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Hello Java/Android
@Appu when did you went yesterday to home?
@alex started at 12.00 am.
@Appu OMg !
how did u go
by car. One of our team leads stays near my home. So he dropped me.
@Appu Okay !
@SheSmile hey !
@alex :D
@all good morning
@SheSmile Hey!
@ankitmakwana Morning!
@Appu wazzup
@SheSmile Sup! you seem to be very busy these days.
@Appu yah, have to finish the task given to me by next month ;)
Okay. Good luck @SheSmile
@Washu Yay! It was success.
@Appu thanks ;)
Good Morning @Appu ,@SheSmile ,@alex
Good Morning ;D
@Rank Morning! :)
do you get street address using lat long?
@Rank No. Not in an exact way. I am able to get with split at present. But it varies with location. So, Most probably it fails.
@Appu done with one tab completly ! and data is saving into db succesfully
Good Morning Guys. :)
@alex Great.
@chintankhetiya Morning!
@appu @alex :)
@alex view flipper is user for change only screen view not switching different layouts
@chintankhetiya complete screen view?
@chintankhetiya You can switch even layouts.
@chintankhetiya is that helpful for u?
see i have found so many example and in all that they are working with single layout xml file. like i have 8 tabs so base on that i have to change all xml layout
wait let me check
@alex i example which you have send me that is only for 1 xml
@chintankhetiya I think I can clear your doubt, but not sure. Can you be clear on what you want?
@alex its getting red cross under my project Title
@chintankhetiya what error it is showing?
@alex can you send same example to appu ? i need same thing which should be work on TAB also
Jar file missing
@chintankhetiya it works na !
oho okay !
@chintankhetiya sent to @Appu
an example which you have mail me yesterday its working so can you send same example to appu so he can also find
@alex okay
thanks dude
@appu check your mail
@Appu have you run the project app ?
@alex What did you send?
@chintankhetiya Why?
just now !
@alex , re-sending or yet not send ?
what should I do now with that? I got it.
already sent buddies ! @chintankhetiya @Appu
Hi @all
should I run that?
i think so
best of luck
to run the app
It's working. What happened?
yes its working see background in that. can you see tabs?
I am unable to do anything except flipping pages.
yes, you can't but , now see what i want >> i have multiple Tabs. like gallery audio news etc... so now when swipe screen left to right screen should be change according to tab index
@chintankhetiya i got something like that before !
wait lemme recheck again
@alex like this
yes its same like this
You already got that. What's your issue? @chintankhetiya
not getting issue, just want to confirm, because till yesterday i was working in view flipper so, and have no idea out of both. the big thing is that my app is almost complete mat be 60 to 70% and now my client needs this feature so scared
@chintankhetiya seen my link?
yes, check it
@chintankhetiya try to implement that !
thanks dude :)
@alex when i download code form given link then its giving me error "gen" missing
solve it
so one thing is final that if we want to set animation on single view then view flipper will use and if we want to switch more then one activity then will use view pager . thanks lot its working :
Are you there?
@Appu @chintankhetiya
i got error in paring
@Rank You got IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Invalid index 1, size is 1
look at the above.
You have only one element in array and you are trying to retrieve it by 1. Rather you have to retrieve it by index 0.
ok @Appu ,@chintankhetiya
Can you tell me where i am wrong..
@Rank check your resultArray.length() first
could anyone share your ideas over this one? urgent thank

