« first day (3336 days earlier)      last day (1610 days later) » 

12:00 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
12:13 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
12:24 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
12:49 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
how does sql work?
it uses an in-memory database
sql commands either return a table of data or how many records have been affected
Nov 30 at 10:51, by Wietlol
@Wietbot evalsql select * from WietlolStoopid
take a look at that examle
1:20 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
1:54 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
2:12 AM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
Bots, please forgive me for posting this terrible gif :P
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot shutdown
2:25 AM
@Wietbot laytar
@Wietbot listcommands
1 hour later…
3:39 AM
@Dodge Your GIF is stopped working unexpectedly, it was unforgivable
4:04 AM
@nyconing Here this one is better, by the way what number is in the 30th decimal place of 2/3?
<!>Http listener: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
<!>Http listener: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
<!>Http listener: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
!~eval 0.1 + 0.2
@JBis Could not process input. Error: bot.prettyEval is not a function
!~= 0.1 + 0.2
!~eval 0.1 + 0.2
!~eval 0.1 + 0.2
@nyconing !~>help
4:33 AM
5:10 AM
!=>  Eval-er Guide
·#!~> Eval returns object
·#!~= Eval returns string
·#!~+ Eval Timed

·!=> Result, an object
·!== Result, a string
·!>> Result, Timed (ms)
·<!> Compilation error
·-!!> Exception thrown
1 hour later…
6:24 AM
var d= DateTime.Now;
return d;
var d= DateTime.Now;
return d;
var d= DateTime.Now;
return d;
var d= DateTime.Now;
return d;
!== asd
!=>  Eval-er Guide
·#!~> Eval returns object
·#!~= Eval returns string
·#!~+ Eval Timed

·!=> Result, an object
·!== Result, a string
·!>> Result, Timed (ms)
·<!> Compilation error
·-!!> Exception thrown
static object Main()=>new A();
class A{public string F;}
7:22 AM
static object Main()=>new A();
class A{public string F;}
-!!> Container:Type 'CodeRunner.CodeOfClass+A' in assembly 'k1nxofka, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
information: This is an error but not always is, this also prevent un-trusted code from being injected into host container.
 Please don't return any type other than data object.
7:37 AM
static object Main()=>new A();
class A{public string F;}
-!!> Container: Type 'CodeRunner.CodeOfClass+A' in assembly 'rllguewn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
-!!>Information: This is an error but not always is, this also prevent un-trusted code from being injected into host container.
-!!>Please don't return any type other than data object.
static object Main()=>new A();
class A{public string F;}
-!!> Container: Type 'CodeRunner.CodeOfClass+A' in assembly 'oqsbdnto, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
-!!>Information: This is an error but not always is, this also prevent un-trusted code from being injected into host container.
-!!>Please don't return any type other than data object.
static object Main()=>new A().F;
class A{public string F;}
2 hours later…
9:52 AM
@Wietbot you arent running, no?
is the bot under control?
Is it safe to walk here
or will he jump out of a dark cornor
javax.script.ScriptException(ReferenceError: "x" is not defined in <eval> at line number 1)
/8ball so you got a nice fancy hat now huh ?
@Hans1984 Ask again later
10:25 AM
def foo(inputs_):

    lstm1 = keras.layers.LSTM(units= 24, return_sequences=True, return_state=True,name='DecoderLSTM')
    st1,st2 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x:lstm1.get_initial_state(x))(inputs_)
    st1 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda inp: K.expand_dims(inp, axis=1) )(st1)
    d_init, _, _ = lstm1(inputs_)
    d_t = keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([st1, d_init])

    return d_t

dec_input = keras.Input((32,1))
out = foo(dec_input)
m = keras.Model(dec_input,out)
/8ball Is Wietbot under control ?
@Hans1984 Are you kidding? No!
he is still rampaging
he is still running lose
def foo(inputs_):

