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Q: Avaloniaui tag synonym

WyckI don't have enough reputation on the tag to propose it, but I see tags avaloniaui and avalonia. Their descriptions are identical but they are not listed as synonyms that I can see. I can't see any mechanism to tidy up myself other than to mention it here and hope someone else can help.

1 hour later…
Q: Review-banned users might be having issues with viewing suggested edits from a question page

starballI'm currently review banned (this is not by any means a complaint about my ban, it's necessary background info), and I've noticed a while ago that when I try to view pending suggested edits from a /question/<question-id> page (not from the review queue), I now get "An error occurred when loading ...

Jesus Christ, see the "AI – is Skynet here already?" heading here aerosociety.com/news/…
In short, the military trained an AI to go on missions and destroy threat. The final decision once a threat is found is down to a human. They ran a simulation and a human saying "no, don't destroy this" got the AI to attack the operator because its training said destruction is preferred. They amended that to make "don't kill the operator" also important and on a "no" it tried to destroy communication equipment to cut off the operator.
MIRI will have a field day with that.
Q: Why was this question reopened when there were already many duplicates that solves OP's problem

JasonI recently closed Casting a void pointer to a 2D String array pointer (C/CPP) as it has plenty of duplicates which I can found in the first search on Google. But then some user reopened this question without giving any reason. My question was this question incorrectly reopened and was this a misu...

I shared this elsewhere but I might as well do it here as well:
the art program has gotten a lot better at understanding the concept of letters, but I'm not sure it actually has any actual language model underlying how it puts the letters together
Those all seem pronounceable and vaguely similar to "stacky", but the question should be clear that the exact name "stacky" is requested
but this is definitely better than I remember Dali or whatever being a couple years ago
the weird part to me is that the training data appears to include some concept of the actual stack overflow logo... ? or maybe it just somehow naturally comes up with the concept of stacking things
oh, it does have a language model, of course, because it parses the request. but why it has such a tenous connection between that and the lettering... o_O
don't forget this was thoroughly tested by Humans. I know they definitely used bruteforce to find the best hyperparameter and starting weights, but I'm sure they tested things succinctly and fine-tuned it as needed
you can't test every possible input/output, so they probably just averaged and made assumptions that turned "good enough"
they also probably run their model output through some paid service like Appen, or Toloka for "testing and classification by Humans"
@KarlKnechtel Yeah, that's DALL-E. And the text thing is a real issue for it. See me trying to "It's magick" on a bunch of ways imgur.com/a/rXC3SQO
> what's wrong with it is you are trying to raise an angry mob to enforce your point of view. Your view has no greater sway than anyone else`s
Isn't this calling Meta regulars an angry mob?
Isn't it required to be an angry mob to be on Meta?
It's required to be called an angry mob, or gang, or just toxic people.
@VLAZ at any rate, even though wrong, I'd totally get this cup, if I could:
@Enet4 "You're not a real Meta regular until you've been dehumanised and insulted"
Not sure if gatekeeping or No True Scotsman fallacy
@VLAZ There some service online where you can get your own printed cup (with wanted font and cup, etc)
probably cost between 10-XX since this might not be a local service
Q: Is it Ok to related question to another questions?

sorosh_sabzfor example I have a some question about one big problem, and I separate questions into multiple concrete and detailed specified questions, and ask these questions one by one My question: Is it ok to related question to another question by direct link in the end of question with "related to" keyw...

@NordineLotfi Yes, but it's expensive to ship to me. I can also go to a local place that can print things on mugs (I've got a mug with the Dishonored logo and it's awesome). However, you need to supply them with a high quality image to print.
That's the issue with making my own of this cup.
For Dishonored, I just found an SVG of the logo. That was easy. I really don't know even where to start with this "Magk is magk" thing.
Heh, I found I actually have a picture of my Dishonored mug. It's alongside my other favourite mug "Nope not today". The third one is...there because the other two are a reference. It's huge. It's a litre. Red one is 500ml, white one is 300ml
...when I talk about the picture and it's contents, it's probably worth linking it.
@RyanM To clarify a bit, my main intention in posting that comment wasn't to be snarky/funny. I mean, that was, admittedly, part of it, because that's just how my brain works. But the main point was to kind of nudge you into realizing that your answer failed to address that explicit statement made in the question.
My comment, effectively, saying that "Given that you didn't address this part of the question, are we free to assume that that's moderator-approved behavior?"
@NordineLotfi No, because this is an American organization. :-)
@RyanM All that stuff reminds me of Nixon's "silent majority".
@CodyGray Honestly, I'd forgotten about that... often when I'm answering people's aggrieved meta questions I ignore the specific situation and answer the general question
because it's obnoxious when you're searching for dupes and find, like, "Is there a time limit to report a CoC violation?" and the answer is something like "That's not a CoC violation and you're wrong about C++"
:-( Then why do my Meta answers always get so many upvotes?
telling people they're wrong is the national sport of meta
What a coincidence, that's also the national sport of the tag!
Meta farming
Cody hoarding the meta rep.
@Enet4 No, not directly. It's accusing them of using Meta to raise an angry mob. That's not the same thing.
@VLAZ I mean... it's actually a lot easier than you seem to be thinking... It's just text, so all you need to do is find a font that looks approximately like what you want (there are font identifier tools out there), and then use that font to create a super-high resolution image containing the text you want.
Or at least it presumes that Meta SO serves as a haven for mobs.
I think you're reading far too much into it.
1 hour later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine: Hi, I am Scortchi#5498 on Meta Discord.
oki, I'll add the role
Q: How do I choose between two opposite answers?

