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people whose name is cursive here
here is a list of the room owners
hehe, I've had one of those nights coding...so it's the possible decompression :)
great, finally another badge for my collection. It's hard work getting badges for questions and answers...SO is a "tough crowd" in terms of votes...that's probably why they recently changed the reputation system for asking questions. Anything you said, even if right, was almost immediately down voted for virtually no reason.
Bad coding can be a reason.... ;)
:) yep, that's probably me.
3:17 PM
@bad_coder I'm reluctant to dredge up old history, but since we're talking about it... Looking at your one downvoted answer, I'm inclined to agree with the commenters that your advice to close explicitly is bad practice. You say that stackoverflow.com/questions/4599980/… discusses the pros and cons, but I don't actually see any discussions of "pros"
I think possibly you interpreted this answer to mean that with won't promptly close the file object in Jython, but it's actually saying that the file won't close itself if you use neither close() nor a with block.
As far as I know, every compliant implementation of Python will close a file object at the end of its with block.
One might argue that you should close at the end of the with anyway since explicit is better than implicit, but I don't find that convincing. If explicit was always better than implicit, then you should del every variable as soon as you're done using it, and you should put a return at the end of every function that doesn't have a meaningful return value, and you should call exit(0) at the end of your program... But nobody seriously does these things, so there's got to be a happy medium
And I think that happy medium includes allowing file objects to be implicitly closed at the end of a with block.
@Kevin ok, well pointed out. After reading the PEP's (regarding ´with´) they suggested the context manager will always close everything when block is finished. But for a guy coming from C, Unix, and the like, that's deeply not intuitive...
Anyway, that's just my opinion. I'm not trying to scold you or anything. I just want to give some perspective to explain what the downvoters might have been thinking.
Specifics aside I do think there's merit to your opinion that SO is a tough crowd. Even with the hours I've put into the site, it can still feel like a tightrope walk. Your success rate increases with practice, though, so keep plugging at it.
3:33 PM
@Kevin (continued...) (I honestly don't think the PEP is categorical in this regard). I also think -today- it's more elegant not closing explicitly, especially since this is python...Please let me say I do appreciate your opinion, and I think you're right. But, what my posting history doesn't show is the massive amount of pressure that a newbie just joining SO gets...
@bad_coder I hear you, and that's one of the main problems SO always had.
I did delete some of my questions and answers, and I think what's been described as "big city problem" almost turned into institutionalized "intolerance" towards simple questions. I remember the first question I asked, had a guy bombarding me with 5 questions in return...That's somewhat unwelcoming, so I'm happy for the recent change in rep system. It's humanizing.
But people still get answers, people still get rep, etc. It just take patience and thick skin.
I also got downvotes on SO... I don't take it personally, and don't even see this as "rough place". :)
(back when I was newbie, that is)
I got "unsung hero" badge and saw that as a sign that my efforts are appreciated.
Think it was my first badge, or one of the first... I just posted simple answers, that were accepted without being upvoted.
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I understand what you're saying. But I don't think it's correct to invalidate questions from newbies simply remitting them to older threads that frequently don't actually address their question directly. More times than not, those caring to down-vote and close questions don't actually contribute (or care) to help, anything. I think that zeal towards anti-dialogue feeds almost entirely on wrong human principles.
@bad you're still here! sending alert to parents
3:46 PM
:) I'm off, good night.
49 mins ago, by bad_coder
Thanks @Kevin :) , just 10 more minutes idling on the internet and I promise I'll go to bed...
Late to bed by 40 minutes.... ;)
Want me to wake you up with a ping, in 6 hours? @bad
oh hey! @bad going to @bed! Sorry... couldn't resist.... :P
4:22 PM
2,570 evaljs invocations failed
287,620 Requests have been received by wietbot
wietbot received 320 pings
wietbot has been forcefully shut down
later today, he will have another go at this room and we hope it will not have any more issues
forecasted usage of my sqs free requests is 297.21%
if wietbot would have remained like it was, it would have had a 1200% usage
how much it cost you then?
How many eggs could you buy with this?
about 50?
@Wietlol wow, nice! Here $4.40 can buy about 14 eggs only.
4:34 PM
what kind of eggs do you buy?
@Wietlol ordinary eggs, bio eggs or "freedom eggs" cost double and triple.
This costs 36 NIS which is about $10
3 hours later…
7:47 PM
@Wietbot listcommands
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
3 hours later…
11:08 PM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
11:27 PM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke
11:42 PM
@Wietbot listcommands
evalJs, evalGroovy, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, listCommands, join, leave, shutdown, slowpoke

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