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12:01 AM
I think I'll try some different ways of doing this tomorrow. To see what happens to the box.
7 hours later…
7:18 AM
Ok, so if the box isn't moved out, it's just updated. No new box is inserted. And it's not relying on the "s-sidebarwidget" class.
I noticed that the review progress is not getting any update though. Which is strange.
8:03 AM
Ok, so adding "js-actions-sidebar" class to the moved box, doesn't help.. but adding a new div with that class, and putting the box into that, seems to do the trick.
8:25 AM
Oleg, have you tested the review progress bar gets updated while reviewing?
8:43 AM
@Scratte No.. it doesn't I was fooling myself. Stack seems to update the entire thing.. with the original structure and the works.
9:19 AM
@Scratte yes, of course, I did, but here is a deal - I never tailored the logic for userscripts run once per page load :) So it has to be updated every time a new task load happens. It can be tied to the hiding of the sidebar
@OlegValter I noticed that :D It didn't update.. I first thought Stack was cheating me ;)
No worries though. If my script is re-loaded every time the page changes, then everything works, except the buttons.
As it happens, most of it needs to be reloaded :(
So.. moving the radios on every next task seems to work pretty well, obviously.
I questioning if it's worth the effort to try to not do that and trick Stack's code to refresh the buttons that have been moved.
I tried wrapping them in their own css classes, but it's not working..
2 hours later…
11:24 AM
If a post it deleted, the suggested edits only give 3 options witch messes with my hardcoding :(
@Scratte I think MutationObserver is easier than rerunning script each time :) Plus I, for example, don't have the luxury of rerunning it automatically (not that that should be your concern - just that's why I think I'll add it to my version)
So.. it seems that I have to wrap the entire thing into a ajax.Complete(), and then I can easily to what double-beep said to check for the session.url to see if it's a "next-task" or some other ajax response.
@Scratte no, just good old YAGNI on my part :)
@OlegValter Huh? What does YAGNI mean?
I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Because it seems a lot of the code needs to change..
@Scratte I am still trying to get why you move them :) No need to explain, though - 'tis because I not once read your code as a connected whole yet - only function by function
11:29 AM
@OlegValter Simple explanation: Stack expects the box to be right were it is.
@Scratte You Are not Going to Need It :) One of the principles. 'Tis more jokey than serious, though (like SOLID)
Well.. for a user script, we are going to need it :D
So the thing is that I didn't rewrite my script to comply with all your changes.
And I could start by doing that, but then still.. a lot of it would have to be changed. But your style is confusing me :) So when I make those changes I can't read it easily.
re chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/214345?m=52155919: ironically, a rename will happen when this PR is merged lol
@Scratte I think there are still a couple of function to review / rework and then I'll just give you the rewritten version in full that you are free to deal with in any way :)
that's what I meant with "very unlikely" :P
I'd like to see how many things will break when this is deployed
11:35 AM
"@aaronshekey Rename grid--cell to flex--cell" :D
@double-beep I'm going to guess every user script ever written for Stack Overflow and friends! :)
@double-beep o_O but I think I am with Aaron on that - when I started to look into their grid class, I expected it to be CSS grid, not Flexbox
^ although it will break a lot of userscripts :)
@double-beep thank you, btw! At least now we can prepare. I need to start monitoring the repo
@OlegValter OK. I'll put it on hold. Have you put it into the repository?
@Scratte nah, just lives locally uncommitted (once I see "0 problems" - I'll decide where to put it :))
@OlegValter You can just wait to do that too..
Just to be completely sure about this: Without the TypeScript annotations, it's not going into the repository, right?
@Scratte living locally with an unrelated repo serves a purpose - it makes use of TS config without having to setup anything for it :) I'll most likely move it to pastebin - after all, 'tis just for you to review and mabe take something from it, not for publication
@Scratte no, you don't have to write TS, but at least some jsDoc comments where checker asks for them should be necessary, I think so - otherwise, there is no way to check if the parameter is used correctly. i think you should be familiar with its syntax via JavaDoc
^ it's basically the same thing
And here is probably all you'll ever need: devhints.io/jsdoc
11:46 AM
@OlegValter I am.. I strip them if it's a small project :) But I guess I can use them instead of //--------------------- :)
+ jsDoc supports some syntax from Closure Compiler, but I think that's not worth discussing right now :)
What I normally do when I realize that my entire strategy has failed, is that I make a new one.. and start over.
