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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

any Androiders here who can help? :)
Q: Help me find this yaoi pretty plz :(?

Yaoi purinsesu if you know it pls answer me thanks in advance :)

Mostly I guess
Not much
@ukama yeah, just ask, don't be shy ;)
@TheLittleNaruto like this? ^
im just asking if is anyone in this room know how to use php
im just a newbie
@berserk arigatou..then i'll ask :):P
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas yeah, query?
@ukama haha one more otaku, ask ask :)
like basics? @ReyJoelLauronMatugas
@berserk wtf
yes sir berserk
yes basics
@TheLittleNaruto :3
anime fans who enjoy programming in java and listen to night core... I found my home ;_;
I'm trying to implement a favorite feature..I can do it well using normal ListView but not working with me using RecyclerView
@Arunex onee-chan ;_;
Alright time to sleep...
Oyasumi guys (Good night) :)
@berserk lol
@TheLittleNaruto Oyasumissu
@TheLittleNaruto oyasumi ~
this is the tutorial that I followed androidopentutorials.com/…
but I can't seem to get it working when using RecyclerView
Good night
@ukama show some code in here
@TheLittleNaruto Tennessee
does anyone have a source code of dtr system in php so that i can study it sir?
I'm sucking all the information out of the programming interview apps
@UmerAsif the code is the same as the tutorial I just posted but I changed the RecyclerView Adapter to this paste.ofcode.org/EcmssA5CNurFWs3bhYsWBV
@ukama what's the error?
@UmerAsif when I click the image that adds to favorite it is adding and changes the icon image but when I close my app and reopen my RecyclerView list should show the change icon right? I mean it should show that this item list is added to your favorite but it is not it reverts back to the icon the shows it is not added
@UmerAsif I hope you understand what I mean :D
i couldn't understand your code.
But one question why dont you use Database?
Sqlite database?
@UmerAsif yea I thought about it I can do it but the problem is with the RecyclerView..when the user clicks the image "Add to favorite" it inserts the row in the database right? and this code should be implemented in RecyclerView Adapter class?
@TheLittleNaruto Alive?
have you added the code to show the item that is added in the favorite???
@Joe'sMorgue i think he went to sleep after completing his assignment
also after inserting I should change the "Add to favorite" image to another image to show that its been added..but how can I do that? I have to use SharedPreferences for the status?
I ping'd @TheLittleNaruto so he can have his song!
I think some code will be entered here like
holder.image.setImagefromSharedpreferences(position) like this
this the added favorite code: paste.ofcode.org/qFSGpn28azrFZ2e7SBB2aM
@UmerAsif I didn't get what you mean?..do I add the image reference in shared preferences and then use it if it has been clicked?
List<MyPojo> favorites = sharedPreference.getFavorites(activity);
@ukama Do you get the idea?
yea but where does this code go? in BindView in the adapter class you mean? because I cannot acces the holder.image except in the adapter class
look in bindview you need to add code for setting the image view which was previously added in favorits
like in last session or whatever
So when your app get's restarted it will handle it.
yes this is what I did..I called the function checkFavoriteItem its in the first code I posted
what is dblist?
its this: static List<MyPojo> dbList; its where the data is stored
I get the data from sqlite and store it in an arraylist of mypojo and then populate the recyclerview list using this data
why not make another column of favorites and then check for it?
from database?
i don't there is any need for shared preferences. I am also noob and am having hard time understanding your code
@UmerAsif I think I'll try using database..but I still don't know how to save the status of the clicked image..thanks anyways will try and play around with it
I don't know why I can't find any tutorials on adding favorites feature..nowadays most apps have it
on click listener add status in that row
never mind
sorry i couldn't figure your problem
@ukama am just newbie too. :D
Hope you find your solution
no I think you have a point in adding the status in onclick lol..I will try it and hope it goes well
@UmerAsif no worries.. arigatou na ;)
Couldn't understand ya but :D
I said thank you :D
@ukama Have you worked with sending broadcast to recivers so you could help me?
for notifications?
no communication between an activity and service
i wanna send a broadcast to service from activty but i think i have syntax error i can't figure it out
i got your problem you know
you were trying to add favorite button
Wanna hear it out?
post your code I'll try and help you out
yaa of course please
let me send you a code.
it was simple you messed it up
I always do that lol mess up the simplest thing:P
Look make up a column of favorite of type integer in your table
Then make a query to fetch all the data
you will have a cursor
make Cursor a parameter of your adapter
Then when onbindView use Cursor.MoveToPosition(Position)
inside that have a check statement
if(cursor.getInteger(cursor.getColumnindex(You column name) == 1)){}
and onClicklistener
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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