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Anyone knows how to spin down a HDD programmatically?
@PicrofoEGY Yo hi
What do you mean, spin down?
@CCInc Hey! How's life?
Not well, but that is besides teh point
  |   |

cc/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
cc/hang t
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, t
cc/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, t
hang phone home
wow this is so cool lol
cc/hang s
@CCInc It's like powering up the HDD
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, s, t
cc/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, r, s, t
cc/hang m
Ah, I see, you want it to start spinning programmatically? Why? Wouldn't it do that if you accessed it?
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, e, m, r, s, t
cc/hang abcdefg
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, abcdefg, e, m, r, s, t
lol, i broke it
@Steve Nooooooo
cc/hang g
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, abcdefg, e, g, m, r, s, t
cc/hang l
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, abcdefg, e, g, l, m, r, s, t
cc/hang o
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, abcdefg, e, g, l, m, o, r, s, t
cc/hang glossary
@Sean Correct! The phrase is glossary.
@CCInc I have a HDD attached to this system that stops responding every 2-5 minutes due to bad sectors
wooo :D
@CCInc Sorreh =3
thats so much fun, is that allowed or is somebody going to get banned?
I need to spin it down/up every 2 minutes before it starts to stop
@Steve Totes allowed
  |   |

I think it's ok every now and then and during quiet periods
But if you want a more compact game, use hangs
cc/hang type
| |
| O
`Tries: 0 Guesses: None Revealed: ---------`
41 messages moved from C#
@PicrofoEGY And why would you want to keep that?
@CCInc Keep what?
The HDD?
The bad drive
@CCInc I do not really know, I'll try to fix it
I got another HDD with a corrupted Partition Table
Umm, whats the deal with the bad drives? Buy a new one?
@CCInc The HDD with the corrupted Partition Table contains important data
I need the data first!
Ah, but it times out on you?
@CCInc What times out?
The HDD can't boot since the Partition Table is corrupt
The drive stops responding, so you need to make it respond so you can copy the files off?
@CCInc No, this drive is what times out
I'll use this drive to access the corrupted drive
I just need a Partition Manager
and a chkdsk utility
Since this HDD got Windows 7, I'll use the chkdsk utility to fix the other drive
but it just times out every 2 minutes!
What time is it in egypt?
@CCInc 5:46 AM
Ah, well it is 8:46 pm here
21 hours ago, by Picrofo EGY
@CCInc It's 8:02 AM!
@CCInc Oh yes, it was morning, not night. Hahahaha! :)
You know JS?
@CCInc Yes but I do not use it.
I would like to convert this script from Node.JS to JS
@CCInc Node.JS?
Yup, it is a server-side javascript engine thing
I do not think that I'm experienced enough to do this, sorry :(
I will be back
@CCInc Back! :)
@PicrofoEGY Do you know how to send request headers with xmlhttprequest?
@CCInc I do not really know what request headers are
I somehow need to incorperate this into XMLHttpRequest
var options = {
      host: 'www.cleverbot.com',
      port: 80,
      path: '/webservicemin',
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'Content-Length': Cleverbot.encodeParams(body).length
@CCInc Oh, I understand
so far I have
Try this
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
Ok, how do I use path?
@CCInc Why would you like to use path?
I really don't know, I just thought I need to incoprerate it somehow. I don't know what it does
Do you mean something like this?
xmlhttp.open(options.method, options.host + options.path, true);
Perhaps so, I will try that
Time to go, bye!
@CCInc Okay! See you later :)
@CCInc I found an application which can spin down/up the HDD! It's called HDDScan
3 hours later…
@ShaquinTrifonoff ping pong ....
Hi @NullPointer
hiya how are you...:)
How are you?
good .... so you are not playing with boot anymore ...:P
I don't play with boots lol
(I know, you mean bot)
how your project are going on
It's going well, almost done
(on both projects)
sounds good...
Visitor Map ..i like most
13 hours later…
13 hours later…
!!> eval(jQuery)
@cyril "ReferenceError: evil is not defined"
@cyril "ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
@cyril "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined"
@cyril "ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined"
(function(e,t){function _(e){var t=M[e]={};return v.each(e.split(y),function(e,n){t[n]=!0}),t}function H(e,n,r){if(r===t&&e.nodeType===1){var i="data-"+n.replace(P,"-$1").toLowerCase();r=e.getAttribute(i);if(typeof r=="string"){try{r=r==="true"?!0:r==="false"?!1:r==="null"?null:+r+""===r?+r:D.test(r)?v.parseJSON(r):r}catch(s){}v.data(e,n,r)}else r=t}return r}function B(e){var t;for(t in e){if(t==="data"&&v.isEmptyObject(e[t]))continue;if(t!=="toJSON")return!1}return!0}function et(){return!1}function tt(){return!0}function ut(e){return!e||!e.parentNode||e.parentNode.nodeType===11}function at
!!> 1 +1+eval('1+1')
@cyril 4
!!>function a(){a();}a(a(a(a(a(a(a()))))));
@ShaquinTrifonoff "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
!!>typeof fkey
@ShaquinTrifonoff "undefined"
!!> var x={foo:1}; var y={bar: 2}; for (var i in y){x[i]=y[i]} x;
@cyril {"bar":2}