@sayvortana seen this ?
@jyotimehndirattakhatri Welcome. One time request is enough.
@alex view pager working on fragment
@chintankhetiya no idea ! first have a try on it!
yes, create one demo, its working. but its too complicated because fragment is following different life cycle
@chintankhetiya yeah ! I hope so !
i have add simple thing like create public function add calling in onCreate() so first time that is calling now i am swiping the screen to next screen its working but when i will again swipe screen form right to left mean 2 to 1 then my function should be run. but its not working
I had query title column from database but I don't how to set it in TextView in Gridview. line 203 pastie.org/6339487 @Appu @chintankhetiya
hi @ ALL
Hi Imran
@Harish Hey!
@kongkea You retrieve that particular value from the table. Did you?
yea @Appu
Then you set it. What's the problem?
I don't know how to display it? @Appu
It will display automatically after the value is set. I didn't get you clearly.
@Rank You there?
@Harshid there ?
@jyotimehndirattakhatri there?
@Appu hey wat's up
@Harish Hey, Sup! You are doing network operation in asynctask in your app. Right?
@Appu no
who said
@Harish I thought. How you handle network operations in your app?
@Appu about which network operations you are saying
@Harish Do you get data from the server?
@Appu yes
Then do you use asynctask to get that data? @Harish That is what I have been asking.
Are you able to get location details with only GPS? I mean without network provider/internet
Yes @ appu..
But Gps setting should be enable..
Yeah. But still I am unable to get.
I have enabled gps in location settings, but still. What could be the reason?
You gave manifest permission?
ACCESS_FINE_LOcation and internet?
Show me code..
Yeah. That is why I am able to get even from the network.
Okay. please wait.
@Appu yes.. i thought that network operations means socket's and all that...
you will also do that only naaaaaaaaa ..
firstly get current location with gps using another app..
it will save your current location..in gps
and next time , when you get current location ,it will give you result fast with your own application..
@Harish Yeah. when loading you show progress dialog. Right?
@Rank I didn't get your above statements.
Some Time GPS trackor may be slow..
if you have used previously GPS , it will save your previous location , next time it will give you fast result..
You code is fine..
Yeah. My code is fine. But Why it always shows me failed toast when I use GPS. Tried many times but no luck.
@Appu yes appu
you have used this code http://www.androidhive.info/2012/07/android-gps-location-manager-tutorial/
I check it on own mobile using GPS , it give me result of current location using GPS only..
@Harish Are you busy? When progress dialog shows if we change the orientation, the app force closes. I know it's because activity recreation and sudden death of background asynctask. So, to avoid this I just android:configchanges. But this is not a preferred way. How do you handle this situation?
@Appu try Stop network part and work with GPS only..
@Rank Yes. As you can see I used that code.
I stopped wireless by unchecking in settings and enabled only gps.
Q: takepicture failed using autofocus in android

She SmileI have searched some solutions with my problem and sure there are many related issues regarding it but nothing solves my concern. I am receiving a runtime exception : takepicture failed:native_autofocus..etc. I tried to take picture from camera using autofocus and I can't seem to understand wha...

can someone help me :(
@Rank Which device you are working on?
Android 2.3.3 version..
device name.
Even I am testing on HTC 2.3.
@Samsung galaxy sl
@Appu yet i have to check it?
how you handle that?
@Rank It really sucks.. Have you used any other things apart from the things I used?
@Harish Check it once and let me know
in 4.0 and above it gives

