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Q: Why does this code print 1 2 2 and not the expected 3 3 1?

Antti HaapalaNotice: this is a self-Q/A and a more visible targeting the erroneous information promoted by the book "Let us C". Also, please let's keep the c++ out of the discussion, this question is about C. I am reading the book "Let us C" by Yashwant Kanetkar. In the book there is the following example: ...

(I am not the downvoter) how can you ask that question with the experience you have ?
@bruno look closer :D
yes, and this is more not understandable, you do the question and you close it ! ... hope you will also delete it to close the loop ;-)
@bruno I just checked this book because it became apparent that it is very popular in India. It turns out it is very bad too.
but S.O. goal is not to recommend a book nor to denigrate them no ?
SO's goal is to ask programming questions, and to provide correct answers to them. And preferably then answer questions that are not one-off. A book that has gone through 16 editions and promotes wrong knowledge does generate the same question over and over again - why am I not seeing the output the author states I should get...
and the answer of that one is already known ... and you know that closing it as duplicate. Considering the DVs (still not from me but I will ask to delete) I am not the alone not understanding why you did ... just my 2 cents, have a good day
And we're going to have as many questions as there are bugs in that book? IMHO, self-answered questions need to be reserved for canonical questions or for something reasonable unique (i.e. not for a beaten-to-death dup).
I did this to provide a duplicate sign post so that if someone does google by the book name, or the code excerpt, or the output, or the text, that they would find the correct information.
Oops reopened by mistake :D
@P.P community-wikied the answer :D
It is valuable to have posts that point out problems in specific books and tutorials. Someone with a question about a specific section of a book will not search for "Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior?". I'd rather keep this question open but refer to the canonical dupe from the answer, for details.
Maybe introduce a the-book-is-wrong tag ?
@Bob__ The thing with this question is that it's not going to be easy to search and find this. The exact question has been asked before and it'll be asked again & again (unless you advocate for many sign posts - in which case, I can post this again and answer ;-) There are literally 100's of sign posts for this question (and this is going to join them, too). Yet, we'll certainly see this many times again. In certain cases, there's no way stop questions like this. We just have to keep closing it & discourage bad books like that.
an other problem is about legal, that question is defamatory for the author, it is an offense in the eyes of the law (the fact @AnttiHaapala is right or not is not relevant on that)
@P.P Yeah, I missed that dupe and there probably are and will be many others. I personally think that multiple sign posts are a necessary evil as long as they help to find the correct answer and explore different aspects of the problem, but this may not be the general consensus.
@Bob__ That's kind of my point, too. Given that it's almost certain we'll see this question (and its minor variants) every day, what's the point of deliberately adding one more sign post when 100's exist already & 100's will be added again?
@bruno Are you saying that a phrase like "erroneous information promoted by the book" is defamatory? That sounds a bit too much, considering that the information is actually wrong.
@Bob__ yes it is, and the fact the information in it is effectively wrong (or not) change nothing about that. Considering the audience of S.O. that enforce the problem. Is Antti Haapala signaled the error to the author to let him a chance to change that or answer or even know that question ? certainly no. This is just a defamatory attack for the eyes of the law
Btw there's also another error in the text, the confused author speaks of "C's calling convention". That part isn't covered by the canonical dupe.
@bruno Ok so all consumer sites on the internet pointing out bad quality products to avoid are "defamatory attacks"? Including all book, movie and series review sites? I think you have gotten this juridical term quite wrong.
@Lundin look at the definition of the word, the author can consider that harms his reputation. Note in France it is not necessary to say a false statement to be defamation, even something true can be (this is why I react)
The book has already been referenced in… by rep_movsd in 2017 with this precise example.
@bruno So this author is guilty for defaming ISO and/or Dennis Ritchie then? Since he makes false statements about the ISO 9899 C language, owned by ISO and originally designed by Ritchie.
@Lundin as I know Dennis Ritchie etc do not say explicitly the book is wrong with the name of the author :-)
@chqrlie oh well, the one version that I found also uses the %[...]s idiom ... in the only place where it uses scansets.
@bruno well, luckily I do not live in France, and good luck to the author trying to prove that I broke the Finnish criminal code section 9, given that it says that "Criticism that is directed at a person’s activities in politics, business, public office, public position, science, art or in comparable public activity and that does
not obviously exceed the limits of propriety does not constitute defamation re-
ferred to in subsection"
@AnttiHaapala do not be afraid, this is not because someone consider something defamation that this is mandatory the case for the judges, thanks to that we can speak in France and there is nothing caricaturist / censorship. About living in a given country not sure I can appreciate the short days you have in winter (but that is not an attack against your country, nothing defamation lol)
@AnttiHaapala I see @Lundin added the link to to your community answer. I know that you have made some decent amount of work there last year (by editing and give an answer of your own as well). This gives me the question whether there is a reason why you not linked to there in the first place? Maybe because of a too early dupe hammer?
@RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio fixed, I did hammer it to that but then reopened by mistake :D

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