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@Androyds hi
1 hour later…
@CCInc you there?
hard designing android
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
9 hours later…
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Only one here? :(
Plus Johan
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@microbug @ConnerDouglass Hello!
ok i am here
wats teh questionz
can i just give you freaking code?
I have explained this 20 times to different people
and I honestly can't explain again
ok one minute
in C#, 8 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
"Error creating window handle." at F.Visible = true;
in C#, 12 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
glass F = new glass();
object FF = new Form2();
F.Prepare(new System.Drawing.Point(F.Panel1.Location.X, F.Panel1.Location.Y), FF);
F.TopLevel = false;
F.Visible = true;
in C#, 20 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
I keep getting "Error creating the window handle" on embedding a form, that has an embedded form inside of it, in a panel.
just run the project and click on the button
OK, still on the form embedding? @DemCodeLines
yes, but I realized I explained it poorly, hence I took that specific problem, and put into a separate project and sent it to you so you can focus on it.
Why are there 3 forms?
Don't you need just 2?
no there are 3 needed
the third is the glass one, which is required to paint that transparency png onto itself.
The second form will be the form will be centered inside that glass form, and form 1, you know it already.
@CCInc ^
did you get the error yet?
i saw
yes i saw the error
let me think
This works PERFECTLY @DemCodeLines
Dim FF = New Form2
FF.TopLevel = False
FF.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
FF.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
FF.Visible = True
Yes, but the glass form is needed
in order to paint the transparency around the form
I don't get it.
What transparency?
go to the glass form and look at its code
see it?
I see it, I am not reading it though.
What does ti say?
ok forget it.
Just go back to the code for the button
and remove panel1.controls.add(f)
@DemCodeLines Have you seen this? mcoxeter.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/…
@moreasd Hello!
Howdy, folks!
Howdy @jackwilsdon !
Does you come from southern?
How's it going, @CCInc
Nah, I just say stuff like that for no reason
Fine, fine.
@jsksma2 Hello!
How are you @jackwilsdon ?
I'm good thanks
Trying to think up a possible project/script to code
I want just something simple, fun (or useful)
Do you know VB?
Nope >_,
And Java
They are the preferred languages for this script
Any ideas?
I shall think...
@CCInc I came in here for a second, and realized that I just turned 20 :D
@jsksma2 Thats fine :D
@JohanLarsson Is 34 and he is here!
should I leave?
Anybody in here have experience with relational databases-SQL in Objective-C iOS?
@JohanLarsson No, no!
1 min ago, by jsksma2
@CCInc I came in here for a second, and realized that I just turned 20 :D
@jsksma2 I know SQL, and I know C/C++/C#, is that good enough?
Wrong quote
1 min ago, by jsksma2
@CCInc I came in here for a second, and realized that I just turned 20 :D
Wrong quote
The message before that
Maybe. I'm programming an iOS app. Everything is finished, except I need to create a database for it that can be used across many users.
What was your idea, @CC
@jackwilsdon CODZ ME A WEBSITE
@CCInc Haha :P I just finished my site
I want to make some projects to put up on it
Just like snippets of useful code
@jsksma2 Any idea what DB platform you want to use?
Or useless
Post the site you made!
Or just fun code
@jackwilsdon I need a site for my SyncBrowser program
A link to my site?
But I guess I can make it
@jackwilsdon yes
I know some html/js
I'm looking for some critique for it
I need to use SQL. I'm trying to keep the DB as low-level as possible for when I create the app in Android.
Nice, nice. @jackwilsdon
Clean, minimalistic.
I was thinking, is the background a bit bland?
I have a very fluent background in HTML/CSS3/jQuery. Try me...
@jsksma2 You can't use plain SQL, you have ot have some sort of server...
That is a good start, now just add some of your own flavor. Color is very important in web design.
@jackwilsdon If I were you, I would have diagnals or squares or soemthing LIGHT
I have been looking at subtlepatterns.com
@CC the SQL would be hosted on a server if that's what you're referring to?
I kindda like this
I created a very simple portfolio page using just subtlepatterns.com. jakepthats.me
Emphasis on very simple!
@jsksma2 Yes, what SERVER DB PLATFORM? They all have different implimintations of SQL
ex MySQL, M SQL, SQLite...
Ahhh! Probably MySQL.
I was going to SQLite, but it's going to quickly become too "light" :P
I have about 3k users lined up for this app. I doubt SQLite will be able to handle that kind of data for very long.
What do you think?
Well, SQLite is Per-User (NOT a server) while MySQL is an actual SERVER
Nice, I didn't know that.
MySQL it is.
SQLite is on the local platform, while MySQL provides data to everyone from a central server
If you can't tell already, I have literally no experience with databases.
Does ObjectiveC/XCode have some sort of built in DB?
Like I know in C#, Microsoft tightly bound it with their Sql Server product
Yes, Core Data.
Just to squeeze $$$ out of the dev
@jsksma2 Could you use that?
Ah, it is not SQL though.
That won't really serve as an actual database however. It's really only local. I would export the information from Core Data to my actual DB programmatically.
That makes no sense, in my opinion you should just export the information directly to the Server.
I would recommend MySQL however
Or even SQL Server
But I doubt that plays nice with Apple products
@DemCodeLines Sorry, but I will ask JAB to help you out some more when he is avalible, then I am sure we can all figure it out.
The Objective-C community is very small, so finding any information of where to even begin is tough. However, this is actually helping the learning curve a lot.
I have a question.
What is the difference between ObjectiveC and XCode?
Go for it.
Are they the same?
Objective-C is the programming language by which you write. XCode is the program that you use to create the actual application.
Ah, so XCode is like the designer?
Like VS and C#?
Think Objective-C is to HTML as Sublime Text 2 is to XCode
Yeah, just like that.
You may have to go the Exporting SQLite route
It sucks because XCode is really the only option that you have, which must be used on OSX, and is extremely clunky and likes to crash a lot.
You should just program in Mono c#
I have learned a lot of languages since I started programming, and Objective-C is by far my favorite.
It looks impossible.
I know! That is exactly what I thought when I first looked at it.
But didn't jQuery look insane to you the first time you looked at it? haha
NSString* s = @"Hello, world!";
string s = "Hello, world!";
Why the heck do you need NSString?
And the "*"? Do you need to manage your own memory?!
A: iphone data storage to remote SQL database server

