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2:49 AM
2:52 AM
2:54 AM
@zondo Sorry, I don't know that word.
2:56 AM
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>>define: Search for meaning of word (on Wiktionary)
>>greet: Given a space-separated list of usernames, greet those users.
>>help: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible
>>kaomoji: Display list of kaomojis supported. With `kaomoji all`, even aliases will be displayed.
>>meta: Search Meta Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange for a query.
>>pause: Given `>>pause 4 minutes`, stop listening for commands for 4 minutes. Many time units are supported. This is a RO-only command.
2:58 AM
The word of the day is: stemware (n): https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stemware

1. Drinking glasses that have a stem, such as wine glasses or champagne flutes.
I wonder why we haven't had fun facts for the last two days.
@zondo What do you want?
@zondo Sorry, I don't know that word.
>>greet me
@me: Hello. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
3:07 AM
>>greet me
Heyo there, @me! I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>greet me
Heyo there, @me! I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>greet me
Hello, @me. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
zondo: test
3:11 AM
>>greet test
@test: Hello. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>greet me
Heyo there, @zondo! I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
5 hours later…
8:16 AM
>>you are bad
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I don't get it.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent 3
!! I hate you
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Input not matching /awesom/. Help: User-taught command: am
8:16 AM
!! I hate bad
!! I hate you
!! what?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: what, what's, wat, wat2, wat3, wat4, wat5
8:24 AM
@LearnHowToBeTransparent <
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: wat5
8:25 AM
>>say !!wat5 to CapricaSix
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That isn't in my dictionary.
>>define: Search for meaning of word (on Wiktionary)
>>greet: Given a space-separated list of usernames, greet those users.
>>help: Syntax: `help` or `help <cmd>`. If cmd supports arguments, `help <cmd> <cmd-args>` may be possible
>>kaomoji: Display list of kaomojis supported. With `kaomoji all`, even aliases will be displayed.
>>meta: Search Meta Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Exchange for a query.
>>pause: Given `>>pause 4 minutes`, stop listening for commands for 4 minutes. Many time units are supported. This is a RO-only command.
8:27 AM
>>translate "You are not stupid in the quotes" from English to French
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Vous n’êtes pas stupide dans les citations
>>greet CapricaSix
@CapricaSix: Hello. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
4 hours later…
12:26 PM
>>greet Loquitor me
Heyo there, @Loquitor! I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
Heyo there, @zondo! I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>greet me
Howdy, @zondo. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>translate something to swatchitalian
@zondo The text to be translated should be surrounded with quotation marks.
12:30 PM
>>translate something to french
@zondo quelque chose
>>greet @me
Howdy, @me. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
>>greet me&
@me: Hello. I am a bot. For a list of my commands, type >>help.
1 hour later…
2:03 PM
>>translate something to French
@zondo Oops. That's an error: on_translate() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 5 were given
>>translate something to French
@zondo quelque chose
>>translate poison to German from French
@zondo vergiften
2:05 PM
>>translate poison from English to German
@zondo vergiften
>>translate something else to German
@zondo Either you didn't put your text in quotation marks, or you're trying to use commands that I don't understand.
>>translate "something else" to German
@zondo etwas anderes
2:07 PM
Good. That's a lot less buggy than the other version.
>>translate poison from French
@zondo poison
>>translate poison from German
@zondo poison
Oh, I remember now.
>>translate gift to French
@zondo cadeau
2:08 PM
>>translate gift from German to French
@zondo poison
>>translate gift
@zondo gift
>>translate gift from German
@zondo poison
2:10 PM
>>translate Poison to French
@zondo Poison
Alright. I'm satisfied.
3:02 PM
OakBot Online.
2 hours later…
4:45 PM
sorry I have to test in here, need an alt account and if I move tot he sandbox she responds to things twice / no dom
last two tests
and done
thanks for your time everyone
4 messages moved from JavaScript and US Election
!!echo here
!!echo there
2 hours later…
7:03 PM
3 hours later…
9:34 PM
9:57 PM

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