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12:31 AM
It does. Just in case this is a browser specific issue, I am using Google Chrome 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) (64-bit) on macOS Version 10.15.5 (Build 19F96) — GalaxyCat105 1 min ago
12:47 AM
Here's a spreadsheet based off Shog's posts docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/… — Samuel Liew ♦ 34 secs ago
@GalaxyCat105 I would put the OS and Browser info into the question itself so it isn't lost in comments — psubsee2003 56 secs ago
To answer your specific question, there's nothing really you can do as it stands now, other than leaving a link. Perhaps you could find a gold badge holder or a moderator in a chat room (e.g., SOCVR or a language-specific chat room), but that won't always be an option. I've handled this case, as someone who knows the topic domain. In the long run, I think what is suggested in the feature request that I've closed this as a duplicate of is the best idea. — Cody Gray ♦ 15 secs ago
Please don't. These sorts of canned comments are just noise, and create more work for moderators to delete. Let your flags do the talking. The site already translates those into appropriate language. — Cody Gray ♦ 13 secs ago
Most "outdated" are going to really be "insufficiently version-tagged". COBOL is still happening. — philipxy 55 secs ago
Just post a new answer, preferably one that is not outdated. In that answer, call out why the other answer(s) is/are outdated, and explain why your solution is to be preferred. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
High-reputation users aren't immune from making mistakes, @Scratte, and certainly not from misunderstanding how the site's features work. If you see a pattern of someone with full edit privileges making harmful or superfluous edits, collect a list and raise a moderator flag. There is absolutely no reason to create a Stack Snippet for a code sample in a language not supported by Stack Snippets. They're only for HTML/CSS/JS. — Cody Gray ♦ 54 secs ago
I just ran into a problem that this would solve/have prevented: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/397961/7509065 — Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica 1 min ago
Yeah...that's exactly why we don't tell you the trivial way to work around the filter in the error message. We're trying to persuade you to write a better title. Longer isn't necessarily better, but generic words like "work" and "problem" don't tell the reader anything when they see these in search results. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
Sure. Not saying it's unreasonable to file bugs against the map's accuracy. But some of the comments (and especially Twitter) are going too far, drawing geopolitical conclusions from a map that clearly wasn't drawn by a cartographer, and I think that's unreasonable. @Trilarion — Cody Gray ♦ 24 secs ago
1:27 AM
This is what you do when you don't know the answer. Its four lines of code and you are unable to answer me. Hats Off — Govind Pandit 52 secs ago
Please research before considering posting a question. If you ask, reflect your research. — philipxy 54 secs ago
2 hours later…
4:11 AM
I don't know the answer, it's not my area of expertise, so I did not answer, comment or vote on your SO question. It would be fairly easy for me to come up with one line of code that you could not explain, so code size is not a direct and sole measure of complexity. — Martin James 1 min ago
@GovindPandit I mean, I could guess stuff. Your event-handler is probably called as a result of a signal/message popped from an OS GUI input queue. That's thousands of lines of code involved with just that mechanism. As for the 'is it possible to display toast' thing, I would guess 'not directly, but yes, once message-handling is resumed'. To be sure, wby not try it? — Martin James 1 min ago
1 hour later…
5:23 AM
It's considered noise if it's added as a part of the question, yes. A better way of saying thank you is to accept and/or upvote the helpful answer. Saying thanks in a comment is better but that might also end up being removed later. — ivarni 1 min ago
@CrisLuengo I thought when making a synonym, users can enter [gan] but the post will still render/map it to [generative-adversarial-network], so it should be OK..? But I'm also leaning towards the more explicit, more descriptive tag. — Gino Mempin 1 min ago
Thank you Hans and Samuel, unfortunately I can not upvote your comment due to the low privileges... — László Tóth 1 min ago
6:15 AM
Yes, it's considered conversational/smalltalk, which we don't do on Stack Overflow. It helps to think of us as being more like Wikipedia than a traditional web forum. We are building a library of content that will help many people over the years, not just you right now. The Stack Overflow way of saying, "thank you; this helped me" is to upvote the post. — Cody Gray ♦ 49 secs ago
6:47 AM
