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Hi shankar first off thank you for the help so far.
my issue is i have tried what you stated before but it doesnt resolve my issue
its hard to explain the problem, is it possible if i open a gotomeeting you can look at what im talking about ?
I am in my office
we can discuss over the chat
right but it is hard to show you what the issue is without looking at it
it will take 5 minutes if u can just look at my screen
basically i have a server side button to delete all line items in the grid...if i have say 5 items in the grid and i click it it will delete all 5 items
ok send me the request
ok let me create the gotomeeting
1. Please join my meeting.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (636) 277-0130
Access Code: 882-525-888
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 882-525-888

Online Meetings Made Easy™
you dont need to use the phone just goto and enter the meeting id 882-525-888
do you see my screen
i m seeing
ok let me show you
ok here is the app
now i will show you without clicking the jquery button
3 records right
if i check all of them and click delete no issues...
deletes them...
now watch this other delete button that has the fade effect...
so far so good
it deleted jut the second row...
but now i want to delete the rest of the items without using the jquery button
i click the checkbox and try to delete
nothign happens
but as soon as i get rid of all the jquery
all this works fine
it says rows deleted
are you using ajax to delete the row?
and recreating the whole grid again?
but look on the screen
after delete is successfull
i had to refresh it...
the page to see them gone
so you mean.....when you click on delete
its the same thing with when i click update
you make a ajax call to delete the item
and then refresh the whole gird, right?
do u know ?
its just callign the db, deleting the row
can u show me your js page
wheere you have this code
and rebinding the grid
ok sure
hold on vs 2005 is not responding
ok here is the js
its inside document.ready
is that ok ?
can u at the top
i can give u control
do you want control ?
whre is that js
try it
see how it then freezes
even on the update button
see now the grid does not refresh
its as if the post back does not occur
on the server side button
but if i refresh the page
it shows the results watch
now watch without using the jquery
see the result ?
are you using update panel?
as soon as the jquery kicks in, all the server side buttons ..
yes im using an update panel
I dont see the whole page is refreshed when it postpack
there you go
jquery will not work with update panel
are you serious ?
let me check ur code
so there is no way to do this ?
ok which code ?
the js ?
I m just trying a work arnd
see if it workds
let update panel postback
that was strange
didnt work right....
I couldnt make out
did it work?
no it didnt
watch this i have 4 rows right
i will delete one using the jquery
if you comment that whole code it works right
it keeps one record very strange and it didnt fade
ya of course if i comment it out it works but i want the fade effect
otherwise its too fast for the user which item is deleted
see even when i click update
it just sits there going and going
its done the update...however to see the results you have to refresh the page
rather strange results
there is a workaround
i wish
what is onmouse?
or mousedown ?
You have to use EndRequestHandler of update panel
what if instead of __doPostBack we use WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions ?
does that make a difference ?
can u alteast tell me
do you see the alert when u go through jquery way?
i read the article
all it says is to use __doPostBack
we are already doing that though
yes the alert showed up i think
but what params u pass matter a lot
u got rid of the alert
ok what parameters do we need to pass it
ill give u control
strange results
it worked right
the row was deleted
after u updated and deleted
i have 4 rows right
i have 4 rows now i will do a jquery delete
ok now 3 rows
now i will try to DELETE ALL using server side button click
it leaves this row ?
if i refresh the page it still shows that one record
then you might have bug in your server side code
where u read the checked rows and delete
i dont think so
because if i dont use jquery watch what happens
4 rows right
we wont use jquery here and i will first delete one checked row
using server side button
now 3 recrods
now i will check all of them and delete without any jquery
there you have it
it deleted all the checked rows
server side all works fine
can u reload the page
let me check the view source
ok u have control
I need the delete button on the apge
when u relate
do u want some rowsi n there first ?
are u looking for the grid ?
the delete button
the one inside the grid ?
or the server side one
the small one inside the grid or the one that is the server side button ?
inside the grid
there are both of them
and the other one
the hidden one
what is this tempDeleteLineItem
the class name
for the button that is NOT hidden
remember the other button ibDelete is hidden so this temp button is displayed and does the fade and post back
both will do the same thing right
remember ibDelete calls the server side method
which button deletes the code in code behind
to delete the row
ibDelete (the hidden one)
delete the row
is the one that has the RowCommandEvent associated with it
the temp button ibTempDelete is just used to call the jquery
but ibTempDelete is not visible?
