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i used this name on internet
@ankitagrawal u missed my message :(
what a goal
try to find
@Hans1984 yeah :)
@Hans1984 yeah
hes only 1,69m
You can loop to make a string array of combined params.
i found a article about SEO of apps, i will diiscuss with your at evening
ok @AshuKumar
@AshuKumar me too :3
@berserk which app you working on?
A service app
Thinking of doing some personal app.
i see
require too much work @berserk
yep I know
design is the most problematic
but I can use material design with some color, instead of proper designs
@berserk you saw my app
Music player?
@TheLittleNaruto did you saw i gave a update to music player
@berserk yes i mean design of it
did you like the design
@ankitagrawal got the notification, but couldn't update it.
was sleeping
i thought some error from playstore
YouTube is seriously making me angry..
I mean what is the point of playing a song like this: youtube.com/watch?v=WAxsu_6lnkY
If I turned auto on, it doesn't mean you give me a torture
Anyone know how to remove myself from someone's play store publish account? He gave me access to it to upload app.
good , upload ur own app :P
@berserk the account owner has to remove you
it's in a menu you can't see
oh nooo
no caprica six :(
/8ball caprica?
@Hans1984 Reply hazy try again
you old boozer what are you talking about?
@TimCastelijns No other choice? Can't I do it myself?
How can I access my account?
There is no account page afaik
I mean my publish account.
I can only view his account.
I dont think there is a publish account
oh you mean I am not seeing it coz I don't have one, is it?
@Hans1984 3
@Hans1984 3
!! cat
@Hans1984 6
i won
u won :)
@AshuKumar caprica is not here
i dont know why :(
only OkieBoy is here
she went away :D
she left Oak
@hitman you should have drank more black dog
more black dog=prettier girl @Hans1984 ha ha
poor Oak :(
haha fun wasnt it @hitman ?
but if you need more than a bottle you should chose another girl
ha ha ha yeah
i think woman do the same at times
wht abt u cat?
to make men more attractive to them
hmmmm you?
wht abt u?
im not doing so good antibiotics didnt resolve my problem i will see another doc this week
will you have another date now? @HitMan
do you like these aranged dates?
whats your oppinion on it
not now
actually i dont wants to do this now
may be after 1 year
but mom dad forced to me
i understand
its very stressfull isnt it?
i see
well good luck cat :3
have some work brb
ok later cat
argh cant even call catclub now
since caprica isnt here
lunch time
i found caprica
shes hiding in the JavaScript chat
theres also this little pootis guy
who got mad at us
lets rescue caprica
whos comming with me
where is she
JavaScritp chat
shes beeing held hostage
by her owner i think
this guy with the red head and mad eyes
that is you @Hans1984
no little pootis
head not hat cat!
i have a red hat
and a orange head
javascript is full of ppl
llllllooooooooollllllll @ankitagrawal
@Hans1984 lets rescue @CapricaSix
hello every one
hey people. I have a client/server program that runs over internet. I can connect 2 different devices to the server but I have to give them unique ports or else the server seems to freeze. How do most multiplayer games do this on the same port?
hey @betarunex
@ankitagrawal hey there
@betarunex no idea never tried
@betarunex sup?
@betarunex i think you should read about load balancer
Damn... I'm just chillin' in bed too cold to get out. Yourself?
@betarunex sleeping in office nothing new
@ankitagrawal hello
@brahmyadigopula u gave me link of MaterialBarcodeScanner
yup bro
what's the problem
it is full screen , want to show it within fragment, but it is showing as full screen view no toolbar :(
hi guyz i have a basic doubt if i have a
WHat kind of layout params should be given to banner_rl RLparams or LLparams
@AshuKumar what kind of barcode images you are using?upc or qr code?
library is working find :) but it is full screen, but i need to get this in fragment and Fragment is within activity
have you checked the fragment widgets sizes?
yes , oother fragment are working fine
@AshuKumar you need modify then
if you are loading views from server you have to reduce when you are inserting to the view.
can i see that fragment?
dude, i m talking about MaterialBarcodeScanner library it is full screen,
@Shubham there are small number of params difference b/w RL and LL
@AshuKumar i didn't get you man
any body want jabong coupon @ashu @TheLittleNaruto
ask to @TheLittleNaruto
bro.@AshuKumar yup it is full screen.have not you check when you are having it?
but how you want that bro.as a small view etc??
yes, it was fine and sent to client but client changed the design
now design has four fragment within activity and one of them is scanning fragment
and library does not allow me to make show other fragment
try to change the size of it bro.is it allowing to do that?
then what you wana do bro
@Shubham But I'll have to check if my watch is available there.
Anyway, Can we get MotionEvent of a view and pass it somewhere ? @TheNightKing @ankit @rekire
first i will try to customize it if it will take time, i will go for another library :(
sorry , do not know about MotionEvent
okay bro..even i wil try to figure it out
thanks :)
Never mind, that was a silly question.
i do not have mind to mind :P @TheLittleNaruto
Good for you
@AshuKumar bro.
@Shubham btw What is coupon price value ?
yeah @TheLittleNaruto
yes sir @brahmyadigopula
in that library materialbarcodescanner folder is there right?go to it first.
yes, i m there and swimming in it @brahmyadigopula
and then src/main/res/layout
barcode_capture folder try to change the changes
may i found :) @brahmyadigopula
in the minifest file
or else layout_land folder is there then try to change the things here too
sure, i will try :) @brahmyadigopula thansk for help
@AshuKumar , What is application startup path ?
in java ?
have you find the paths i told bro?@AshuKumar
those would be library folder of that barcodescanner bro.
i think its 25% off on 1999+ purchase
@Shubham Is it "upto 25%" or "Exactly 25%"?
if so I can go for Casio G-Shock
@TheLittleNaruto yeah it's flat 25%
cool watch!
code is AXISBANK25 valid till 31july
@Shubham @TheLittleNaruto @brahmyadigopula can i make changes into git library that is included in toproject using build.gradle file comply line
i didn't get you 100%
what changes exaclty
experiment it bro.
if works fine not will see another solution
i included qr library library into project , need to change layout file and minifest file
i think it's possible to make changes in it
i chnaged minifest file present at project\QRScanner\app\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\com.edwardvanraak\Materi‌​alBarcodeScanner\0.0.6-ALPHA
whenever i changed something after building project it changed t default code
my changes are override :(
@AshuKumar it will override 100%
means ?
becuase that's build folder
it generated after project build
build files are autogenerated @AshuKumar
if there is library project imported direclty into your project then you can change it direclty. @AshuKumar
okay , i got another solution , may it will work, recreating library project and save with changes
if not
got it @Shubham @TheNightKing :)
im back
had to do some hotfix
man that was stressfull
everyone was in a hurry
@Hans1984 repackage the jar
@AshuKumar did you rescue caprica from the evil claws of little pootis yet?
not yet , ii do not know how to rescue her :D , i was waiting for u @Hans1984
ok il ljoin js chat now
let me too
give me link pf chat room