PR that adds CSS grid might also be interesting
@double-beep Did I understand this message of yours correctly, if what you're saying is to not use ajax.Stop but wrap into an ajax.Complete() instead and then test to see if it's indeed a new review before running the functions?
11:54 AM
Hmm.. "Button layout override"
OK. Thanks :) I didn't quite understand what you meant yesterday, so I put it off..
@double-beep 2019-2021 to get reviewed? Lightning-speed :)
@Scratte - pin it, please
Grrr.. just noticed a prolific regex-closer/deleter post an Answer on a closeable post :O This really p***** me off.
@OlegValter Which one? :) The one you just starred?
@Scratte yes, thank you :)
^ but probably should be both
Done.. you'll need to put a star on the other one if you don't want it to go away when the 14 days are up
the grid rename PR is a breaking change, so it should be merged when v1 is released
12:04 PM
Yes, I should tell Makyen.
@Scratte I think they know :) But it never hurts
@Scratte done :)
I think they have more components to add to officially mark the library as "stable"
I've linked them to double-beep's message.. :P
So, you mentioned that I could link my buttons to the radios and then just put some listeners on the buttons to go and click the hidden radios?
12:24 PM
It's just that I quite like that if the buttons are already there when the ajax comes back, it just all happens by magic :D I can then just hide the buttons that aren't suppose to be there from what the response.actions tells me.
@Scratte I suppose it's me you are asking?
@Scratte right, I did mention that
I kind of just asked the room. I'm not sure which is the good plan.
@Scratte but I don't understand your reasoning
Hello. :)
@Scratte you can do both
12:26 PM
@OlegValter If I create the buttons, before ajax is completed, then some Stack script adds listeners to them. And they work. I don't have to do anything else, than just create them.
@OlegValter You mean try them both out?
@Scratte so, that's why I asked - why not reverse the logic?
Not sure what you mean by reversing it?
I am already moving stuff around on every new axaj response, so not leaving around a few buttons but creating them new every time isn't really a big deal.
^ create the buttons and add a listener to them (not to each) that will process clicks on them and interact with the hidden sidebar, not rely on some script setting something on them (that's the reverse part)
Ahh.. that will be my listener, not Stacks :) If I do that, then I'd want to create them based on the hidden sidebar. And create them new every time, since Stack seems to generate a new box in the sidebar every time.
Or at least rework it every time.
@Scratte but that's what your code does already) I do not advocate for making your buttons added once - I think it is normal to expect them to be dependent on the configuration SE sends
^ you only need to stop removing the sidebar or moving the radio buttons
12:33 PM
No, my code actually just added them once, and depended on Stack to put listeners on them. Then it all broke when I wait creating them until the response comes back.
@OlegValter If The setting is to keep the radio buttons, then I think just moving them is a good choice though. Then they'll come with all the listeners attached.
@Scratte that I also understand :) so then, why rely on another party to set a listener on your buttons?
Then on a new load, I just delete the old and move the new ones.
@Scratte you can always just clone the nodes and proxy clicks :)
@OlegValter Yes. That is a very good point. And it's also probably some old JavaScript of stacks for when they had buttons, that's just not removed yet.
@Scratte I am pretty sure you are right in your assumption
12:36 PM
@OlegValter But is it worth the effort? I don't imagine it takes a lot of time for the code to move them.
And if I am correct, I'll have to clone them on every load anyway, since I assume new listeners are set on them.
@Scratte ? It stops everything from breaking if SE expects your radio buttons to live in their container :)
The only reason it broke was that I only moved them once. And expected them to keep working.
@Scratte and? :) You either want them to be linked to what config stack sends you or not
^ so you will have to move/clone them either way
If I create clones and proxies, will they behave just like the real ones?
Yes, I'm not going to rely on old Stack JavaScript anymore. I'll make the buttons depending on the sidebar.
@Scratte yes, exactly :) that's what I use to generate the reject vote count
12:41 PM
@OlegValter Will I not have to re-create clones on every load?
@Scratte well, I just meant that I think it is better to rely on something else than a stray listener :)
@OlegValter You are right about that.. :)
@Scratte why are you so concerned about that? :) You either want to rely on config (read: sync buttons created with what stack thinks you can do)
I'm confused about how it works though.. if the radios remain or if they're recreated by Stack all the time.
