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04:00 - 16:0017:00 - 19:00

@Appu i stook up at one issue rey
@ll GM
@alex What's that?
@MAC Hey, Morning.
@Appu: Hope you have nice week end...
Good Morning
@Appu , @MAC
@Appu see ! i am not able to get the selected images from third activity to second activity
@Appu thing is ! tablayout is first activty where 2 and 3 activity exists !
i am able to pass data from 4th activity to 1 activity now i want to get that into 2 activity ?
got the issue?
@MAC Yeah. You?
@Rank Hey, Morning
@alex I don't understand.
Is my profile picture visible?
It is showing blank on my browser.
@Appu its visble !
@Appu first activity is tab host right?
in that we are having 2 and 3 activities
In 2 activity it navigates to 4 activity
for selection of images from gallery and capture
got it?
i am able to put the path of selected images into one string
Are you using built in intent to select images from gallery?
im stuck with Jframes
@Appu now the thing is from that 4 activity i have to pass the variable data to 2 activity which is in tabhost
can you please help me
yes !
@Appu using
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
//<applet code="calc.class" width=400 height=200></applet>
public class calc extends JFrame implements ActionListener
JFrame f1;
JPanel p1=new JPanel();
JLabel l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13,l14,l15,l16,l17,l18,l19,l20,l21,l22,l23,l24;
JButton b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16;
JTextField t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11;
public void init()
f1=new JFrame("Administrator");
p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));
You can use setresult()
@techno Can you edit your ping?
Paste your code on website and share that link here.
every thng compiles
but when i use appletviewer calc.java
just an applet window with white space appers
what could be the problem?
where in 2 activity ? @Appu i am using startActivityForResult() in 2nd activity and finish() that in 4 activity
Yeah. Right.
how and where to use setResult();
A: Android: how to make an activity return results to the activity which calls it?

AppuIn order to start an activity which should return result to the calling activity, you should do something like below. You should pass the requestcode as shown below in order to identify that you got the result from the activity you started. startActivityForResult(new Intent(“YourFullyQualifiedCl...

see the edit one in that, if you want to return more than one value.
upvoted :P
@alex Thanks.
@techno sorry, It's been long time since I worked on Applets.
i do have a problem with js
can anyone help me with that
the js is not executing
Good Morning All Have a Joyful Day
@chintankhetiya: GM bro how are you? have a good day bro..
J.J .:) i am good. how was weekend ?
@chintankhetiya: ya it was good and hows yours ? and you was not online from last 4-5 days .. everything alr8?
yes, because of work load :)
ok ok
su k baki maja ma ?
ya ek dam maja ma.. :)
that's very good.:) what about that project ?
ya its going good and about that we discussed the client had asked to other developer so better luck next time ... :)
@MahaveerMuttha have you ever share with G+ ?
@Appu @alex Hey ! busy busy
;( mean busy or free ?
@chintankhetiya busy :(
then its good
@chintankhetiya on html5
then its very good :p
@chintankhetiya: no bro never tried...
Hi @all... I have latitude and longitude retrieved in my code, how can i obtain google map link which contain my latitude and longitude , and after that this link send as SMS to other ....
hi bro@chintankhetiya @Appu
this may help you.
or this
@chintankhetiya Hey
@jack Hey
@all Has anyone worked on View Flipper?
@Appu i am here :)
Okay. How to center view flipper's children.
programatically I am adding imageview to view flipper. So I need to center the imageview.
@MAC M using String text = "maps.google.com/?q=latitude,longitude";
TextView label = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("maps.google.com");
Linkify.addLinks(label, pattern, "http://"); but
@Appu showme your code once
@Appu sorry never work on that
You can use Layout and inside layout give image and set Gravity.
@all hi
Thanks guys. I fixed it.
@Rank Thank you. But I already tried this. I don't know why it didn't work.
I just wrapped viewflipper itself in linear layout and gave layout_gravity = center.
and didn't wrap imageview with any layout.
@chintankhetiya @Rank @all Have you worked on finding user location at any time?
current location ?
Of course. What elase do we need? @chintankhetiya
yes i have but never tested in real device
@Rank I mean of showing the user current location to user.
@chintankhetiya I tested once on real device and failed utterly few days ago and I left it. But now I have to implement it.
Current location on some action?
@Rank hi
how r u
@Rank how r u
Good @tushar
@tushar nd you
@Rank can u guide me
Nemesis Mobile sends Code
information only to Nemesis Mobile
Communication Server. (this will be a
domain name that is not yet established)
use this
sorry man
I have no idea..
@Rank can u tell me
how can it be done
@Rank what do you mean by some action?
I tried this example only previously.
But I failed to get.
Do you have any working code?
it works ..
In Activity use this http://pastebin.com/SuSEwGad

