Anyone who has stopped for more than 5 seconds in the regex tag knows of this "dubious" answer:
Every time you attempt to parse HTML with regular expressions, the unholy child weeps the blood of virgins, and Russian hackers pwn your webapp.
I know that it's funny. I know this answer will ne...
@Mateon1 It's been done, by tchist. I also have a xpath retriever which works on the most trippy xml and htmls (it dodges everything properly, including where html comments are there to try screw you over).
@its_justjack That's so early. I sleep at around 1am to 4 am every night.
By hackable I mean you can hack both the chat client engine and the server packets, with a massive chance of getting temp-banned if you do something wrong on the second part
Ugh, the only thing I hate apart from them changing the require() names every update (Obfuscation is security, right?) is that they recently completely changed the API that was supposed not to change
Anyway, that API is so sucky
I wanted to make a standalone client in Java for Plug since the webpage disconnects every couple hours, but I stopped since another guy already was doing exactly the same thing and had the socket work done
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"""> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Length Required</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD> <BODY><h2>Length Required</h2> <hr><p>HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length.</p> </BODY></HTML>
curl --request POST ""
Something is calling the script ack which doesn't exist...
Aha! Here:
var c = d.shift();
if (c) {
var e = $('#message-' + c);
e.length ? Aa(e, void 0, {
offset: - 100,
onAfter: B
}) :;
$.post('/messages/ack', fkey({
id: c
You've been kicked from Teenage Programmers Chatroom.
Generally this means that your behavior was not in keeping with the norms established in that room.
Most rooms have a topic or topics they prefer to chat about. In Teenage Programmers Chatroom, the topic is this:
A chatroom for everybody! No age restriction, but be mature. General programming and life discussion. | Website: | Have fun!
Always be respectful of others.
Spend a bit of time reading what others are talking about before speaking up yourself - try not to interrupt active conversati…
On Stack Overflow, I don't have 10k, but I can see chat flags (on chat.SO). Not when I'm just in the room, but when I go to a message's history, I can see a blue square next to it if it's flagged.