@Scratte sorry, I fail to grasp your train of thought today :)
^ may it help if I mock up what I mean?
12:44 PM
Hmm.. :) I don't know if Stack puts in a new box, or if they keep the old.
@Scratte does it matter? :)
It matters if I don't understand how clones work :) Will they refresh on their own? Or is it a copy as is at the time of clone?
What I mean is: just untie yourself from the damned listener :) I think it turns into an XY problem
@Scratte would Dolly refresh if the original changed? :)
I think.. Dolly is no more :(
I just changed tenses :)
12:46 PM
@OlegValter You lost me :)
@Scratte ?
"Untie from the listener"
Is that every listener they put on, as on their new current radios?
O only half-joked about the dolly, btw - the cloneNode method works exactly like that: a complete clone of its own, no connections
OK. So it's a deep copy.
@Scratte I referred to your insistence on rely on a possible listener that is added after new task is loaded :)
@Scratte don't forget to call with true for deep copy!
^ but shallow copy will simply omit all children
12:49 PM
@OlegValter Maybe I didn't make myself clear then.. I'm not going to hard code buttons.
@Scratte that's why I think I don't get your train of thought today :) not once did I say about hardcoding
So in the plan where no buttons are hard coded and relying on some old Stack script.. then there are two options for radios: 1. Make clones and put them into the filter-bar. 2. Move them into the filterbar. I expect in both scenarios if needs to be done on every load.
@Scratte but I never denied it :)
@OlegValter Then I'm not sure what you mean by "your insistence on rely on a possible listener that is added after new task is loaded :)" because the only scenario where I relied on Stack to put listeners on my elements (buttons) was in the case where I just hardcoded them.
The bit is in a comment, so you may have accidentally deleted it :)
        newDiv.appendChild(createNewButton("Approve", 2));
        newDiv.appendChild(createNewButton("Improve edit", 5));
        newDiv.appendChild(createNewButton("Reject and edit", 19));
        newDiv.appendChild(createNewButton("Reject", 3));
        newDiv.appendChild(createNewButton("Skip", 1));
^ that's what I meant by hardcoding them.
I know :) I am trying to address two points in your code at once
I am on mobile for the next 3 hours, though
So posting anything is a pain
@Scratte sure, accidentally ... :)
12:58 PM
ARGH!!.. Someone upvoted a zero-scored accepted Answer of mine :(
And it was a personal vote, I'm sure of it :(
quick! Downvote it with your sockpuppet!
A double click.. two posts.
12:30:53 and 12:31:12 UTC
@double-beep Heh.. yes, that would be the day. Creating a new account, gaining 125 reputation points on it, so I can go and downvote the posts where I got upvotes on my account, not on the merit of the post.
I reckon raising a flag on those is just going to get declined :(
Urgh!.. I was at 9 unscored Answers and 21.9 % unscored.
With this I'll be at 8 unscored Answers and 19,5 % unscored :(
If I post 3 Answers and just one of those gets an upvote, I'm out of the unsung hero for the 11 answers..
I should get back to the buttons.. that may make me less irritated :)
1 hour later…
2:34 PM
@Scratte what did I miss?
@OlegValter Heh.. I wrote it here :)
I'm going to try using button.onclick = function() { radio.click(); submit.click(); };
@OlegValter I've always wanted to the "Unsung hero", so I'll go out of my way to find Questions that are poor enough to not get noticed, but not bad enough to get closed. Then I'll check to see that the poster can't upvote (less that 15 reputation points) and I'll post something they can just copy'n'paste.
Usually that makes them happy, but other users will go "meh"..
I know that there's always a risk of a stray vote. Someone comes across the post and that's exactly what they needed. I live with that. But when I find that I've been targeted, it's a different story..
@Scratte don't use onclick :)
^ the proper way now is addEventListener :)
@OlegValter I had a feeling you were going to say something about that :D
Unless you want to support really old browsers
@Scratte your feeling was correct :)
But I'm not cloning the eventlistener.. isn't it overkill to create an event listener for a click? that just clicks somewhere else?