That being said, it is a bad edit to change someone's post just for the sake of removing "thanks" etc. Edits should be substantial and preferably correct multiple issues at once. Edit to change things like tags or spelling/grammar, then by all means remove "thank you" while you are at it. But don't edit just to remove that part. Because now and then someone gets the idea to go on an edit spree crusade against "thanks in advance" and disrupts the site by bumping tons of posts by doing minor edits. — Lundin 37 secs ago
The audit expects you to press "No actions needed" or upvote. If the post is good then edit, flagging, downvoting or comments will fail the review. This is obviously the exact opposite when the post is not OK. — Scratte 55 secs ago
@AniMenon I was afraid that would be your reasoning. What you describe is a problem of the answers, not the question. I honestly don't believe questions can be outdated. They can no longer be useful (a down vote reason), superseded by newer questions (a good reason to link questions to the same problem in a newer version with each other I found [old question] for problem X but I have a way newer version. How can I achieve that in version a.b — rene 47 secs ago
There is a full discussion in Is it consensus that commenting should (not) lead to failing review audits? — Scratte 1 min ago
If deleting or otherwise censoring anything posted on Meta that is critical of the company's policies and/or controversial is what it takes to bring back "Hot Meta Posts", then I don't want it back. I refuse to do that. Doing what you are proposing to eliminate is the primary purpose of Meta. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
I don't know what the [feature-request] is here. Perhaps you can edit to clarify. Otherwise, I'm assuming you're just asking why attempting to comment caused you to fail the audit, which has been answered. You should not be responding to questions in comment at all, and certainly not when you're reviewing. — Cody Gray ♦ 1 min ago
@User81862311 According to the message you see when hovering your mouse over the upvote/downvote button, upvote/downvote should be determined with respect to two points: clearness and usefulness. Since this question asks personal opinions, inherently it is difficult to judge if or not the question is useful. However, I believe the question itself it crystal-clear. Thus I suspect the downvoters clicked the button just to say "I don't think so." — ynn 1 min ago
7:19 AM
I am just asking Give a simple code where any single line is written in onnothing selected method. You all guys making it messy and confusing. — Govind Pandit 31 secs ago
I am just asking for a simple code where any single line is written in onnothing selected method. You all guys making it messy and confusing. I am requesting you to transfer my question to android developer in java. I don't want that my question to be closed by some random python developer or the one who just give confusing suggestions. You people reply to wrong question. Provide right person for the question. You all have to work on this. Give a permission to only android developer for android question and not others. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
You need one of the four tags on Meta: [discussion], [support], [feature-request], or [bug]. You are advised to choose the one that best represents the point of your question. Most of them are self-explanatory. All of them have tag wiki excerpts that display when you begin typing the tag name, which explain exactly under what circumstances each tag should be used. When in doubt, use [discussion]. — Cody Gray ♦ 27 secs ago
7:53 AM
@CodyGray It's impossible to completely separate politics from everyday life, if only just because in a possible reply SO would have to make a conscious decision, or by not replying they are also sending a statement. That's why I think it is not just a bug that can be fixed and everyone is happy. Haven't read the Twitter comments. — Trilarion 1 min ago
@philipxy no it was not a guess and will never be a guess. If I vote to close as duplicate then I am sure it's a duplicate and the question is clear enough to me to identify the duplicate. By the way, there is many other reason to close question among unclear and even if we consider the fact that the duplicate is a guess, it remains an important information that should be shown somewhere. I have seen a lot of people closing question as unclear simply because they don't understand the topic while I have clearly understood the question in order to either answer it or close it as duplicate. — Temani Afif 1 min ago
8:19 AM
Thanks for the explanation, I'll try to write good titles in the future. The error message on the top still doesn't tell me to write a good title, though. Honestly, in the beginning I just thought it was a bug. — Tobias Feil 1 min ago
This can also happen if you have an editor open, and then become signed out during writing - when you submit, the UI gets stuck in a validation loop, but does not report the error on the screen. — halfer 21 secs ago
8:51 AM