it works on real device..
@Rank which app r u working
PhoneGap and Tablets.
@Rank hmm,,great
tell me where shouldi apply
i want to join big name
@Samsung , @Fujitsu, or you should go to product base company..
@Rank but how to go
at least 1.5 year exp from one company...
if you want to go in big brand
then i have to wait for 6 months
Hello @ ALL
@Harish lunch
@Rank ohhhh,,,,,
No ,it is just a criteria for selection in HR round ,but you should try before 6 month..
@Rank ok,,,
can u forward me a mails
if u have now
Lunch time..
@Rank ok,,,
when will u come back
ok catch u later nd i will give some email..
you can apply on it..@tushar
after 45 min @tushar
@Harish Hey !
@Rank I downloaded full code and have run that, but at that time it didn't work. Okay. Let me try again.
@alex Had lunch?
@Harish Hey!
@Appu JUst now!
@Appu hello
@alex hi
@Appu where is Victor
@Harish what's up!
Alex itself is victor.
@Appu oh! is it...
@Appu how u r doing...
Yeah. I am good. You?
@Appu do you have anyidea abt scrollview
In ScrollView Lastview is not visible totally it is cutting at the middle of the view
@Harish Why? It shouldn't happen.
hi, gud noon @Appu @Harish @chintankhetiya
kem chhoo?
fine:)tare maja machu@chintankhetiya
tare mean you . just said like hu maja ma chu .:) hu mean me !
tare maja machu means, ur also fine? right?
no that is meaning less.
tell me what you want to say ?
i will translate
k hw s it for, "even ur fine right?"
'Lo, J
even you are fine mean tame pan maja ma haso
ok then for sister, and brother, hw ul cal?
@Appu do you know anything abt it?
@jack Hey!
@Harish I have used scrollview many time but I have never faced like that.
hey hey@Appu
@Neil Hola!
completed endless scrolling task?@Appu
@Appu inside scrollview i 'm using relativelayout in side that otherviews
i'm using
Yeah. Long back itself.
mean ? @jack
@Harish so what? That shouldn't be a problem.
You shouldn't use two direct layout children in scrollview. That's it. Otherwise it shouldn't be a problem.
@Rank i am back
how vl u call ur sister? like in hindi its dhidhi right?
okay , its a same word as in hindi for sister like Didi or Ben
@Appu then y i'm able to see half of the part in my lastview
oh k thanks:)@chintankhetiya
@Appu Hola, come stai?
@Harish Do one thing. put linearlayout as a direct child in your scrollview and in that linear layout you embed relativelayout. I guess this should do the trick.
@Neil Sto bene. Como estas tu?
@Appu..... hw many times to ask ths question?
what dear? @jack which question?
@Harish Like this and let me know.
endless scrolling aindha needhi?@Appu
I already replied.
11 mins ago, by Appu
Yeah. Long back itself.
@jack I don't believe your name is Jackson ;) Tell me your name exactly
oh sorry, u din tag me na so thought that ws for others, ya tht only@Appu
u wr struggling right hw cum u hd solved?
Will let you know later. It was long story. Have to check in transcripts as I have already explained it to few members.
how to remove or hide alla thor fragments?
@jack you are from?
@jack @Angel please don't use short keyword in your text message.
how to remove or hide all athor fragments?
@Appu Muchos buonos?
I don't know the way to say that in spanish, sorry
bangalore@alex u?
ok fine, wch tutorial u hd followed?@Appu
k chintu@chintankhetiya
@jack hyd
my name is chintan
i know but chintu is also nice:)@chintankhetiya
@Neil Nor do I :P washu didn't tell me what do they say for "I am good" in Spanish.
@jack I solved it on my own.
grt man...@Appu without refering tutorial?@Appu
Mine was custom listview and network data and moreover I was trying to get it with the BaseAdapter. That was why it created problem
don't change my name next time jack
We'll have to ask him next time we see him
for beginners hw long it will take to complete that task?@Appu
@Neil sure. Have you been busy again?
@jack It's not a big deal. It would be finished in 1 or two days if you try it with ArrayAdapter.
@alex why silent ?
@Appu Yeah, I suppose you could say that
@all hellooooo
@chintankhetiya testing bro !
@Angel fragmentManager.beginTransactions.remove(fragmetnName)/hide(fragmentName).commit(‌​);
@all which is the better way to record video on server to telecast from server to web from android device?
p-xr.com/…, appu tel me is this tutorial gud for infinite scrolling? @Appu
I have question are you there?
ru frm?@Rank
@jack I have seen that, but it doesn't give you loading image at the end. Moreover it didn't use any asynctasks. Instead separate threads and handlers.
