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add 1 in the in the row of that data
@ukama got me?
righttt..I see that might work..I will check it out then :D
yea I get the idea
thank a lot mate
it will coz it worked on my app
I am not that noob i guess hahahha :D
that GREAT then..you just saved me lol
Yea always be confident hahahah:P
about you problem what exactly is the syntax error?
Check it out hope you get it
I made A CursorRecyclerViewAdapter hehehehe
:D :D
about your problem I don't know what exactly it is but check this out it might help you truiton.com/2014/09/android-service-broadcastreceiver-example
@BEGUERADJ if you ask me, learning JavaFX first completely makes sense. Learning Swing first forces you to think in the Swing way, which makes it difficult for you to accept the ways JavaFX works. It may be advantageous in a way to see the advantages JavaFX has over Swing, but I won't recommend it ;)
@UmerAsif I am going to sleep now got work tmrw >.< so if you want to post it and I will try and help you with it tmrw :) check the link it might give you an idea
Thanks man You can go to sleep.
@ukama i will get ready for my uni
hey @ItachiUchiha Could you help me with one little thing please?
@UmerAsif Good luck and Good night :)
@umer Disclaimer : I am not an android dev. Now you can ask me questions :)
@ukama Gudnite you too.
Take care bro.
Damn, power cut.
Its raining a lot these days.
can't see/feel/hear rains :(
@TheLittleNaruto why
@GettingNifty ?
@ItachiUchiha yeah, it is raining a lot in Punjab side since 2 days
Not sure about other areas
I need rain
well, I got my laundry done today, but all clothes are wet now :(
Just don't let me mistake u for an old lady with facial hair
Hey @ItachiUchiha
@berserk Can this be my intent Action "com.haha"
I wonder how you could make a vast self destroying function that masks your program in a way that you would have to reenact a tube Goldberg system to crack it
Guys check it out please
Am going to uni now
later guys
2 hours later…
morning :)
gm @SweetWisherツ :)
very good morning to all
hello everyone
posted on March 14, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
Good morning guys
Good afternoon
Good Morning Guys
@Joe'sMorgue Thank you :)
@Joe'sMorgue Nice track!
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
I solved yesterday a big software design issue
@rekire vgm
@rekire which one ?
That was regaring nested databindings
@TheLittleNaruto lol, but why that ugly white borders?
nested data binding ? Is that related to that you wanted to make an abstract layer for BR ?
@rekire Well.. It was on internet!
@TheLittleNaruto I see
@TheLittleNaruto right
@thelit I need to finalize it :(
I found also a nice xml only way to use a recyclerview and show a message if the recyclerview is empty, without leaking the context
@neferpitou I am thinking! I am thinking! :(
I will be back after 4h :)
I hope you have have it before 4h :)
@rekire xml way ? Interesting!
@rekire Is that about Empty state?
@neferpitou Man! why don't you think by yourself ? A designer can come up with more fancy design than me. :/
@TheLittleNaruto I have ideas :( but I have to ask all of you
can we add progressbar to it
I need to get 11/10 of votes :(
@neferpitou Sure share it already!
later :)
@neferpitou well I observe the adapter and the life cycle of the view
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@Rahul very different idea I am using
Good morning all.I want to check whether my application is in background or in foreground.To solve it i have taken a boolean static variable activityVisible in a subclass of Application class and setting its value true in onResume() method and false in onPause() method() of every activity of my application.I am using boolean variable activityVisible in a service .But this approach is not working for me .Please help.
What do you mean in the foreground and background?
You mean in the Activity Queue?
@rekire would you like to share it?
@neferpitou he means when activity in visible state
that's foreground
@Rahul not yet, but I have the plan to do that
I spent about 42 hours to get that solution
might be you take more
@DeepakR can you tell my your usecase?
@neferpitou: Actually i am working on PUSH notification using socket.io-client.When the user is not using my application i want to display my message as notification .
@DeepakR Add Broadcast Reciever in each Activity
The active activity should respond via IPC
like AIDL
got a Android-N research task :D
grats :)
Gnoon all
@rekire cool..!!
@TheLittleNaruto Gnoon sama
@TheFlash vgn :)
morning @TheFlash :)
@neferpitou noon :)
@TheLittleNaruto that hurts lol
@TheFlash vgm
lol this one is funny! ^
@TheLittleNaruto like it
1 hour later…
@TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash wake up
hello can any one tell me how to access value of a atrribute for a custom view..