The Dreams WindThis (quite a theoretical) question got two answers which contradict each other. Both refer to the standard, and quote relevant part of it, and both seem to answer the question. The problem is that the answers are directly opposite.. How am I supposed to choose which one to accept now?

Such healthy discussion this new CoC raises...
Q: Does my profile violate the new Code of Conduct?

GantendoIs writing "Kill nazis for fun and profit." on your profile allowed under the new CoC? The wording of the Abusive behavior policy is incredibly vague, but I am hoping the CoC won't be used to protect (for example) nazi scum and the WBC, right? Right? Why shouldn't we be allowed to depict nazis "a...

Would you believe that, prior to the mention of a new new CoC, we had exactly this same debate in the Teachers' Lounge? (Namely, whether advocating for the killing of Nazis was offensive.)
Q: Discussion: New AI Generated content policy

markalexRecently StackExchange announced new network-wide policy regarding AI Generated content: What is the network policy regarding AI Generated content? In short: moderators are prohibited from banning users, who post AI generated answers. This announcement cause outcry among mods and curators: many ...

So rude of Nazis to mess with the CoC.
Why, when trolls talk about Nazis, do they always have to write "literal Nazis"?
Are there figurative Nazis that we need to be careful to distinguish from?
Also... are there any literal Nazis anymore? Considering that the National Socialist German Workers' Party is long defunct, how can you be a "literal Nazi"?
Neonazis? /shrig
@CodyGray What if its Nazis figure skating? youtube.com/watch?v=ybuKQf9p5jg
Two references to History of the World Part 1 today. I think I've fulfilled my quota.
@CodyGray Wanna visit Norway, Sweden and Finland? I'm sure you'll find some in Germany too. And lots in Russia these days.
Those aren't Nazis, though. I mean, they aren't members of the NSGWP.
If you prefer the German initialism, yes.
Nasjonalsosialdemokratiske arbeiderparti. Also works in Norwegian.
Importantly, though, we're speaking English, where it doesn't.
Then NSDAP, it is.
@CodyGray English completely screwed Bayern's name though
Such disrespect. I suggest we ban English.
@VLAZ And we'll make the americans pay for it
I hope they pay in donuts. There never enough donuts
@ZoestandswithUkraine Thank you
@NordineLotfi Before or after the police officers ate those donuts? I’m not sure if I want to be shot.
Sorry, I can't understand your message. It seems to be written in American.
@Mithical It's doughnuts, innit?
@ZoestandswithUkraine It should be. It's a nut made out of dough.
Q: I edited all my questions and I still can't ask any questions

s123It gave me a question ban because two of my first questions in November were controversial but randomly in April or March it banned me, even though all those more recent questions were ok. I edited them all and it still won't remove the ban. I get not wanting bad questions but why suddenly now? T...

