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@bruno I actually bought the latest edition of the Ebook, so now I can validly criticize it. There are no good things to say about the book; the only good thing about the book is that it teaches C and not C++, but it is also a bad thing :D
it contains all the popular antipatterns in its examples, char ch = getchar(), using gets in 2018, scanf with %[\n]s
it is like the collection of all incorrect C examples.
it also uses void main occasionally, and occasionally just main() with implicit int :D
ah and fflush(stdin);
3 hours later…
@AnttiHaapala that is sad for sure.
@bruno it only uses the fflush(stdin) to discard whitespace left in the buffer by scanf :'D sad that the book still discusses linux development too; according to posix 2008 fflush(stdin) should have no such effect on stdin :F
and while (!feof(fp)) in a manner that would also cause EOF be output...

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