Be very sure to read the guidance on what's on-topic on Code Review before posting there (or telling people to post there). — ivarni 32 secs ago
I don't know. I can't search deleted comments and I usually delete the comment if they add the code (and remove my vote to close as off topic). It feels like I have to write this comment 1 to 3 times a day. I'm sure it's not that often but it feels that often. I just wrote one today (hence why I'm here). I know I wrote one yesterday. I know I wrote 3 the day I posted this Q (which is what prompted me to write). And, of course it's not just one comment. Users complain or still don't post enough code to see the issue and you have to go back and forth to help them. — gman 17 secs ago
This does actually sound like the perfect question for Code Review. You've nailed all the requirements, based on what you've said here. But reading the site's Help Center is always a good idea before posting anywhere. — Cody Gray ♦ 46 secs ago
9:09 AM
@ F1Krazy. I am not asking for a "developer". I want that on stack overflow correct person who has the knowledge of topic should give me the answer about topic. — Govind Pandit 20 secs ago
You are not understanding my concern. If you are unable to give a single line code. It is okay. I am saying this because i found many different code on stack overflow. you can't simply escalate my problem by giving the name of freelancing or that i want code. If you are unable to give a single line code then give me explanation. Why did you closed my question after following your thousand rules and after editing my question. I want atleast solution in theory why onnothingselected is executing? Is this single line question is okay for you?. It's not an error. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
@fbueckert I'm sure I'm not the only one who designated the email as spam (which it absolutely is.. "unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users"). Gmail tends to take these things into account if enough people do so for future filtering purposes, etc., so if you haven't done so I'd encourage you to go back and mark it as spam. — Voo 2 mins ago
9:31 AM
I am waiting for response. You closed all my post. I am going to give a bad review. Python developer gives android answers and later close it. It's not going to work... Not acceptable at all.. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
Show me.... Giving bad review is not a rude. It is something the website capable of. Its my personal opinion. If you think it's rude. I think more rude that i am writing messages in chat from last 24 hours, updated question atleast 10 times then also it is closed and people are not answering me and wasting my time. Some users making fun of me. i find this is a rude!!!! — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
One Vs 18 People so far. No one solved error/ How many more do you have? let's do it... — Govind Pandit 14 secs ago
Random people are answering. NOw dot net developer sometime other developers. But no single person helping with my question to resolve. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
9:51 AM
You have only updated your question 3 times and you didn't include any of the advice I gave in my answer (except that you copy-pasted my text), nor the advice given by others in their comments. The onus is on you, not on the people you try to assign blame to. — rene 1 min ago
And why did you closed this meta question. User is not satisfied with the answer then also you closed it on #stack overflow meta. — Govind Pandit 25 secs ago
I updated my question from different account by mistake. I copied your text because you suggested to write this question. If i wrote a question suggested as you then why did you closed it. What to add more? — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
I will blame you only because i find that now my question is correct and understandable. Guaranteed understandable for developer. I found many questions on stack overflow which are unclear and not understandable as compare to my question. — Govind Pandit 23 secs ago
@GovindPandit: The current question is unclear. In the title you ask what the
method is used for. (Which is a duplicate of this: stackoverflow.com/questions/16439463/… so you may find your answer there. This is why it's important to research your question before asking.) And in the content of the question you first ask if it's possibleto display a toast, but then later indicate that your onNothingSelected
method isn't executing in the first place, which has nothing to do with a toast. — David 1 min agoI already visited all you questions... I found they are not helpful and copied and pasted by your moderators from google website and google android documentation. Secondly you are saying me to ask question Only in (Yes Or NO). Which will not make my question complete and then i will get inproper answer. MY question is that i want example of onnothingselected method. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