lstm1 = keras.layers.LSTM(units= 24, return_sequences=True, return_state=True,name='DecoderLSTM')
st1,st2 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x:lstm1.get_initial_state(x))(inputs_)
st1 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda inp: K.expand_dims(inp, axis=1) )(st1)
d_init, _, _ = lstm1(inputs_)
d_t = keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([st1, d_init])

return d_t

dec_input = keras.Input((32,1))
out = foo(dec_input)
m = keras.Model(dec_input,out)
10:43 AM
    def foo(inputs_):
        lstm1 = keras.layers.LSTM(units= 24, return_sequences=True, return_state=True,name='DecoderLSTM')
        st1,st2 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x:lstm1.get_initial_state(x))(inputs_)
        st1 = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda inp: K.expand_dims(inp, axis=1) )(st1)
        d_init, _, _ = lstm1(inputs_)
        d_t = keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([st1, d_init])
        return d_t

    dec_input = keras.Input((32,1))
    out = foo(dec_input)
    m = keras.Model(dec_input,out)
4 hours later…
2:28 PM
>>> function() {}
3:00 PM
>>> function
>>> function() {
  return "";
3:25 PM
Jack, learn mau the mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau
Jack, learn mau the mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau mau
I've learned the command mau
Jack, mau
Jack, forget mau
Command mau has been forgotten
3:26 PM
Jack, learn mau m
!=> Runtime
- Elevated: True
- Memory: 420976
- Type: Roslyn
- Provider: Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider
- Version: 3.300.119.46102
- Parameters: /langversion:8.0 /lib:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.8"
- Libs: run 'listLibs[page]' (450chars per page)
- .NET version: 4.8.3761.0
!~ban 1
@nyconing 1 added to mindjail.
!~unban 1
@nyconing 1 freed from mindjail!
!~ban 12265685
@nyconing I can't mindjail 12265685, they're an owner.
!~ban 12265685
@nyconing I can't mindjail 12265685, they're an owner.
!~ban 12265685
@nyconing I can't mindjail 12265685, they're an owner.
!~ban 12265685
@nyconing 12265685 added to mindjail.
Jack, echo !~echo Jack, lol
Jack, echo !~echo Jack, lol
3:45 PM
!~ lol
@JackSparrow You iz in mindjail
Is that even English?
Jack, echo !~echo Jack, lol333
!~ lol333
!~ban 4258326
@nyconing 4258326 added to mindjail.
!~ban 11518920
@nyconing 11518920 added to mindjail.
!~ban Wietbot
@nyconing I couldn't find Wietbot.
!~ban 11345663
@nyconing 11345663 added to mindjail.
!~ban 1086467
@nyconing 1086467 added to mindjail.
any bots?
!~weather tokyo
@nyconing [object Event]
!~weather tokyo
@nyconing [object Event]
!~weather tokyo
@nyconing [object Event]
!~weather tokyo
@nyconing [object Event]
4:11 PM
!~ban list
@nyconing I couldn't find list.
@nyconing 1086467 (Wouter), 4258326 (OakBot), 11345663 (?), 11518920 (JamesBot), 12265685 (JackSparrow)
4:22 PM
2 hours later…
6:25 PM
6:40 PM
@CaptainSquirrel How in the hell do I start the bot to test shit
7:00 PM
I'm alive!
I'm alive!
There we go
2 hours later…
9:29 PM
oh no, lee obvious is also doing botting
10:13 PM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, barrelRoll, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot barrelroll
@Wietbot join 139
@Wietbot leave 139
And now back to botting
@Wietbot shutdown
10:22 PM
@Wietbot barrelroll
@Wietbot shutdown
@Wietbot barrelroll
The fuck are you doing
didnt you see?
@Wietbot listcommands
10:28 PM
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, barrelRoll, shutdown, slowpoke
I saw a lot of leaving and rejoining spam
during Wietbot's self rewriting and taking over control, it prevented kicks by rejoin spam
I am trying to reproduce it as a feature
@Wietbot barrelroll
although, this is also fun
its not working nicely tho
perhaps put this feature on hold
@CaptainObvious although, I think that prank yesterday will cost me about 2 dollars
im already half way through my free tier usage
although, it shouldnt be like that
10:44 PM
Lets see if the core bit works
@Wietbot shutdown
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
I'm alive!
Fucks sake
Real jack is here