@Andreasdetestscensorship hmm, maybe we need another currency
I don't know what could replace donuts though
Or pancakes
I'd also agree to be paid in chocolate
@NordineLotfi DogeCoin /s
Thanks for the suggestion, Elon!
mmm, chocolate
Why did nobody mention the obvious?
@ZoestandswithUkraine maybe we could wrap chocolate with golden aluminum to make it look like DogeCoin.
@Andreasdetestscensorship Yuck. No.
I'd rather have dogecoin
@VLAZ "gotta pump and dump" DogeCoin supporter probably
@Andreasdetestscensorship ew
@Andreasdetestscensorship ew
@Andreasdetestscensorship ew
Toxic Meta-gremlins!
@Andreasdetestscensorship Look at it this way. More for you, cause we don't want it
@ZoestandswithUkraine English completely screwed a lot of place names. But most languages do. I mean, the Germans can't even get the name of France right!
Boson became sentient for one second, and the first thing it says is "ew"
Please do not ingest meta-gremlisns, as their toxicity can make you sick.
@CodyGray yes, but it's France :P
@Boson-StandWithUkraine That is cheating! Starring your own message! (I did the same, due to a bug, btw. You need to use both the desktop, and the mobile chat, on two different devices).
@CodyGray Frankrike?
What was the video I saw bullying german again?
Frrunk Rryshe
Funky towel?
Mmm, bacon
fried eggs?
@VLAZ We have some of that at the Rust chatroom.
@Andreasdetestscensorship Err, oops. I totally screwed that up. It's the French who call Germany the wrong thing (Allemagne).
@CodyGray You don't want to start that.
@Enet4 Just throw a baguette, it'll be fine :p
French isn't the only language at stake there.
@CodyGray Alle de mange tyske naboene.
@CodyGray Doesn't, like, English fail? It's Deutschland.
@ZoestandswithUkraine I'd throw a cod, but I don't like cod so I don't usually buy it.
@Enet4 Mackerelle is the best.
@VLAZ Blame the Romans for that one
@aynber pasta noises
So rude of the Romans. Maybe we should ban them.
@VLAZ Please don't ban people named Roman. They did nothing wrong.
Roman owes me five bucks!
"English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."
@Enet4 It's already at the stake; burn it!
@CodyGray If you could not use English, what would you hold on to?
Grunts and squeals, probably.
@Andreasdetestscensorship ewww
@Enet4 The universal language of screaming at the top of my lungs.
Hold on to the night...
@aynber sounds like a good premise for a book
a book where every character are ambiguous or vague concept, such as "English language"
Sounds like a Neil Gaiman type book
Q: Did my profile violate the new Code of Conduct?

GantendoNote that this text (and the caption above) have been changed and no longer reflects what I actually wrote I put "Kill nazis for fun and profit." on my profile for a bit (since changed it again). Is this allowed under the new CoC? The wording of the Abusive behavior policy is incredibly vague, bu...

wtf is going on there?
3 hours ago, by VLAZ
Such healthy discussion this new CoC raises...
Conduct! Excitement! Fun! Fun? Fun...
@OlegValteriswithUkraine But the engagement! The clickthrough rates!
@VLAZ that is undeniable - the past couple of weeks user engagement... skyrocketed. Maybe that was the plan all along?
Hence why the CoC was implemented. It is long and hard to swallow all of it at once. But, oh, the engagement it brings! It definitely engorges with excitement. It has all been leading to this climax.
Hopefully my message did not violate the new CoC.
@VLAZ you will know in 6 to 8
on the right side - it's so much more fun to read MSE when you can see all the deleted gems ^^"
@VLAZ more like "fallthrough rates" amirite
@OlegValteriswithUkraine skyrocketed? yeah sure, but in the other direction
@NordineLotfi Definite proof licorice needs to disappear when even our future robot overlords hate it
@OlegValteriswithUkraine don't make me jealous now
@ZoestandswithUkraine hmm, this is worth pondering about
@aynber there actually some decent looking book from that Author. Thanks, didn't know that Author
@NordineLotfi look, whichever direction you pick in 3D space, if you're persistent, eventually you'd get to the sky
sounds like what a neural network would say
"with enough datasets, maybe I can finally be intelligent"
@NordineLotfi As a large language model, I can neither confirm nor deny this
Lol, I was trying to think of a funny way to turn my name to an acronym. I figured L = LLM and V = Very. I was stuck on AZ
yeah Z isn't great
> Very Large language model based on Arizona's political discourse
Zygote, if it's in its very earliest stages, perhaps
Maybe Zebra?
@Enet4 choose that and we'll read about VLAZ' early demise at the hands of a lawsuit from Nintendo
@TylerH Link
Link is the princess from the Zelda games, right?
Oh no, somebody just broke into my apartment. I'm scared... Wait, it's several of them. Why are they all dressed like Mario!
you have a very big leak and they are here to fix it
@TylerH I used to actually confound the two
@NordineLotfi He's pretty good. He's had several of his books/stories turned into movies and tv shows, and he usually has a hand in them, so they're mostly good. I'm currently waiting for season 2 of Good Omens
Nice, didn't know there was movies too
Stardust and Coraline have movies. American Gods and Good Omens have tv series. That's all I can think of off the top of my head
oh, and Sandman and Lucifer, though Lucifer is just "characters based on"
@NordineLotfi come on, let me brag for a little while :)
@OlegValteriswithUkraine ah, I don't mind it, no worries :P
@aynber stardust was pretty fun family entertainment
@NordineLotfi mostly joking, but yeah, definitely not in the way the expected :)
@aynber From all of those, I only heard of American Gods and Lucifer :o
American Gods is also on my list
watching Lucifer atm
@NordineLotfi one thing I can say for sure - the rumors were true, it's more of a curse than blessing...
@OlegValteriswithUkraine I'm aware :D I just went and tried to make it more explicit(?). Probably not the best term for this hmm
@OlegValteriswithUkraine yeah, I can imagine
I guess it's like when Spiderman got his power or something. "the sooner you get 10k tools, the larger the responsibility" or some such
@NordineLotfi more like the sooner you get it, the faster your belief in humanity starts to plummet (not that it was very high to begin with) :) The stuff on the CoC discussion alone is horrendous.
I liked the part in Spiderman where he goes to Meta.
MSE: Meta Spider Exchange
@TylerH I just finished rereading the book. Both are definitely fun
@OlegValteriswithUkraine if it's worse than the last post above or the post from Carl, yeah I think it's a good thing I can't see them
(shamefully looks at my pile of unread books where American Gods is literally at the top)
@VLAZ and instead of spiderverse it's metaverse :o
I'm in the middle of Sandman vol 1. I need to get back to reading it
@NordineLotfi worse....
@Dharman you are allowed to, as long as it's not because it's AI-generated content. You can do it for lacking references, being irrelevant to the question asked, being a closed question with no value, being a rehash of a previous answer, low quality based on score, etc. Being AI generated is not enough to warrant banning of the user that post them or deleted. — Braiam 26 mins ago
I just love it when somebody tries to explain to a mod what they are allowed to do (especially in this case)
also, I just noticed SE took the feedback of voting buttons losing contrast to heart:
reminds me of our own designer at work who, when we pointed out that the dark mode contrast is too low, made it look like high-contrast mode...
Q: How can I report an answer generated by ChatGPT