2:47 PM
I mwan, if you want to, use it, but that's not what is used today. Plus there are a few drawbacks
@Scratte it is absolutely the same
^ you are creating an event listener either way
OK. I'm making a "// FIXME!! Oleg says to use a proper eventListener" when I've made it actually click something :)
except that you use a very old API :)
drawback one: one and only one listener (unless you employ a trick with closures, but the stack will not be very happy :))
Ah. I see.. I guess this is one of those times were old isn't better :)
I've found that manipulating web pages is very time consuming :/
@Scratte it is kinda because JavaScript history is the closest thing to human evolution we have - messy and uncontrolled)) although we have TC39 nowadays.
@Scratte of your time, or do you mean that it is slow?
@Scratte in JS, a rule of thumb is more like old is worse :)
It's time consuming for me :)
2:58 PM
In time, you will amass utilities and knowledge, so it should all check out :)
I'm already thinking "Hmm.. I did something similar in another script. Lets see if I can't steal that" :)
@Scratte soon, you will be thinking like this constantly :)
throw in a couple of JS patterns and you'll start writing the scripts very quickly :)
there should be a lot of utilities floating around that save you time
^ you will notice that most of them are simply implementations of GoF patterns
There is a good site with them: dofactory.com/javascript/design-patterns
3:56 PM
@OlegValter Seems so odd with JavsScript :)
2 hours later…
5:28 PM
@Scratte well, yeah, original designers did not intend their patterns to be used in such a weird language :)
^ but it is still good to know that most of them are available in JS as well
They're available not due to the language, but due to it being object oriented, no? :)
I've hit a slight snag on the buttons creation :(
Have you ever tried to ".. and edit" a suggested edti?
5:46 PM
So, I need the buttons to go away or be disabled while a new review is fetched.
But I'm not sure how I can tell if a new review is being fetched.
@Scratte make buttons disbaled is better.
@KevinM.Mansour Doesn't matter which.
@Scratte is being fetched or has been fetched?
@Scratte Disabled buttons is better.
Everything matters.
I've combined a radio click with the click of the submit. But I've made new buttons. For the Skip button, I've just made a new that clicks on the Skip button in the sidebar. The problem is that when I press it, I need the user to not be able to press any of the buttons until at new review has loaded. But.. I don't know if one is loading, because the user could have pressed Reject and then changed their mind and dismissed the new modal.
6:01 PM
in that case, listen for click on the reject modal
then disable the buttons until the next review
@double-beep Ah.. yes, but then that modal isn't even on the page until the reject button is pressed.
And I have no idea what happen in the two edit options. I've never tried any of those :(
The irony is that when I was relying on Stack's javaScript to put listeners on my buttons, that was working just fine :D
uhh... I was thinking of using Stack's native events, but this modal doesn't have a controller element
how about document.body.addEventListener('click', event => console.log('is reject button', event.target.innerHTML === 'Reject edit'));?
(listen for clicks everywhere on body and check if the clicked element is the reject edit one)
Hmm.. that's a good idea :)
I'm going to need a new config structure for those things :)
@Scratte well, not every language capable of OOP will necessarily accommodate all patterns :) Some elements might be missing
I'm wondering if I should just not add the buttons that lets users edit the post.
Since I won't be able to test that at all.
6:12 PM
I'm not sure if you'd like to implement this... but the /next-task/whatever POST request returns an actionDelay property which apparently is the ms to wait before un-disabling the buttons after the review has loaded
@Scratte - for example, JS does not have a notion of abstract classes (but TypeScript does, btw)
@Scratte clicking "improve edit" or "reject edit" will not submit a review
@double-beep What is needed to submit them?
@Scratte a post box for editing is loaded instead - @double-beep - are you sure it's not confusing @Scratte because I don't think they want to actually submit the review itself upon hitting these options
No, I'm not being confused :) ..at least I think not. I'm noticing that clicking on "Submit" doesn't actually submit the review unless one picks "Approve" and then submit.
6:16 PM
I think Scratte is afraid to click those buttons because he thinks they'll submit a review, no?
you'll get something like that, then you'll have to hit 'Save edits'
@double-beep Yup.. I am. I am afraid that I'll be left with having to make an edit and the review will have been submitted.
@double-beep actually, something in the back of my mind screams every time I click "submit" on an edit with chosen "reject" option to see if there are any reject votes (to check if it warrants reporting in case of a good edit or rejecting outright in case of a bad one)
What tool are you using to snip that? :)
not the crappy windows snipping tool though lol
@double-beep windows has a snipping tool?