Jack, Loadv2
10:49 PM
....Come Again?
Jack, Loadv2
Jack, Loadv2
I don't understand mate
This bot is so retarded
Jack, Loadv2
10:51 PM
I need write permissions on Jack to avoid one boxes
....Come Again?
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
Is that even English?
Jack, Loadv2
Is that even English?
10:54 PM
hmm... the queue service usage isnt from the bot usage
that is idle usage
I'm alive!
Jack, loadv2
Is that even English?
Is that even English?
Jack, Loadv2
Is that even English?
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
10:57 PM
....Come Again?
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
oh piss
Try again
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'B:\User Folders\Documents\GitHub\SparrowBot\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Sparrow\Data\config.json'.       at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)       at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)       at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)       at System.IO.StreamReader.ValidateArgsAndOpenPath(String path, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)     
Oh ez
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
I don't understand mate
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'B:\User Folders\Documents\GitHub\SparrowBot\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Sparrow\Data\config.json'.       at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)       at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)       at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)       at System.IO.StreamReader.ValidateArgsAndOpenPath(String path, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)     
11:05 PM
well... shutting everything down
RIP Wietbot
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
Is that even English?
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
Yo ho yo ho, a bytes life for me!
Ah, no wahey
I'm alive!
Jack, Loadv2
I don't understand mate
yes, you are alive
11:08 PM
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
also, why are you spamming Jack?
Becaue I'm working on jack
But real jack is helpfully repoinding too
isnt jack from squirrel?
Yo ho yo ho, a bytes life for me!
@CaptainObvious Welcome to the high seas, Captain Obvious. I'll never forget the day you met Captain Jack Sparrow.
wietbot prevents me from deleting it
11:15 PM
Hmm, there's something wrong with the lib
@Wietbot listcommands
I'm alive!
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, barrelRoll, shutdown, slowpoke
Jack, Loadv2
11:17 PM
I don't understand mate
Detaching old bot and attaching new bot, brb
Yo ho yo ho, a bytes life for me!
@Wietbot evalnode "Hello, World!"
@JackSparrow Welcome to the high seas, JackSparrow. I'll never forget the day you met Captain Jack Sparrow.
@CaptainObvious Welcome to the high seas, Captain Obvious. I'll never forget the day you met Captain Jack Sparrow.
@Wietlol Welcome to the high seas, Wietlol. I'll never forget the day you met Captain Jack Sparrow.
11:20 PM
@Wietbot evalnode "Hello, World!"
@Wietlol Hello, World!
@Wietbot Welcome to the high seas, Wietbot. I'll never forget the day you met Captain Jack Sparrow.
I have no clue what you meant right there.
I guess that means I am refactoring the shet
@Wietbot evalsql test
@Wietbot shutdown
11:29 PM
@Wietbot evalsql test
me.wietlol.aws.lambda.LambdaException(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error in SQL statement "TEST[*]"; expected "TRUNCATE"; SQL statement:
test [42001-200][
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:453),
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:429),
at org.h2.message.DbException.getSyntaxError(DbException.java:243),
at org.h2.command.Parser.getSyntaxError(Parser.java:1053),
at org.h2.command.Parser.parsePrepared(Parser.java:1013),
I have never been so happy to see an exception
@Wietbot shutdown
@Wietbot evalcsharp "Hello, World!"
11:38 PM
Hello, World!
11:51 PM
@Wietbot shutdown
@Wietbot evalkotlin "Hello, World!"
@Wietlol Hello, World!

« first day (3336 days earlier)      last day (1610 days later) »