@GovindPandit: We can understand that there's a language barrier here, and that English is not your native language. However, insisting that your question is "guaranteed understandable" when multiple users have given examples of why it's not clear does not further your cause. This comment thread is further demonstration that you are more focused on arguing with Stack Overflow than on getting your question answered. The only way to get the help you're looking for is to focus on the question, not on your argument. — David 1 min ago
If i want to see the answers from google android documentation then i can directly go to their website. Why i am asking question here then.... Do one thing. Give me your question which you think is valid then i will paste the same. And reopen my question. — Govind Pandit 2 mins ago
@David. I think it is wastage of time to give suggestions. Instead of this give me question. I will post it and then reopen my stack overflow question. It's very easy five minutes solution. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
@GovindPandit: Appreciating again that English is not your native language... What exactly are you asking of me at this time? You want to re-post a Stack Overflow question that I've asked in the past? Something else? Also of note, telling someone that their help is a waste of time in one sentence and then asking for their help in the very next sentence is... dizzying logic at best. — David 1 min ago
'You all have to work on this' WHY? You cannot be for real! Please stop trolling. — Martin James 1 min ago
don't harass me. Give me a question which i will copy and paste in my existing stack overflow android question. And open it again. So, i can edit my question. Don't say that English is not my native language again. You are making this as point to hide you inability. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
@Martin I will work on why only if you allow me to edit my question. I am unable to access my existing stack overflow question. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
At least on desktop, I only see a "No answers" filter, but no sorting option like that. Which interface are you in? Where do you see the "Sort by unanswered questions". Sorting and Filtering are two orthogonal concepts. You can filter by unanswered and it can still be sorted by votes. — BDL 1 min ago
@GovindPandit I am too incomptent, I cannot do what you ask because I don't know the answer. Since you are convinced that so many here do not know stuff, why ask? — Martin James 1 min ago
@MartinJames: I think it's time we both stop feeding the troll. The moderators have this in their queue, they'll take appropriate action. Thank you for trying, though. If this user is truly looking for help, then I hope he finds it. But currently the only barrier to that is himself, and that problem is well outside the scope of what Stack Overflow can do. — David 28 secs ago
I think now your English is poor. And if you don't know code at least help me to escalate my question. And leave the website if you don't know anything and couldn't help... Don't make me to write this type of comments here. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
I found many websites. They always speak politely and listen to their customers and give their hundred percent to help them. But i found that some ancient kings are working on this website with their own pride. — Govind Pandit 51 secs ago
I will post my question to other good website now with helpful people. Thank you very much. I am deleting my account and will not suggest anyone or my friends about this website and will give very bad review. You are brand. But brand becomes land in a second. — Govind Pandit 18 secs ago
You'll have to excuse the downvotes but we basically see this proposed weekly and there's no new arguments this time either. — ivarni 59 secs ago
the correlation argument I feel is valid evidence, as it is based off of numbers — sciencepi 24 secs ago
I can see my post messages are deleted. So, if you are reading this!!! You will think that i am wrong but, in real this website if fake. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
After the first sentence about actual evidence, I thought this might be a over average proposal. But then no evidence was presented. All you state here is based on your observations, not on actual numbers. Have you tried gathering, for example, a statistic about the correlation of asker reputation and the amount of downvotes? — BDL 1 min ago
Next time perhaps think about how you phrase your comment, as it comes off as hostile. — sciencepi 59 secs ago
@SamuelLiew, what do you mean "Use your main account"? I'm fucking using one account for StackExchange and StackOverflow. — nop 34 secs ago
@sciencepi Perhaps you should take that advice yourself and have a look at your question's third last paragraph? — ivarni 2 mins ago
Comments on questions like these almost always go off the rails leading to the question being closed and deleted. This one's already going down that route. — Robert Longson 1 min ago