6:19 PM
yes, don't try it
Ok. So then there's a "Cancel" and a "Save edit".. but that doesn't even look like it's in a review.
@double-beep I won't :) I was recommended a ScreenToGif once and never used anything else since
That just got a whole lot more complicated :( The radios went away on that.
@Scratte I'm temporarily switching to MS edge, it has a tool for that, see Introducing web capture for Microsoft Edge
@OlegValter I use it all the time. The Windows inbuilt snippet tool.
6:21 PM
screenshots are (surprisingly) not blurry
The screen shot of the very very long meta post wasn't blurry until I uploaded it to Stack. I think imgur may have lowered the quality due to its size.
@double-beep, @Scratte - ok, I think I lied, not never - the blurry one of the deleted post before was taken with an Icecream Screen Recorder that I use from time to time as well. But it is surprisingly good at taking screenshots of smaller elements and actually allows drawing before the screenshot is taken
Ctrl + Shift + S works in Windows for the snippet tool.
So.. then I should disable the buttons.. until "Save edits" is pressed?
The other one ("Reject") is harder, because one can dismiss the modal by pressing in the body area. Or on "Cancel" or on the little "X" inside the modal.
@double-beep Was this "Reject and edit" or "Improve edit"? And are they the same?
you get the same for both
So, I can actually try to click it and nothing will happen if I just press "Cancel"?
6:32 PM
yes, if you press "cancel", the review UI will appear
So, I'll be back on the same review? :) Can you feel my fear of the edit button? :D
I suppose putting an event listener inside an event listener is a bad idea, huh?
@double-beep I wonder if that's because Edge uses the Chromium engine under the hood which should have screenshot capabilities built-in as far as I know
@Scratte FYI (since I had to tinker with the reject modal), it is removed from DOM upon closure - you might want to want to track that
^ but I am not sure I understand the whole "disable" business - I missed your and @double-beep's exchange, let me read up on it for a sec to catch up
@OlegValter In short: The radios (in old days buttons) are disabled in the first few moments when a new review is loaded. (Except for the Skip button). If my buttons are not also disabled, then the user will think they can click them and get a result, but they can't, since clicking my "Reject" button only clicks on the "Reject" radio and then the "Submit" button. They they are both disabled in the beginning of the review.
6:47 PM
@Scratte I see, thanks for a TL;DR :)
What is basically happening in my script is that the buttons are removed just shortly before they are reinserted. But they are not removed until ajax.Complete() which is when the function is called.. so what the user will see are the buttons from the previous review. I'd rather disable them before removing them.. or just removing them, but Kevin doesn't like me removing them :D
@Scratte why do you remove them, I don't understand that either? (very sorry about that) :)
@OlegValter I remove them, because I'm going through the radios that is there in the sidebar, and adding them as per "radio"-specification. That way I don't need to worry about checking to see if some of the buttons needs to be invisible.
Sometimes, there's no "Reject and edit" and no "Improve edit" because the post is actually deleted.
@Scratte all right, now I think I have all the pieces of a puzzle, thank you
You mentioned I can also clone them, but I think the entire box is disabled, not just the buttons.
6:54 PM
@Scratte are you sure?
I can try checking that, though
Yes :) Just checked :) And there's a fancy animation going on in the skip button.
I mean the entire box goes dim.
Ah.. there are two levels of dimming. One when the entire box goes dim and then what that goes active there's still a moment when the radios are not active.
individual rows are disabled
"div.s-sidebarwidget .grid .grid--cell .js-action-radio-parent"
^ this is the element that gets disabled
and the class is: is-disabled :)
^ just checked
Ok. So do you think I should clone those and change their input type or just add the class to my buttons?
Well.. I can't add the entire thing to them :(
@Scratte so, let me ask one thing first - do you have a mechanism for tracking the time for which the buttons should stay disabled? Like using the response JSON as @double-beep suggested (if my memory serves me right)
@Scratte you could just set the disabled attribute to true for a while :)
Well, they're enabled by default, since I call the function on ajax.Complete()
The problem is that it's not the enabling that's the issue, it's the disabling :) From the ajax.Start until ajax.Complete. Between reviews.
I'm not sure how to read that.