@Rank A bit busy. But tell me. If I can, I will say now or later
Now you are busy , i will ask you later @Appu
@Rank have you tried to get only street name from the lat and lang values?
yes @appu
I can get it by getAddressLine(0), but this gives me extra details too.
Is there any way to get only street name?
Use geocoder class @Appu
No no , it will show all address
@Rank I used it.
That is why I am able to get details.
1 min ago, by Appu
I can get it by getAddressLine(0), but this gives me extra details too.
@Rank But is there any method to get only street name?
Like getCountryName() gives only country name.
one issue related grid view
in first view its looking good as per my layout setting but when i change the port to land its keep saving unnecessary space between each images. @Appu @Rank
full street address
use qualifier for landscape mode..in xml
@Rank I want only street name.
issue about grid view @rank
@chintankhetiya then use separate layout for that.
i have that. two layout for port and land.
getLocality method almost give the city address..
@Rank i want to change the screen when user swipe right to left . how can i search it
if it have only two screen , then use viewSwitcher
other wise use viewFlipper
@Rank It gives only city name. But I want only street name.
okay. did you get my concept ?
@chintankhetiya ? explain it
Hii @all
@chintankhetiya Gimme your mail id ! i will send you one demo !
mean like i have tab. default tab on first index. if i swipe left to right then screen should be change it .and get focused on 2 tab. and same for next tab. now if i want to return form 4 tab to 3 then i will swipe right to left
check your mail !
wait dude its too fast
@chintankhetiya you need to use view flipper for it or others as rank suggested.
@chintankhetiya its demo of view flipper you can implement the same in your app !
okay. actual i know that feature but never work on that event don't know how to search it
thanks guys
how to create Rating bar with different images guys @chintankhetiya @Appu @alex
@chintankhetiya get back to me if you have any doubt
hope that time will not get easily
its too long. approx 18 MB .
@chintankhetiya they are only images dont be scared ! code will be very easy to understand
@Harish 1 2
what should be minimum API for ?
because my app is also play on 2.2 so if i will implement this then it should be work
@chintankhetiya will work on and from api 8
@chintankhetiya see manifest !
test on 7 by changing
okay. i have check it .its working
and how it complex ? because my app status is also completed may be 70%. and i want to implement now so how much it will complex ? and how many days it will take to complete this ?
main thing is i am using tab host using tab group activity its working.
2 hours if you keenly observe things to do !
okay. let me try to understand basic things
1 hour later…
@alex there?
@chintankhetiya yeah!
a demo which you send me , that is view fill per or view switcher
okay. its mash up code. reading it
in developer page they says like you can only show single child activity at a time. but in my case i have tab host and user can get tab in all activity using tab activity group. so that will work here or not ?
@chintankhetiya wai8 will search on it
@chintankhetiya found 1
remove that
why ? its a good name
hehehe !mine is very long name
i want switch activity on touch base so , its gesture base ?
yeah !
Bye guys @ ALL
Q: encoding character in sqlite android

Siddhpura AmitHello i am reading english and afrikaans language from two different file and put into one sqlite database the word is correct in afrikaans language for example the afrikaans word is below 'n slegte lot 'n voël die wilde diere van die prooi 'n trekvogel =======================...

@alex there ?
@Appu hEY !]
@chintankhetiya there?
@Appu No
he i was off
I am still in office.
@Appu OMG ask your Md too give more salary !
@alex Have another project's work.
@Appu in android?>
@Appu sorry was doing something ;), Hi
Hi @all
Hey mighty black cat @Neil
@alex Nope. New java project.
@Washu Heya!
@Appu Ok !
i will show one game!
look at this
@alex will check it later. Bit busy. Will ping you back.
@Neil where are you? I need help.
@Appu Bye !
@Appu tag me
when you are free
@Appu can you check if i can be room owner? or is it because i haven't answered a question?
04:00 - 16:0017:00 - 19:00

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