1.it prove gps enable setting in phone
2. and access to my location..
in phone both should be enable
what is that?
@Appu some times app is getting force closed and and some times working fine.
@Rank But I am testing on 2.3 not on above 4.0 So there is no option of access to my location.
@Harish It's because by the time you change your orientation, the background thread might end. So, it wouldn't force close. But if it doesn't end, the app force closes.
@Rank But for both n/w and GPS just ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is enough along with the INTERNET.
What's this--> CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES . I am hearing first time about this permission. Did you include this too?
@Appu how you are handling it?
@Harish As I said I am handling by mentioning configchanges.
android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" in the activity tag in which you are using asynctask.
This is for updation..
not mostly use..
only use for Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION use for celltower and wi fi only..
is it working @Appu
@Rank Yeah. ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is enough for both. No need to mention COARSE.
@Appu yes
@Harish Yeah. It works. Because it restricts activity destruction. But this is not preferred. That is why I wanna confirm and replace with any other better way.
@Rank I don't know what's wrong? Are you sure you are getting location details with only GPS? :(
yes i already use this.. man
@Harish Did you get it?
@Rank Do you have htc with you?
Again ,Now i checked my code it gives me results..
currently i do not have..
But my room mate have HTC Spring..
Can you show me your activity code? @Rank
@SriKrishna Welcome.
@Appu which i need to check
Hi, i have been trying things with Horizontal Scroll View in conjugation with normal Scroll View, but to start the Vertical scroll, i need to first instigate the Horizontal and then when the scroll is still going on, i have to do the vertical to move in Both Directions, Can anybody explain the underlying process with HSV to SV. i am using the idea presented in this link : stackoverflow.com/questions/3866499/two-directional-scroll-view
@Harish Did you get the explanation that Mark has given in the link you pasted above?
I didn't understand it.
ok @Appu
aapu this is another code..
aapu firstly use any application to get your Current..LAT LONG
@Appu The task is returned in onRetainNonConfigurationInstance(), and the hosting Activity is responsible for making sure the AsyncTask knew the right Activity instance to use, before and after the orientation change. have you understood this
after that work with own application..@Appu
it will give you result fast..
@Appu Heya, stranger
Can I help you out with your problem?
You got any solution?
Hi ppl, waiting for solutions to my problem with 2D Scrolls :)
@SriKrishna I can't help you, unfortunately
though traffic is usually so slow, the chatroom is not the best way to get an answer in general
hmm thanks for the reply at the very least :D
@Neil Hola! Me Stranger? :@
@SriKrishna Even though you can create scrollview inside another scrolling thing, but there is no guarantee that it should work on all devices.
@Harish Nope and a bit yes.
@Rank What do you mean by use any application at first?
@Appu there ?
Want to discuss about API if you can guide me
@Appu simply we can say that when we are making changes in the Rotation that will be taken care by that method ie., onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() .
@chintankhetiya Didn't get you.
@Appu once check that project then you'll know
Some API issue for min version and max version
@Harish It will take care. That is the reason when we rotate, the data would be persistent even after the rotation , but here the problem is different.
@chintankhetiya Tell me if I can, I will.
@Appu what is the problem
@Harish It will give force close when there is a network operation goes on in background thread.
Did you understand or implement this to avoid force close ?
Of course I can avoid that by configchanges. But that is not preferred.
And I don't understand the code that cw has provided.
@Appu have you observed task=(RotationAwareTask)getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
configuration changes will be get by above line and it will be stored in task is my thinking is right..
@Harish Yeah. Have to run that code and check to know it's working properly. Did you?
@Appu i ran it it is working fine and i need to apply it for my app..
and need to check it
Okay. Cool.
@Appu hmm yeah, you are right.
@SriKrishna For the proof, you can refer the comments on this question because the one(Mark Murphy commonsware) who gave answer in the link you provided above itself admits it doesn't work.
@Appu will look into it :)
@Appu that answer was based on Scrolls related to different Views in the same Direction. But what i am doing is related to two Views with different Scroll Directions. And actually i am able to do the same after "activating" one (ie HSV), and "activating" the second while the first is still scrolling !
I am able to scroll but yeah the relaibility issues of scroll events is putting me to rest :( (RIP :X)
@SriKrishna Observe the sometimes. Even in my case it worked sometimes and in some devices, it didn't. Finally I ended up trying for alternative.
Again, the issue is being reliable. Yes, putting something that scrolls one direction inside something that scrolls in another direction works, sometimes. Putting two things that scroll in the same direction almost never works. – CommonsWare Sep 20 '11 at 0:56
@Appu hmm, you are right, but i am not pushing you more, i must tell one thing :The problem is its about handling scroll events in the right way, meaning subsequently or in some other order.
ANyway please guide me to another alternative, you mentioned
i need to perform a WebView Type of Scrolling, and need to include animations like Translation, Rotation,etc
Hello friendz
Jay Shree Krishna
have a look on it and help me if u can : stackoverflow.com/questions/15086307/…
Again i am getting OutOfBoundException ..
This error occur when i got only one element in JsonArray..
@SriKrishna Sorry, my situation was different. I have used galleryview inside scrollview which didn't work in some devices and gave me weird result in such away that you can't even expect of. So, I replaced galleryview with view flipper to display images. Coming to your issue- sorry, I have never worked on Webivew. Might be @alex @chintankhetiya are of help.
@Rank Which line throws that?
@Appu its ok, thax for the reply. will push the question to them. :D
@SriKrishna NP :)
This is api https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/news?v=1.0&q=ondia&rsz=8
Show only one result..
@Rank What's your name dear?
Q: Linphone for android is not working/missing libraries

PrakashI am trying to run linphone code which I get from git://git.linphone.org/linphone-android.git --recursive . After downloading it successfully, I tried to compile and run it as per the README file. I used Cygwin for Autotools, Autoconfig, Automake, aclocal, libtoolize and pkgconfig & Android n...