@sciencepi: You don't state any numbers in your proposal. You looked at some questions and came to a conclusion (which might or might not be correct). But you didn't do an analysis whether your assumption holds on the bigger scale. You don't even state the numbers that you measured. For example, you claim that a question of a low-rep user gets more downvotes as the same question of a high-rep user: Where is the proof? How much more likely is it for a new user to be downvoted than for a veteran? Does that correlate with question quality? Do new users maybe on average ask worse questions? — BDL 1 min ago
@Govind customers implies pay..... Which is not done. You're aware the ppl moderating your stuff (also, the ppl trying to help you understand and change what's happening) are all doing this for free, as volunteers who want to help? Since the beginning of your question here, all you seem to care about is reopening and getting your question answered. stack is a sometimes rigid site, but trying to bite back at the ppl who try to help you is... Not helpful, or constructive. And considering you need other users toget unstuck.... You can see how alienating a bunch of ppl won't help I guess — Patrice 2 mins ago
@Jean-François Fabre, may you answer instead of linking a post with your not understandable English? I don't know who promoted you for a moderator. — nop 30 secs ago
Does this answer your question? Contention: should points be completely eliminated on SO? or Why don't we get rid of reputation points? or Do we really need reputation and upvotes/downvotes? — Nick 2 mins ago
@sciencepi About the down-vote: I downvoted mostly due to the rude text about basement nerds in the third paragraph. — BDL 2 mins ago
I'm mostly offended about the idea of "cheese dust". What's that? No cheese should be dusty. — yivi 15 secs ago
So. You figuratively barge into a room, make rude comments about the people in there "people in basements...", and then claim the victim when the same people call you out. This is going to go well. — DontKnowMuchBut Getting Better 1 min ago
Sorry, but you can't criticize people for harsh language, if you yourself utilize harsh language. Be the change you want to see. Set a good example. — Cerbrus 2 mins ago
You are not doing enough for free. I think taking people time is more expensive than money. If you don't do anything that is better otherwise. The website is always created because of some intentions. No one do anything without intentions. Tell me in last anyone will help me in advising about my question instead of other advices... — Govind Pandit 2 mins ago
@Martin I kinda said my piece and will leave it at that :p. But yeah, definitely either very angry or troll-y. Hopefully the former, and will calm down over time. We'll see I guess — Patrice 25 secs ago
@Govind not until it's on topic and reopened on the site. No. The intention of stack was to be a library of knowledge. Not a place for ppl to rush to so they can get their question answered. That's why we have rules, to make sure what we add to our repository is of sufficient quality. Also... 'not doing enough for free' is.... A very entitled stance.... — Patrice 1 min ago
@Patrice it's a troll, maybe a puppet of the java megatroll who is chat-banned for 3000 years:( — Martin James 2 mins ago
I don't want to talk to other people. If you can help me. Please give me suggestion @Patrice — Govind Pandit just now
@Patrice. I understand your concern. Please suggest me what to do to re-open and get answer for my question. — Govind Pandit 1 min ago
Someone remove this martin. No one is talking to him and asking help. Find your 30000 years old james. — Govind Pandit 2 mins ago
Arguably, the root problem of the OP is not understandable. It still needs and/or clarity on why they think one would be unable to use more than one data type in a struct. I mean, if they wrote just that in code, what's the problem? Answering "yes" might actually trigger a follow-up question, and therefore is a dangerous one to answer in such a state. — E_net4 is downhausted 38 secs ago
Sorry, but this is yet another user that feels wronged, has some great ideas that won't exactly work, gets told so, and immediately plays the victim card. This happens multiple times each week, @sciencepi. Everyone here has been constructive up until you went passive aggressive. We care a lot about this site, and if there's a way to improve the site, we're very happy to listen, but you simply haven't said anything we haven't hashed out a hundred times before. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
Self fulfilling prophecy happening here..... It's unfortunate. But you come in like a ton of bricks. You take everything personally. Then you tell ppl to be careful about their language and not to take things personally.... It's bound to end poorly. Now... I must say I haven't seen the questions from newbies that are good and yet get -20. It'll be hard for me to stand behind that argument without better proof. — Patrice 42 secs ago