Adamu_Dee_Azare I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Implementing Name Synchronization and Money Transfers in Transactions Model with Account Number Input There is no any report Icon on the answer I received from someone on Stack Overflow, the answer is not correct and I want to report it, but I ca...

Q: Merge [powerbi-datasource] into [powerquery]

Luke_0Background Details Power BI is a self-service analytics tool. One of its defining features is the ability to extract data from just about any data source using a uniform language (PowerQuery M). Stack Overflow has several related tags currently: powerbi, powerquery, m, and powerbi-datasource. Any...

hail hydra. request by Zoe
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Oooh, that looks so much better
The muted contrast sucked
it is certainly better than the slightly colored version we got initially indeed
just wish it used the same color that the site uses :)
meta.so is black. That's a bit weird
I think they screwed up the colors everywhere
^ SO dark mode
oh. ew
what did you expect
what's even more fun is they're using different styling for article voting buttons
they look the same, but they don't perform the same
different hover
@KevinB well, I expected exactly that :)
Q: Where is the May 31, 2023 update to the Code of Conduct?

sgfitThe StackOverflow website is full of notices about a May 31, 2023 update to the Code of Conduct. However, it does not seem to have a link to this document. The notice in the header: links a blogpost, not a document. The link in the sidebar: links to a blogpost, not a document. The giant orange "...

@NewPosts "How much does it cost to access it?" wtf?
@OlegValteriswithUkraine It costs one chocolate waffle pancake. Paid in advance into my mouth.
$5, i only accept paypal
I wonder what Joel thinks of SO these days
let alone Jeff
at least we know what Shog9 think (I think?)
well that's been apparent since shortly after he left
if not sooner
(Meta Discord verification) - hi 🙂
I'm really looking forward to the automatic validation system being ready
I'm surprised my Diamond doesn't show up in here
it's a separate chat server
Chat for SO is on a separate server from the rest of the network
SO vs SE systems
Mods on other SE sites all have diamonds on MSE chat only because the rest are all lumped into one server
I see. I'm from dba.se
so probably grumpy to some extent
:-) so a good DBA, then
apparently :-)
You're not doing it right if you aren't at least a little grumpy about it
I'm laughing right now though
you clearly know some DBAs
@TylerH Not on MSE chat, only SE chat
SO mods get diamonds on the SO server, and meta.SE mods get diamonds on the MSE chat server, everyone gets on the SE server, because something something parent sites
@ZoestandswithUkraine er, sorry, yeah that is what I meant. Was just too lazy to go back and edit the message to remove the M
I feel naked without a diamond next to my name. Probably should get used to it.
You have a diamond in our hearts <3
Better than a heart of diamonds
Unless you're a rock type race in Stellaris that eats minerals for food
in which case, that's great
<insert some reference to Steven Universe here>
@ZoestandswithUkraine not the Steven I meant :)
You didn't specify :p
fair enough :)
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Twisted. But we also live in a universe where we have to pay to read the final version of an ISO standard.
So alas.
@Enet4 I know what you mean. I was also shocked when I saw this was the case for C (and probably for other languages)
@ZoestandswithUkraine I'm glad you know that meme
I've binged a whole lot of Steven's content
@ZoestandswithUkraine There you are.
@Enet4 yeah, don't remind me of that...
@ZoestandswithUkraine Same, I think I finished most of his videos (except some behind the scene on his patreon?)

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