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6 hours later…
Q: Is it a bug in the review queues audit?

Black catWhen I made a review on this question (Bit packing of groups of n repeated bits in a 32-bit word, compact to 1 bit per group), I noticed that the question is tagged with ms-word (this was one filter of the review). I wanted only comment a question why is it tagged with this specific one. I clicke...

Q: Why is there no option to flag as spam in Staging Ground?

Bending RodriguezI came across an obvious spam question in Staging Ground. However, there is no option to flag as Spam. Yeah, you could flag as "Not about Programming", but that doesn't feel specific enough for me.

1 hour later…
Q: A proposal to stop curating/moderating Discussions until it's "fixed"

Thom ADiscussions has got a lot of attention recently, none of it good. The volume of spam in the area is at an all time high, which isn't disappearing quickly due to the lack of the usual tools. This is compounded by the tiny volume of good quality posts in Discussions (the last "good" was created on ...

5 hours later…
@NewPosts issues with the premise aside, it has come up that it's confusing what one should do after flagging as spam.
Major issues? Not about programming? Pretty sure I've seen both.
@NewPosts ...I do wonder why the editor bothered.
@RyanM Meh. I occasionally edit questions that are simply too confusing to read due to content and/or formatting. Yes, even though they won't become on-topic or even close. Some times, I couldn't read them to begin with. So, I'd hit edit to at least see the markdown and try to decipher the original message. When that happens, I often end up editing it anyway. And I figure if I save the edit, then maybe at least other users who go there after me won't waste as much time trying to read it.
I don't know if that's what the editor ended doing but whatever the case was, doesn't seem like a huge issue.
Also, I occasionally edit posts in hopes that the author would take that as a learning opportunity. Even if the question is off-topic, they might understand how to use Markdown (if it was initially wrong) or similar. Best case scenario would be they edit the post to address the close reason and adhere to the cleanup edit. Uh, so far I don't think it has happened often. But maybe helps with a future post they make.
@VLAZ Oh, I've done that too, but generally on questions that are not obviously fundamentally unsuitable.
were I feeling more optimistic about discussions, I would point them there, maybe assisting with an edit.
@RyanM Yeah, same. Like I obviously can't edit pure gibberish into something meaningful. And that question linked there I wouldn't bother with because it's readable. Lots of fluff but you can scan it and figure out it's off-topic immediately. So, I personally wouldn't touch it. But I'm indifferent to the edit. Can't really say it's good. Won't admonish it, either.
Q: Was UTC just changed to the more technical Z

Thomas KoelleWhen you have a question then you have someone asking it, and a text that says something like "This question was asked 10 minutes ago". When you hover over that time there is a Z, e.g. "20-11-20 12:34Z". I am certain I would have noticed it if it had been like this before but am thinking it may h...

@VLAZ agreed on all counts
@RyanM I myself just flag and perform no review action since then the post will be shown to more reviewers who can flag. Review actions kind of decrease that chance, especially Major changes. Although if the post has stayed long enough that it might get auto published I'll probably go for Major changes just to block it
@AbdulAzizBarkat Meh, if it gets published before it's nuked, I'd say this highlights insufficient review activity. Which isn't really solved with a specific action one reviewer can take but it's a systematic problem.
Granted, we probably don't want that and if a post has pending red flags, it probably should be excluded from the auto publish. However, that'd be a separate feature request. I don't think reviewers should be the ones trying to stop auto-publishing. Reviewers aren't well-suited to address systematic problems.
Q: Why was the "Labs" section of the left hand menu removed?

Thom AI've noticed that Discussions and Jobs no longer appear under the "Labs" section on the left hand menu; they were lists under the "labs" section this morning. To ask a "silly" question; why? Both products, when you visit them, show they are still part of the "Labs" initiative. Jobs is still not a...

Why are ads on so always repeated
hmm, is it only me, or Chat.SE is dying?
in what way?
it's been dying for 10+ years
network issue, either from my side, or chat server
I keep getting notification errors in this window, but I just figured it was because it wasn't quite as active
i'm not noticing anything like that
Is it the top banner @AndrewT. / @aynber ? Which says something like "seems there is a problem"?
yes, but looks like it's okay now. not sure what's the cause...
it's the top banner, yes. It's been happening for months, I just close it
It shouldn't show up just because of inactivity. But it can show up due to intermittent network problems. I had an issue a month or two ago where the internet would drop out for a few seconds (like 10-30 or so) and I'd get the banner. The banner should go away when the connection is reestablished but I've also seen it doesn't always go away.
It could be that. We're switching ISPs because of droppages
It could also be Cloudflare. So, different users can experience different accessibility.
There was also the chat update from few weeks ago. Not sure if that might be causing some weird error for some.
3 hours later…
FWIW I haven't noticed any such issues here on chat

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