@E_net4isdownhausted Could be the case. I guess I would also want the close reason "This question is just plain crap" :D — klutt 55 secs ago
Considering that some people already take our existing close reasons by heart, one shudders to think of what their reaction would be over that one. — E_net4 is downhausted 2 mins ago
@E_net4isdownhausted Sure. Of course I did not intend that it should be phrased like that. Sometimes I think there's "too much kindness". Don't misunderstand me, but it feels like that the philosophy is that we should never ever throw away a question that has even the smallest chance of being suitable, given that others take their time to explain to OP what is already written in the help pages. — klutt 1 min ago
Don't you think stack overflow should update some things. This is a problem.... Is there anyone genuine who can re open my question... — Govind Pandit 20 secs ago
First, I just wanted to know what exactly "cheese dust" is. So thank you, Nick :) About downvoting new users posts more than seasoned users post: Have you considered that seasoned users have learned to post better posts, like BDL implies? I mean my first posts were horrible. My newer ones are.. well.. less horrible. — Scratte 1 min ago
@yivi yes. Turn your KB upside-down, apply percussive persuasion. That stuff that falls out - the fossilised Cheetos etc - is the 'cheese dust':) — Martin James 1 min ago
@Scratte At best, I feel less impeded from downvoting questions from high rep users, because those are more expected to ask good quality questions and they are less likely to lose privileges over the penalty of receiving a downvote. We're clearly upon yet another unfounded accusation of the site being unfair to new users. — E_net4 is downhausted 1 min ago
11:59 AM
Does this answer your question? Why is my reputation not visible after the association bonus? — BDL 1 min ago
12:21 PM
@toolic Viewing close votes on your own questions is behind a 250 rep privilege. — E_net4 is downhausted 1 min ago
Unfortunately, many users are reluctant to explain their downvotes out of fear that the person they're downvoting will retaliate, either with verbal abuse or by mass-downvoting that user's posts. These fears are real, but the result is that new users instead get upset because they're being downvoted without explanation. It's a lose-lose scenario for everyone involved. — F1Krazy 16 secs ago
1:09 PM
Most of the reasons for downvotes are explained by either the tooltip shown when hovering over the downvote button ("This question does not show research effort; it is unclear or not useful."), or by a lack of key parts from How to Ask, or both. — Heretic Monkey 31 secs ago
@gnat I don't believe that SE folks is completely right with the current reading. Just a single visit per month doesn't mean much. I'm not sure how much faith I want to have in the recent "data driven" turnaround of SE. The results are surely convenient for the Meta community but the question about the real relevance, significance or impact of Meta is still largely unanswered, I would say. My interpretation was always that people being active or even just passive on Meta are only a minorty, but still contribute a significant part to the content (answers, edits, curation). — Trilarion 17 secs ago
1 hour later…
2:23 PM
@TylerH This exact issue has been reported earlier today:‌ Tag popup doesn't show on some tags. — user4642212 46 secs ago
2:41 PM
@user4642212 You're aware you're replying to a 9-month-old comment, Xufox? There's no need to ping me. :-) — TylerH 6 secs ago
@F1Krazy they are reluctant, because, some users don't accept their error and start downvoting the question(s) of the commenter, sometimes you get also some more than unfriendly comments — nbk 38 secs ago
2:57 PM
It's more of a super-user example, true. This just highlights the extensiveness required for the feature to work -- would need to be able to incorporate material from any stack exchange site for it to work, I think! — Josiah Yoder 1 min ago
3:11 PM
This might not be the place for this, but I just wanted to say, the ads for teams are getting tiring, I've looked at what Teams offers once and decided that we have no use for it whatsoever, and other services like private wikis serve that need better; I may never in my career use Teams at this rate. If you're trying to increase exposure I understand that motivation, but it may not be worth showing ads to developers more than once unless something changed (i.e., features are added). Every time I see another Teams ad, I just say "yeah, know what that is, and I don't need that". — jrh 1 min ago
3:37 PM
You didn't just get banned. You rather publicly got forgiven of a lifetime chat ban and have apparently been squandering that second chance. — Machavity 31 secs ago
Moderators have grown tired of your behavior. We have given you more chances than you deserve, yet you keep abusing them. We're not having this discussion again. — Cody Gray ♦ 7 secs ago