No that one IS visible
the one you click is ibDelete?
ohk got it
look at the style of ibDelete2 it has display: none;
while ibTempDelete is dispalyed
sorry that was old code
i had to comment it out
can you have a On
i forgot about it
OnClientClick for this tempdelete
it has one already
see it on the screen
it just returns false;
try now
hope it will work
ok so 3 rows
do u want me to first delete using jquery ?
ok so the fade worked and it removed the code
now do u want me to try server side code to delete all?
do watever u want
nope same issue
see if everything works
it deleted only 1
make sure it is not cached
I mean the js
ok look again
ok let me clear all my internet
ctrl + f5 will clear the chace
4 rows
i cleared cache
jquery deleted one row
now i will use server side button and check ALL rows and try to delete using the delete server side button
still leaves one
and if i refresh the page that item was never deleted
see now it leaves 2 items
it seems like after u use jquery n times it wont delete n rows
so if i have six rows
one last try
and delete 3 with jquery
give me the control
can i just test
i want to see if i have 6 rows and delete 3 with jqeury
1 last try
what ????
did u see that ?
i see the issue
when i used jquery to delete 3 rows
let me chekc
it simply removed them but did not execute the server side delete
go ahead
try this
ctrl + f5
if i refresh the page
i still see the item i thought should be deleted
give me the control
sorry back in the room
try it
same thign
the 2 is still there
it fades it
but it is not deleting it ?
but removed also
ya but it looks like
it isnt calling the code
to delete it
check the fiddler..
thats why when i refresh the page it shows up again
if it is making any call
because now it shud work
do u have firefox
Play around that code
it should work fine now
but the issue is
it doesnt seem to call the server code
otherwise the system would say
deleted row
go to network
now click on delete
i did
u didnt see any request being made
do i need to click "start capturing" ?
clear it now
before u delete
its not making any serve call
I doubt if the hidden delte button workds
can u make it visible
no because it doesnt look like
and try to dleet it
it has worked
i just made it invisible today
what od u want me to try ?
make it visible and delete using that button
get rid of the display on it?
ok watch
ok do u see two buttons now
the top one is the server side button
now watch
bam it deleted it
if i refresh the browser u will see #2 is really gone
I have to go for a lunch now
will get back to u
we are close
thanks shankar
i know i will buy u somethign on
we can use the hidden button itself
i tried that before, anyhow go on ur lunch i will wait for you
i will hav lunch n come
ok fine
ok are u a jquery expert ?
where are you from ?
can try now
I feel that was the culprit
i should click the temp button right ?
because in the jquery we are callign it by that
that worked!!!!
i think it was bcause we lost a reference to it
now it is fine
using .remove
unbelieve able
let me test update and delete ok ?
but wait
I never give up :)
now u can hide that button
you are the man
where are you from if you dont mind ?
are you in india ?
but now in NJ
i will close the meeting
where do you work at im in michigan
ok cool thanks so much
I work for DowJonesd
r u serious ?
what is happening with the dow jones man , the numbers are really bad
are you a jquery guy or what do you work on ? client side stuff ?
whole economy is screwed up
I work on many web techs
ya but how do u know jquery so well
well you owe me something for this big help :)
im a very new guy to jquery
sure no problem
nowi have to fix all this ugly code :)
what is the diff between live and click why did u use live ?
i will catch u after the lunch
ok enjoy

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