@Scratte yes, that I understand - so your problem is exactly determining when to disable the buttons (in a sense of how to get to that "when"), right?
@OlegValter Yes.. but of course it's more complicated with the edit options :)
I'm using button.classList.add("s-btn", "s-btn__primary");
So.. this is what I understand so far: I need to disable the buttons if the user picks "Appove" or "Skip" or "Reject edits". And I need to hide them all if the user picks one of the edit buttons, and unhide them when they're done, but disable them if the user picks "Save edits".
@OlegValter when you decide to set up access to the org, my GH account is this one (posting here to confirm)
ok, what I can suggest is something like what I suggested before - why not create a mutation observer, then wait until new actions are in DOM, create initially disabled buttons (@double-beep gave a good idea of how to visually make them appear disabled according to stacks, but you should also set a `disabled` attribute to prevent clicking),
then wait until `"div.s-sidebarwidget .grid .grid--cell .js-action-radio-parent"` has the `is-disabled` class removed and enable the newly added buttons. How about that? :)
7:13 PM
I thought I just added .s-btn .s-btn__primary and then set them to disabled.
@double-beep thanks! I will likely start doing this tomorrow
@Scratte I never said you did anything wrong? Just wanted to explain the full flow step-by-step (at least how I see it)
@OlegValter Oh. No worries :) I just have a habit of being confused :)
@OlegValter I don't think I need to enable them. I only need to know when to disable them :)
I'm not sure about the mutation observer though. It seems to be exceeding the bounds of the function, so to say. Unless I only add add it from within the function itself.
But I can try one, and then observe the class list.. and when that is "is-disabled", then I can disable my buttons. But.. I don't know how to set up a mutation observer on "div.s-sidebarwidget .grid .grid--cell .js-action-radio-parent".
@Scratte you can observe an ancestor of those and find the required mutation record in the list, for example, then proceed to call function responsible for processing the buttons
I'm not sure what happens when the box disappears. I expect is goes into visible = hidden. I noticed it was gone in double-beep screen dump when users are in edit mode.
@OlegValter I'll try to see how this can be done. Though I do not have an ETA ;P
@Scratte do you refer to the actions sidebar? This div gets the class d-none: <div class="js-review-task grid d-none">`
7:24 PM
@double-beep They also have ".is-loading" :D
@OlegValter Yes, that's what I referred to :) When it just vanishes :)
(I thought this project was going to be a lot smaller.. )
7:42 PM
@Scratte as always :)
@Scratte it just gets a d-none class, that's all :)
I'm going to try out the document.body event listener first.. just to see how it works.
I've never tried those before.
8:06 PM
@Scratte ? do you mean any event listener?
@OlegValter On every click :) Not everything :)
8:35 PM
@Scratte ah, ok :) you might also want to look into the "dblclick" event (if you have time that is)
@OlegValter is that not covered by click?
We really need a tplclick too :)
@Scratte no, doubleclick is covered by a standalone event :)
@Scratte mouse event in general can only tell which button was pressed (and other stuff, of course, like pointer position)
I like the MouseEvent interface so much - very inventive stuff can be done with it in terms of user experience :)
@OlegValter So.. a double click event is not a click event? :O
9:00 PM
@Scratte they are all derivatives of the MouseEvent - click, dblclick, mouseover, mousein, mouseout, etc
I will assume that if a user double-clicks on a button, they did it by accident.. due to sheer chock ;)
Of course I can add an event handler on mouseover that based on something random, will click on Skip :)
I can make the event happen on mouseover of the "Reject edit" button :D
..and only if the user has more than 10K reputation points.
But I think.. it will get me in bad standing with "the crowd"
I asked about my personal votes in SOCVR.. The hard hat said that they normally makr the flag as helpful, but there's nothing they can do about just a few votes :(
9:46 PM
Hmm.. so, it turns out that when moving to a next-review.. there's an additional delay before the radios are made active :(
So.. it seems I'm not getting out of the mutation observer.
I'm wondering if it will still work when I hide away the sidebar.
9:58 PM
Hmm.. when choosing any of the edit options.. it makes another ajax call :(
1 hour later…
11:12 PM
Someone please explain to the math-person the difference between "5e3" and "5 * 1e3" :D
11:57 PM
@Scratte there should not be a difference, why do you ask?
@OlegValter I made something that didn't work..

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