actually it returning default value every time
that multi window feature of android n will be cool
@Shubham show your theme and your log output thx
@rekire More precisely that'll be pain in our ass!
@TheLittleNaruto in our case almost everything works fine
@rekire Did you implement it already ?
Or you just tested with other app ?
I added it in the manifest and checked what happens
Yeah that's how it is implemented! Great!
I ended just in 7 notes including one crash which is fixed within a pending refactoring
I have a edittext in my layout, i want to show previously written values in a drop down box for that edittext. How should I go about it?
store editext values into array and update arraay with new value @driftking9987
How to show the drop down while clicking the edittext?
Why on earth RV is not populating data! :/
Working now!
I had to clean the project!
@rekire my problem solved i was using this namespace:

this was wrong
for gradle: this works :)
thanks for asking me " show your theme ". @rekire
@Shubham strange, I didn't expect that this makes any changes
first of all its xmlns:requiredTextView="http://schemas.android.com/apk/com.mobikul.mobikulbaselibrary.RequiredTextView"


@Shubham you are welcome. basically I expected an issue with the default style
but it opened my brain window to that i am getting default value everytime.
great :D
Bad! I thought there must be some method for querying sum of a column in ContentProvider, But Got no choice but this .
@TheLittleNaruto thats the right way :)
functions should be happen within sql
@neferpitou Well.. Yeah it is...
@neferpitou They could have overloaded query method
Error:Could not read directory path 'D:\ChezMoi\app\build\intermediates\classes\debug\town\spiritup\chezmoi'.
> D:\ChezMoi\app\build\intermediates\classes\debug\town\spiritup\chezmoi: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
I don't know why but my project are not running now. :( Last night it was working perfectly.
I am not able to rebuild,clean or anything.
@TheLittleNaruto what's an overloaded query method?
@neferpitou getContentResolver().query()
I mean whats the real use of that?
with overloaded I meant, they could have made another query method for SUM query!
<-- never tried content resolver yet
@neferpitou You're asking as in you're asking or something else it is ?
I see
Read about 'em! It's nice thingy in Android!
googling now
1 sec
hmm Im guessing Content Provider has something to do with Content Resolver cuz it popups first
..continuing reading
ContentProviders are identified by their Uri as known as Authority. One can not access 'em directly without the help of ContentResolver.
Everything like Media, Contacts etc are stored in the device via these ContentProviders only.
ContentProviders are extended version of SQLite which allows you to export your app db to others apps.
Cool :)
Is there any performance impact when using content provider?
Q: Should I need a content provider when I am only going to use it within the App?
Not really! But it has many advantages over traditional SQlite
A: how to decide between direct database access and content provider?

Vikram BodicherlaI would recommend spending that extra time and energy to write your ContentProvider. ContentProviders are not just about sharing access to data. The advantages You have ways of listening to your data via ContentObservers ContentProviders by themselves are not thread-safe, but it is easy to impl...

4 our 5 bullets makes sense but this last 1 seems need a bit of explanation
> JOIN tables can be exposed very well by a nice design without cluttering your business-logic code. Check out some of the Android ContentProvider like the MediaStore or the ContactsContract. Check out their CONTENT_URI definitions
It seems that the 3rd answer looks correct to me :)
My original answer was extraordinarily specific. If you don't need to implement a Content Provider, do not. Simplest is best, most easily maintained, and best performing. It's a simple as that. Two other respondents disagreed for reasons that seemed relatively clear -- I would say thinking people can disagree on this topic. I would only create a content provider if required by design -- sharing data with other apps simply because adding a layer adds code that must be written, maintained, and given CPU cycles. To sum up: Those apps best suited for a content provider are those that need it. — Earl Aug 12 '11 at 13:58
This assignment is taking a lot of time because of my laziness. :/
Today i am facing a weird issue with BroadCastReceiver.
Can any one tell me what wrong i am doing.
Q: USB Mount Receiver invoking only when boot complete

ManmohanI stuck while working with BroadCastReceiver in which it's invoking only when device PowerOn/Restarting it. I am attaching USB device using OTG cable. Android system showing usb inserted icon every time but my app not receiving any event. Let me know what wrong i am doing. I am having an applic...

