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2:05 AM
@marmot Luckily the number of questions in which I had to convert by hand is small. Yes, I converted \tikzstyle to \tikzset with my bare hands :)
2:24 AM
@JouleV I only have claws, so I would be too slow. ;-)
2:43 AM
@CarLaTeX I heard about this package, never really used it. But it's nice.
@marmot and no cats and marmots too.
3:37 AM
@Raaja Seems like the authors do not know what they are doing... ;-)
5:54 AM
@marmot indeed.
One of the pink-square doesn't even want to accept reality even after showing proofs from SE's reply about how bounties work. It seems he wants to see only what he wants to see.
2 hours later…
7:31 AM
@Raaja I stopped worrying about what he wanted for ages :)
2 hours later…
9:39 AM
@CarLaTeX I mean we cant be in such a state-of-mind that we refuse to believe what is true even after having explicit proofs.
10:06 AM
@Raaja I had more than enough of these "discussions" with this user.
11:58 AM
@Raaja The best option for us is to simply ignore him.
@Raaja Right now whenever I go to TeX meta (not logged in of course) I regard him as some drunk guys, and just ignore him.
12:32 PM
@JouleV Yes, as any other like him! That's the correct policy!
1:15 PM
@marmot yes, his tikzpictures are awesome!
@CarLaTeX it is really exhausting to do all the coffee stains oneself - good thing latex can help with that :D
1:38 PM
@Raaja Obeying to facts is no longer en vogue - if an hurricane does not go into the direction you want it to go, take a sharpie and "correct" the map.
3 hours later…
4:23 PM
@samcarter The two have a very similar character.
@marmot Indeed, both are very rectangular :)
@samcarter It is just sad to which extent the mods support the French Trump.
8:38 PM
@UlrikeFischer Like this? ^^^
@marmot weeeeeeeee ;-)
user image
@UlrikeFischer Or a TikZling rollercoaster?
@marmot ;-)
8:50 PM
@UlrikeFischer @samcarter Why are there so many koalas?
9:04 PM
@marmot which random function did you use?
\tikzset{record path/.style={/utils/exec=\tikzset{parrow/.cd,#1},
decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0 with
\path (0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/parrow/dist}/2) coordinate (parrowt-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/parrow/name}-\number\value{parrow})
(0,-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/parrow/dist}/2)coordinate (parrowb-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/parrow/name}-\number\value{parrow});
@UlrikeFischer ^^^^
9:34 PM
It is very hard to sync the decoration with the dash pattern because the dashed line is shifted....
10:00 PM
@marmot oh I didn't know that there a \tikzling command. It uses \pgfmathdeclarerandomlist so either you see a random effect or the function is faulty.
@marmot hm yes I see. Can one declare a dash pattern that is based on something else then lines? then one could perhaps create one from the tikzlings which is in sync.
@UlrikeFischer One can just draw red boxes behind them. Of course, to "tilt" the boxes would require more efforts. Or one could just decorate only the dashed path, this should work.
11:20 PM
@UlrikeFischer Done.
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