4:09 PM
@rene Just wondering who actually deleted the post, I expected this to not actually be a valid question but wanted to check — Erik A 44 secs ago
related/ context: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/373196/… and meta.stackexchange.com/questions/348935/… — rene 1 min ago
Links still work for people with 10k rep. And rene can't singlehandedly delete posts, so others must have agreed — Mat 2 mins ago
Does this answer your question? Why did I gain/lose reputation? Can I audit my reputation history? — rene 37 secs ago
4:37 PM
Noticed this in FF on mobile somewhat frequently, and periodically in FF on Linux. No idea what triggers it, and it's definitely hard to reproduce, but something is definitely borked. — Zoe 46 secs ago
Hi, @rene I went to this stackoverflow.com/reputation page and I saw there that I earned 8915 in 2020-05-31 but until to this day I saw only 8,895. Is this a calculation wrong or I misunderstood something? — Blasanka 1 min ago
You do accept third-party cookies? Or at least whitelisted the SE domains. Any userscripts/plugins running? — rene 46 secs ago
What is shown in /reputation is the truth as that comes direct from the database. Anything else you see is hopefully updated over the websockets and/or with a page-refresh if when the cache gets invalidated. It might be that a stale cache kept values back a bit longer then you hoped for. — rene 33 secs ago
4:59 PM
Hi. This not the right place to post it as you accidentally ended up on Meta. Before you repost on Main I advice you to first give that task a try yourself so you can include where you are stuck / what doesn't work / what is unexpected. — rene 5 secs ago
I agree with philipxy. Is there some reason you can’t add a comment or even suggest an edit to add the version numbers (or years, etc.) for which the answer is relevant or when it became obsolete? — BSMP 2 mins ago
It's only the "landing pages", i.e. where I end up on from Google, that shows me as "not logged in". If I type in the URL myself, I'm logged in. If I click a link from inside SO, I'm logged in. But if I click a link from Google, I appear not logged in, until I click any other link or refresh. — Sygmoral just now
And now I did a test with some other search engines, and there, everything is okay ... so this appears to be a Google-specific issue. I'll update. — Sygmoral 35 secs ago
6:05 PM
...Granted, I would prefer more thorough description and analysis of this group than vague "visit at least once a month", but even in current rough form it looks more reliable than 0.015% theory which seemed to break even at simple checks, eg at comparing theory estimates against votes and views on top meta posts — gnat 5 secs ago
well given that main site is supposed to be perfectly usable without meta at all, the fact of regular visits look like a sensible indication of an interest in meta. And if you add that according to research these visitors are highly active at main site, this interest looks really genuine, not like they are bored and have nothing better to do... — gnat 19 secs ago
@philipxy Common there are minor changes which happen even in "minor" version updates, we can't maintain so many version tags. — Ani Menon 24 secs ago
@rene In most cases yes answers get out dates but question don't. But then there are cases where a question may not be relevant anymore. Like a minor version update fixed something that was broken (happens a lot in Apache projects). So the question becomes irrelevant/outdated within the same major version of the project. — Ani Menon 41 secs ago
@JohnMontgomery That's a very valid point, but in a case where a version of tool/framework is deprecated and not officially supported.. we should discourage users from using it. Hence proposing the "mark as out-dated", the Q&A will still be visible in case anyone wants to refer to it (just like "Mark as duplicate" questions). — Ani Menon 34 secs ago
This isn't related to the issue about timestamps in comments not being updated (that has a clear, known reason why it doesn't work). Comment timestamps and the closed notification are quite separate, other than that they are both implemented in JavaScript (i.e. if JavaScript isn't running on the page, then very little will be working; this does happen sometimes, but it's quite rare and is unlikely to be the cause of this issue). — Makyen 1 min ago
@AniMenon Sometimes people have to use an old version, whether because of backwards compatibility issues or because their processes make upgrading difficult or whatever, and it shouldn't be Stack Overflow's job to try to compel them to upgrade. Saying which version it's relevant for is a lot more useful than just a generic "outdated." — John Montgomery 1 min ago
6:51 PM
"quickly deleting disruptive content (questions, answers, comments) that are critical to Stack Overflow" - I'm shocked! If this is where SO or MSO is headed...you can have it. — ChiefTwoPencils 58 secs ago
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