not working for me. Hmm
@Henry I want to store $(".box", this) in a variable and change the CSS of it later on
guys quick question, what do I do if I'm getting returned a "[object HTMLParagraphElement]" when I get the p element from a form
I have this:
var oEl = checkbox.closest("td").siblings().children();
var p = oEl[0];
and when I try to put it in an input field it just prints the [object HTML ParagraphElement]
@EslamSoliman would you happen to know the answer to my question? ^
@Luis try using innerHtml instead of val
@AdamLynch it says: 556Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'innerHTML'
oh wait now. Try getting the value of p and storing that in $titleInput.val()
ah! I got it now
yeah, that's what I did
thanks ! :)

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