@Manmohan I think you're looking for this stackoverflow.com/questions/15763159/…
It has both Attach and Detach
@neferpitou okay.. let me try this. But have you ever seen broadcast receiver with Boot Complete only.
Depends on the action
Basically most of the callback are "preparing" during boot time , cuz thats how the OS works :)
can we disable in app subscription auto renewal by default?
very good morning @Joe'sMorgue
I'll take your word for it
@neferpitou link is not working. I have updated action usb device attached/detached and some of uses feature and permission. Can you look once again link for my problem
@Manmohan I can open it
here is the link again in case stackoverflow.com/questions/15763159/…
@neferpitou sorry. u got it wrong. link suggestion also not working for me
that was sad :(
All my Bloons escaped! :(
@Joe'sMorgue Is that a game?
@neferpitou that links query in which developer added intent filter to Activity instead on BroadCastReceiver
@neferpitou Hey, How are you
@Manmohan use the same action
Yes. I don't know why they didn't use Balloons, but...
@droid_dev Hi , Im doing some Flowchart of my library
i had tried and tested as well.
can we auto-restart activity as soon as its killed instead of waiting for it to get it restarted?
@Joe'sMorgue Listening...
@Joe'sMorgue looks old but nice
@Joe'sMorgue Listening...
@Manmohan have u tried the answer of Prash?
@Joe'sMorgue Listening...
@Joe'sMorgue lol I feel like drinking wine while listening this song!
@neferpitou yes. I have broadcast receiver which i am registering via manifest
Don't worry, be happy...
All "Music" is done by Bobby McFerrin.
I am sharing it here.

<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNMOUNTED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_REMOVED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_EJECT" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL" />
Are you in a quiet place?
Not really
kids are making noises outside, playing cricket
My headphone is not working anymore :/
This last "song" has no vocals, and no musical instruments.
@TheLittleNaruto can you also look on this link.
I sat on it yesterday and it got broken!
You need to turn your system up to MAX!
@Manmohan Can't now! I am focused on my work for now!
I need to finsih it asap!
Songs are medicine though!
The beginning is VERY hard to hear
@TheLittleNaruto okay, when you get time, take a look
@Manmohan Sure
@neferpitou i had added prash's suggesition as well and still not working
@Joe'sMorgue Very nice!
@Manmohan that was an odd issue, probbaly I missed some permission (I could not recall)
Stomp is the band I've seen the most times in concert
hi cat
@Hans1984 Watch the last three videos I shared.
any cat pics today?
@Hans1984 The second one REQUIRES you to be a full volume at the start
no cats today
they all died a horrible death
has receive a gold badge
im watching the stomp brooms video now
That's the quiet one
Hans why you rejected the cat society :(
@Hans1984 Hey How is it going there ? :)
no i was just kidding
hey @TheLittleNaruto
@TheLittleNaruto One more?
not so good
@Joe'sMorgue I am listening a Bollywood remix for now: youtube.com/watch?v=b6_fBFUf3m4
@Hans1984 Why ?
no new fitting jobs
allthough i allready searched 3 jobengines
i thought there would be new ones
but no
@rekire Got few minutes ?
@hans :(
why your posting sad cats ;'(
sad hans=sad cats
@Hans1984 :(
dont worry I am not working either :)
@Hans1984 ^
I want that funny cat back! :(
you are not alone :)
good to hear :)
@Hans1984 I want you to work hard in your current trial work!
it was only for 3 days @TheLittleNaruto
So, it's over already...
What did they say ?
they said it will take 3-4 weeks till the make a decision
3 days is huge enough just for a test :)
since there are other applicants
Well there is hope still!
although its small
well atleats i have an interview on wednesday
but i need more open applications
thats why im searching for jobs
like a maniac
thats my cat
thats the only way
i already feel depression growing
if i give in to it
im lost
so i have to stay active :o
As long as you dont put all your eggs in 1 basket ;)
Yeah! That's like a boy!
indeed @neferpitou
thats why im looking for other jobs aswell
@neferpitou What does that even mean ? :O
apply for one job only

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