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smo k ill ers
!!mdn accordion jquery
!! google ui-layout-content
@MirkoCianfarani You kiss-ass
!!google .alow-overflowmdn
!!google import re
3 hours later…
!!help tell
@MirkoCianfarani tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|usr_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
!!good lunch
@MirkoCianfarani That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!help msg
@MirkoCianfarani Command msg does not exist.
@MirkoCianfarani Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
3 hours later…
@イオニカビザウ "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
@イオニカビザウ "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
!!> var x = x + 1
@イオニカビザウ "undefined"
@イオニカビザウ "ReferenceError: x is not defined"
@イオニカビザウ "SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal"
@イオニカビザウ "undefined"
@イオニカビザウ [object WorkerErrorEvent]
@イオニカビザウ "ReferenceError: If is not defined"
!!> this = this
@イオニカビザウ "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
!!> for (var i in this) console.log (i);
@イオニカビザウ "undefined" Logged: "global","whitey","exec","console","onmessage","postMessage","location","onerro‌​r","onclose","navigator","self","close","importScripts","setTimeout","clearTimeou‌​t","setInterval","clearInterval","dump","atob","btoa","addEventListener","removeE‌​ventListener","dispatchEvent"
!!> this.postMessage
@イオニカビザウ "function postMessage() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> this.addEventListener("asd", function () { console.log("Test"); })
@イオニカビザウ "undefined"
!!> this.dispatchEvent("asd");
@イオニカビザウ "TypeError: Argument 1 of EventTarget.dispatchEvent is not an object."
1 hour later…
!!> new Date().getTime()
@イオニカビザウ "2013-12-16T15:08:20.281Z"
@イオニカビザウ 1387206512757
@イオニカビザウ 1387206517379
@イオニカビザウ "undefined" Logged: 1387206534497,1387206534497
!!> console.log(new Date().getTime()); console.log(new Date().getTime());
wowww ff
2 hours later…
!!urban foo
Association football, commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world's most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by using any part of the body besides the arms and hands to get the football into the opposing goal. The goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play and then only in their penalty area. Outf...
@NaN Search didn't yield a comic; got almamater.xkcd.com
@NaN foo An term used for unimportant variables in programming when the programmer is too lazy to think of an actual name. The origin of such word is described in detail in [RFC] 3092.
!!rfc 3092
> Holman
claimed to have found the word "foo" on the bottom of a Chinese
figurine. This is plausible; Chinese statuettes often have
apotropaic inscriptions, and this may have been the Chinese word
`fu' (sometimes transliterated `foo'), which can mean "happiness"
when spoken with the proper tone (the lion-dog guardians flanking
the steps of many Chinese restaurants are properly called "fu
dogs") [PERS]. English speakers' reception of Holman's `foo'
nonsense word was undoubtedly influenced by Yiddish `feh' and

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