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@AshuKumar have you did it barcodescanner view size?
i m trying to customize the library @@brahmyadigopula
i m in @Hans1984
okay.go a head
@AshuKumar which library ?
@Shubham I dont own an Axis Bank Card. Too bad.
is offer is valid for Axisbank customer ? @TheLittleNaruto
hm shes pingable but she doesnt react
they probably put her on drugs
@AshuKumar instead of adding repository dependency add module library to your project : github.com/EdwardvanRaak/MaterialBarcodeScanner/tree/master/…
and make any changes in its library
@AshuKumar the coupon itself means that
he is right
adding library as module gives lot of error in build.gradle file of library project
Try rectifying it
have to proceed by solving them otherwise you have to choose another repository.
a lot of errors caused by one error only may be bro.
that's just a coupon code i dont think it is neccessary to own a axis card.
this is how coupon card work in magento.com framework
@brahmyadigopula i m trying to solve...
okay describe error which you can't i will also help you
a mouse on a cat
let e try first another solution...
Hi can you guys tell whether the given number is even or with out using if condition
use ?: Operator
lol this guys profile
C:\>If you're happy and you know it, syntax error!
Syntax error

C:\>If you're happy and you know it, syntax error!
Syntax error

C:\>If you're happy and you know it, then you really ought to show it. If you're happy and you know it, syntax error!
Syntax error
@Hans1984 He was one of the owner of our room. But anyway he stopped coming.
@TheNightKing Got TV installed ?
@berserk let me check
@ankitagrawal back
how is it possible, importing library as new project gives drawable / images missing error
but library works fine it's self @TheLittleNaruto
no idea. it depends how are you importing it.
@TheLittleNaruto which one
who is kicking and whom @HitMan
@brahmyadigopula i will try to chnages in library tomorrow, today i m behind of work schedule , i need to complete today work
/8ball loool?
@Hans1984 Yes
okay bro.your wish.
need to complete other stuff or i must work in night to complete today task@brahmyadigopula
u got cat punch :D
ohhh.then do that one only..i think the full view problem is in the library layout folders of sccaner measurements only it's hardly take 5 mints to reset the image view.don't worry about it.go through your urget work now.
@brahmyadigopula any idea how the @demins files work
means which file works for which layout
example values/demins file working for layout and layout/hdpi flder
android can we getWindow from services?
cat cat
@ankitagrawal , still laughing on morning typo mistake:D
no, u canoot @faisaliqbal
time for lunch
Hi guys
@ankitagrawal tsup!
A dimension is a simple resource that is referenced using the value provided in the name attribute (not the name of the XML file). As such, you can combine dimension resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, under one <resources> [email protected] dimen specic for attributes only.
you came here great
welcome to cat group
haha.. thanx
though i got a quick one..
Query in java
yaa many java dev here
@brahmyadigopula i know this :)
but i created one layout and i want to look good on screen : small - big screen
so i define text size and margin from @demins files
no problem, i will figure it out my self, let me try this :)
so chill @brahmyadigopula
hehe @AshuKumar good kid
what are some of the causes of this exception
Error: Could not find or load main class XXX
@TheLittleNaruto what you mean motionevent?
@OluDouglas see interfaces
and inheritance classes
@OluDouglas see interfaces
see interfaces
cat ? @ankitagrawal
for @OluDouglas @AshuKumar
@ankitagrawal never mind that was a silly question
hehe ok
i asked you a question you didnt reply @TheLittleNaruto
when i kill activity only my service is running
but i want to getwINDOW
how can i do this?
@ankitagrawal which question ?
about your lost device
and also
Q: Custom Behaviour with Coordinator Layout

ankit agrawalI am trying to hide and show a view when my recyclerview scrolls with the help of coordinator layout. My view is a linearlayout with button and it is not a fab, toolbar or tablayout as I already know how to hide them on scroll. Please note this is not a duplicate as all answers show how to fab ...

where are you fox
@ankitagrawal I'll look into this as soon as I'll reach home.
what abohut your lost device?
im back
Caprica :(
@hitman any news from nefercat?

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