Jignesh Brahmkhatri1) What SQL server database is best to accomplish the task. For implementation on server side, you can implement any server database, it does not matter. For implementation on iphone device, you have to implement SQLite database, which will provide storage locally. 2) what format is best to re...

In C, you know how you have to pre-designate to the compiler that what you're creating is of a certain type (int, unsigned int, char, etc.)? NSString is like the equivalent to a string.
I know, but the "NS"?
pfft silly apple
No, XCode use to require that, but it does it's own memory management now, which is quite incredibly efficient.
Using "*" is just designating to the compiler that you are pointing to something.
Like in C?
Exactly like C
And what's with the "@" on the string?
I've seen that post... Not very helpful as each answer is kind of vague
It's just something that you have to do.
silly apple
I think it's kind of like a pointer saying to the compiler that you're about to type some literal text.
In C#, I guess you could say "" is the pointer to the compiler
I agree with you on the Apple being so hippy, but it is what it is.
Yeah, although, in Obj-C, it looks like @"Hello, world";
I am so close to 1K rep
By the way, NS is saying that it's something that is usable between both Mac development and iOS development. Some things that are acceptable in Mac development, are not in iOS & vice versa
Why use NS instead of Char[]?
NSString, NSManagedObject, etc.
There is also: UIManagedDocument, UIImageView, etc.
UI means it's an iOS term I suppose
You can use char, but NSString is far more optimized, and quite frankly, easier to use.
I mean, to create an NSString, it simply requires NSSting *name = @"jsksma2";
vs char?
Well, now try adding char to a UILabel...
Creates some incompatibility?
char doesn't have any kind of pointing.
In a nutshell, yes... incompatibility.
So, back to my earlier inquiry: I'm not really trying to use a wrapper for my DB like the question you posted earlier states.
Well, it looks like apple requires you to use sqlite
for at least part of the process
I mean, yes, I will need some kind of hosting through a service, which is fine, but while I have the chance, I would like to create the DB to iOS relationship organically
I've been told that Core Data and SQLite are essentially the same thing.
sorry, I'm not this advanced with apple codz
I have the whole apple part down, it's really about creating the proper schema and things like that.
So, if I were to export Core Data (we'll call it SQLite for easier understanding), how could I do that into a database that many users can use?
Do you know where you would wrap it from?
On a webpage, something like that?
I wanted to avoid that route, but it looks like I'll probably do that now.
what is the other possible route?
I'm following a similar model to Twitter, so I guess that would make sense
There really isn't one haha
I can read PHP, but I'm no whiz. So I was trying to avoid that route.
Because there are no Easy SO questions to get me to 1K rep
You have it easy in the web development section, there are many noobs asking questions with easy answers. Over in Obj-C, people hardly ask questions at all.

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