I think you got error..?
@Rank What error?
@Prakash I don't know whether it is the exact thing that causes issue to you. But anyways check it once.
I didn't get you
I already mention in code..with line number..
@Prakash Did you check java compiler version after adding that library project to your current project?
@Rank what is the 360 line?
Does using a lower javac version means anything to not loading the libraries..?
well.. I m using 1.6
@Prakash Sorry then I don't know. I misinterpreted your question.
There are two things that cause UnsatisfiedLinkError. One is when
System.loadLibrary() fails to load the library, the other is when the
JVM fails to find a specific method in the library. The text of the
error message itself will indicate which is the case.

Check Link: http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t143642-jni-unsatisfied-link-error-but-the-method-name-is-correct.html
Thanku Thanku Dear..
i got error..
and solve it..
@Rank I didn't get you. Did your issue get solved?
I've never known to have problems with a jvm unless I'm doing something I shouldn't, which I might add, isn't such a rare occurrence
Bye Guys @ ALL
1 Actually, i created an arrylist in which ,i give all Json array values..
2.After that i want to get only 8 values from a exist arrayList and save it into new arrayList..
for displaying values..
But ,In new arrayList ,i am giving static lenght of array with for loops..
@Rank That sounds complicated
If I may make a suggestion, just deal with the 8 values in the arraylist and make that work
then you can deal with more
You are sure your array is of length 8? according to the error code you provided, it is only of size 1
@appu there
@SriKrishna.. I know that.. but the matter is that Y those libraries are not loading..?
there are several other libraries.. but logcat is giving exception only on those 3
@Rank Okay. But why you give fixed numbers rather than arrayList.size(). Moreover do what Neil said instead of complicating it by transferring data from one object to other.
@Neil you are still busy?
@chintankhetiya Yeah. I am here now. ;)
@Appu No, tell me what your problem was/is
@Neil I fixed it. Thanks for asking.
@Appu Ah, sorry I couldn't help you sooner
@Neil NP. I know you have been busy these days because of handling many things simultaneously like coding, teaching English, doing some wiki works blah blah :P
sorry guys. time to leave bye bye ! :) have a good night
Why sorry to leave? @chintankhetiya
often times, it seems I'm not at my desk anymore
there's always someone that needs help with something or needs translation or something like that
Well then you have been more of a professor and less of a coder these days as washu and me said few days ago. :P
@Appu Wish I were a professor in coding, but often times I'm just a professor in english and common sense
Hi @all
@Neil teaching in Common sense?
@Washu Speak of the devil :D
@Washu Hey
@Appu Yeah, people doing things they shouldn't
i'm not a systems administrator so fortunately this didn't affect me, but our server was causing trouble, and someone decided to remove the cpu and put it back in
@Appu hey ;)
@Neil Hi mighty cat how are you?
@Neil : it vary from service with search..
@Washu Busy, two guys in t-shirts in rad pose
@Neil o_O So, your some of colleagues are jeopardizing your network system?
Great you guys started referring each other with the profile pics rather than the names specified. Better it's time for me to change the profile pic before you start calling me like that :P
@Appu You can if you want, tom pointing at jerry's mouse hole.
@Appu And yeah, caused a problem that didn't go away on its own, since it messed with the clock times which for our particular server has its own set of problems related to that
NO use. You already pointed. So I have failed :P
needless to say, yesterday was fun
Bye @Appu

@Rank Later
@Rank Bye.
So you enjoyed the fun ha! @Neil
@Appu Well when these things happen, it's not my duty to fix it, but our systems administrator does way too much as it is already, and we have to cover him if he has to do other things
@Neil you missed the bottle of rum :P
without which washu couldn't live :P
@Neil New name --> system admin. We honor you with this extra name :P
@Appu Another name, oh vey
Perfect pic
That was the funniest line in that entire movie
in my humble opinion of course
I agree with you
Hmm, I meant to remove that gif
if it's annoying you, remove it
Well, it will
get pushed up
if we
bye @all
@SriKrishna see you later.
the pic is gone which asks why the rum is gone :P
And do any of you is going to nominate for mod?
Is the 2013 election for moderator
I'd vote for you two both, but I don't think my vote would count towards much
I don't know how to vote. Hearing for first time.
I can't apply i need 3k rep and also i don't think i would be a good mod
I think you have to be amongst the most voted before you can be mod

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