@cyril {"foo":1,"i":"undefined"}
@cyril {"foo":1,"bar":2}
@ShaquinTrifonoff "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
!!> [[[[[[[[[[ 1 ]]]]]]]]]]
@cyril [[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]
@ShaquinTrifonoff "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
!!>var a=[];for(var i=0;i<100;i++){a.push(a);}a;
@ShaquinTrifonoff [object ErrorEvent]
@ShaquinTrifonoff Yo!
ehm how embarassing
I need some JS help
Why does this say this does not have params?
Cleverbot = function() {
    this.params = Cleverbot.default_params;
cc/image clouds
@JABFreeware My honest opinion is that you should use a already made theme
@CCInc Well do you know of any good ones?
What platform?
@CCInc what do mean?
do you need straight HTML?
I would pefer it
cc/learn is CC asleep NO
@JABFreeware Command is learned
cc/is CC asleep
@JABFreeware CC
@ShaquinTrifonoff CC
is is the command, and the response is CC
Show me
cc/forget is
@CCInc Command is forgotten.
is (command) CC (response) asleep (ignored)
cc/learn is "CC asleep NO"
@CCInc Command is learned
@CCInc CC asleep NO
cc/learn "quoted string" "test"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Invalid command name
cc/learn CC_is_asleep "NO"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command cc_is_asleep learned
Can't work, because "string" is the first arguement
@ShaquinTrifonoff NO
cc/learn are you cool "Yes of course I am"
@JABFreeware Command are learned
cc/are you cool
@JABFreeware you
cc/ai just a small town girl
@HangBot Its not working
@JABFreeware Like this: "cc/learn C_o_m_m_a_n_d "RESULTING TEXT IN QUOTES"
e.g. cc/learn are_you_cool "Yes of course I am"
@ShaquinTrifonoff got it
cc/learn are_you_smart "I am a genius"
@JABFreeware Command are_you_smart learned
cc/are you smart
@JABFreeware you
cc/tell JABFreeware are_you_smart
Could not process input. Error: invalidcommands is not defined
@JABFreeware I am a genius
@CCInc you need to update it so that it can handle spaces too!
!!/learn empty_ping " "
@ShaquinTrifonoff Could not process input. Error: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command empty_ping learned
I need to fix that error
cc/tell CCInc hi
@CCInc Command hi does not exist. Did you mean: ai
cc/tell CCInc listcommands
@CCInc Could not process input. Error: invalidcommands is not defined
cc/tell ccinc listcommands
@HangBot Could not process input. Error: cmdname is not defined
w t f
cc/tell ccinc listcommands
@HangBot Could not process input. Error: Object #<Object> has no method 'hasownproperty'
wats with teh errors?!
Try refreshing it
I think i will pull from zirak
cc/tell ccinc listcommands
@ccinc Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, ai, convert, get, google, hang, hangs, image, learn, is, cc_is_asleep, are, are_you_smart, nudge, regexexplain, s, ss, spec, stat, todo, undo, wiki
cc/ai just a small town girl
@ShaquinTrifonoff What does this mean?
in C#, 15 mins ago, by zneak
@CCInc, you're doing Cleverbot.encodeParams somewhere, instead of (cleverbot instance).encodeParams
"test3" experiment
what is it?
@CCInc An experiment called test3.html
@ShaquinTrifonoff That's cool, is it just for chrome?
cc/ai just a small town girl
cc/ai just a small town girl
@HangBot Hi!
Make sure you keep the sandbox tidy lol
@CCInc Hey! How is life? :)
@PicrofoEGY fine, thanks. You?
@CCInc I'm OK. Thanks :)
Something is very amiss
@ShaquinTrifonoff Sorry, I could not resist clicking the link!
@PicrofoEGY Cool, isn't it?
Did it just log me out?
It popped a notification!
Yes, it does two things at once
1. Logs you out, and 2. Shows a notification
@ShaquinTrifonoff OH, you little
Thats why I was logged out
There was a warning lol
@ShaquinTrifonoff Nice!
I wonder if this will work if I block cookies
@PicrofoEGY The first button has a hidden leave all button over it, and the second button has a Log out button over it.
You can see the buttons here: shaquin.tk/experiments/test3.html?show
Well done!
Where do these buttons come from?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Oh, yes!
@ShaquinTrifonoff Maybe you can help me make a sleigh feature?
I was viewing the source code :D
@CCInc For what?
@PicrofoEGY The critical 'feature' that it relies on is HTML5's sandbox="allow-forms".
It disables scripts (such as the frame-buster), but allows forms to be submitted (e.g. log out).
Therefore, I have created the... frame-buster-buster-buster-buster
(see this:)
Q: I busted the Stack Overflow frame-buster-buster-buster

Shaquin Trifonoff Possible Duplicate: Should Stack Exchange be using the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header? Yesterday I was hanging out in the PHP chatroom feeling a little bored, and then saw the leave button and remembered that it didn't ask for confirmation, so I tried putting that URL (http://chat.stackoverflo...

@ShaquinTrifonoff frame-buster-buster-buster-buster? What is this
@PicrofoEGY See the meta post ^
@ShaquinTrifonoff Wonderful!
This is really really cool! ;) — jmort253 Nov 15 at 4:57
Yep! :)
But won't stackoverflow do something about this?
@PicrofoEGY Obviously not, the 'duplicate' hasn't had any activity for ages
BTW, I got three downvotes on that question too
@ShaquinTrifonoff Why?!
@PicrofoEGY I don't know.
I always get downvoted even for answers that make sense for unknown reasons :|

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