yes, but I realized I explained it poorly, hence I took that specific problem, and put into a separate project and sent it to you so you can focus on it.
That won't really serve as an actual database however. It's really only local. I would export the information from Core Data to my actual DB programmatically.
The Objective-C community is very small, so finding any information of where to even begin is tough. However, this is actually helping the learning curve a lot.
1) What SQL server database is best to accomplish the task.
For implementation on server side, you can implement any server database, it does not matter. For implementation on iphone device, you have to implement SQLite database, which will provide storage locally.
2) what format is best to re...
In C, you know how you have to pre-designate to the compiler that what you're creating is of a certain type (int, unsigned int, char, etc.)? NSString is like the equivalent to a string.
By the way, NS is saying that it's something that is usable between both Mac development and iOS development. Some things that are acceptable in Mac development, are not in iOS & vice versa
I mean, yes, I will need some kind of hosting through a service, which is fine, but while I have the chance, I would like to create the DB to iOS relationship organically
I've been told that Core Data and SQLite are essentially the same thing.
You have it easy in the web development section, there are many noobs asking questions with easy answers. Over in Obj-C, people hardly ask questions at all.