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02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

2 hours later…
Hello guys, i met some problem about my multilanguage database. First , i added new column for the other language data in one table.Which means that it contain different language in one table. Now , the problem is how i select the data correctly when user choose the specific language, can i use setLocale in my database? Here is my code of DbHelper.java paste.ofcode.org/35csUUz4h2GD2FXfwAdxiJ2
while user select any language, how you are managing that?
using any code for specific languages as you have put for database tables?
This is the code when user select the language from the spinner, i am trying to connect it with my Dbhelper, but i don't know how to sort the specific language data in Dbhelper.gist.github.com/botaklin/7ceecc9d441260b0dd6d
This java is only help me to change strings.xml only, but i want to connect it with Dbhelper.java , when user select language from spinner,it also need to retrieve the language data from Dbhelper as well
@ChintanRathod Do you have any idea about it?
your approach is right to select locale..
but only locale selection won't help you to select particular table from database
you need to create a singleton object in your application
let say "Application" class where you can store which language is selected
or you can also use preferences to store which language you have currently selected
and then you can pass that selected language as parameter to read data from your database
let me explain by some rough code
your tables are like
lang_en, lang_fr, lang_hi etc
now if you select english, store that code in pref (en)
now while performing any table operation, pass this as argument "en" and select table like
tablename = "lang"+ code
@ChintanRathod If lets say, i created MyApplication class which has a method to setLocale, i can use if else method in DbHelper?? something like if(MyApplication.setLocale("en")){then select the data here}
@yongyun yes you can use that way also
but MyApplication needs singletone object
its also better to use preference
@ChintanRathod So you mean the preference is better way to implement it?
Thank you for advice, i am going to learn about that
@ChintanRathod Do you have any example of it?
@all Good morning
I want to use openfire server for chat app in android. Can anybody suggest any android client for it ?
Good Morning Guys :)
@KetanAhir @TheLittleNaruto VGM
@TheLittleNaruto @JaiprakashSoni Do you have any idea for my question ?
sorry I hv not worked on openfire server
check it hope it will be helpful
Q: Need an Android xmpp chat client to configure with openfire!

Coder_sLaYI am developing a chat application over android and i need an xmpp chat client that works with openfire... Can anyone suggest me in this?

Good Morning Guys :)
@MukeshRana VMG
@JaiprakashSoni Hey , how's you?
@all Good morning:)
Hello everyone
Good morning
@All have any one worked on video and audio calling functionality?
@TheLittleNaruto hi bro
@lovelight @MukeshRana @JaiprakashSoni @KetanAhir how are you all ?
@AshuKumar fine bro and u?
@AshuKumar Just fine
good to hear
@AshuKumar I am fine, you say?
i m having some problem with listview, can u please help me to fiigure it out
i m always fine but not now :)
lol.. what's the problem?
thanks for asking @MukeshRana
hey any one worked on video and audio calling functionality?
i included three layout om fourth and second layout is containng listview, i m geting listview content using json, json value is coming and only one value is showing on second layout and other vaules are hiding on third layout
any solution.....
please give me any suggestion
posted on January 19, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@lovelight i nerver work, but i read some artilce, there are many article which will help you
@lovelight I have done using PortSip sdk
@MukeshRana any help about my problem ...
let me see
@KetanAhir any suggestion about my question, really need help
@AshuKumar Actually I didn't get your question.
@AshuKumar I didn't understand your question. can you please elaborate more?
Good morning guys
yes sure, i have three layout included in fourth layout so all will display in one activity
@MukeshRana @AshuKumar I m fine, u?
and second layout has listview content filled using json
jso working good, but acitvity show only one item on second layout and all other item is hiding behind third layout @MukeshRana @KetanAhir
@JaiprakashSoni, i m also good thanks
@rekire have you worked on video and audio calling functionality?
@AshuKumar I think ur listview is just showing first item and ur listview is inside scrollview
@lovelight no
you have any suggestion
@JaiprakashSoni I am fine too
@lovelight check oovoo.com
ok tghanks
yes, you are right @JaiprakashSoni
how can i solve this
@AshuKumar for this you have to calculate height of listview and set it in layout parameter of listview
alright, is there any way to calculate lsitview height ?
I never found textbox for paste code on paste.ofcode.org
@AshuKumar I have a small function wait
you can paste here
pass ur listview to getListViewSize()
i mm going to use this function in my live project and let you know in 5 min, thansk again
@AshuKumar Ideally you shouldn't use ListView inside ScrollView, If you have more than one layout for your ListView item then you can use them as header/footer of ListView or as one of the rows for your ListView(which is more preferred and recommended)
you are right, i found article saying this approach, but i complete my layout using this @MukeshRana
@TheLittleNaruto actually, company just banned(verbally) use of internet for anything but work related things, and installed cameras in R&D lab....so.....
@AshuKumar :)
@yongyun sorry my friend
@ChintanRathod i am still struggling of it , haha i am new in android :D
@JaiprakashSoni where i should call getListViewSize() before setAdpater or after SetAdatper ?
i figure, it out myself :)
hey guys is there an lifetime plan for buying storage from google?
@lovelight Hi
@DroidDev That's a bad news :/
@MukeshRana I guess NO
And Don't buy anything from Google. You'll regret it later.
@TheLittleNaruto hi bro have you worked on video and audio calling functionality?
Yes I just get to know from one of the links on google
they sadi you can't go beyond 25GB for your Gmail
@lovelight No Man!
@TheLittleNaruto also, I am not that much of a xamarin developer. I just developed one app in it....
even if you but 1TB storage that will be only for Drive and Picassa
you have any suggestion?
This is very annoying. I don't want to delete any of my emails to free up space
@MukeshRana Is it same for Google Drive too ?
@DroidDev Ah Okay!
@MukeshRana You have reached the limit already ?
@TheLittleNaruto also, I am not that much of an android, unity, or iphone developer either. I didn't work with any of them for much time :P
the extended space is for combined Google Drive and Picassa
@DroidDev Then why the fuck do they pay you ?
for doing nothing ?
@TheLittleNaruto Yes.. I have been warned by google from past one month, that you no longer will be able to receive any email..
@MukeshRana That's a bad news! Clean Trash Mails and Spams
Also check if there are unnecessary mails in inbox
Clean 'em too.
If you receive so many mails on daily basis, I would prefer to have my own website with an email and which will be configured on outlook or any mail client.
@TheLittleNaruto it will be very tough for me to go through every email and delete the unnecessary ones
@TheLittleNaruto I can buy mail server from third party with unlimited space but that are not as much efficient as google
No! It's not true.
if you don't consider the chat feature
Then any mail server is good to go, imo
and If I go for google, then that gonna be very expensive
Say NOooooOOO to Google Products
@TheLittleNaruto Ummm.. chat feature is the one that is missing in most of the mail servers..
btw do you have your own website?
@AshuKumar call it after setAdapter
I wanted to buy one
And I think the domain name is still available
Oh.. cool.. how do you gonna design your website? do you know web designing ?
@MukeshRana I would copy any blogging template. :P
Who will waste time in that :D
@TheLittleNaruto Because I can do every damn thing. From android, to iphone, to unity, to managing projects, to handling team, to handling clients. Every fucking thing. That's why they pay me :P
@Lapoozza Hey anime fan ?
@DroidDev Woow!
You're a geek!
@TheLittleNaruto haha.. lol. Moreover customizing wordpress themes are more than easy I guess
@TheLittleNaruto mwahahaha and you're jealous :P
@MukeshRana Yeah! That's what I was talking about: WordPress :D
@DroidDev You shouldn't have said that. :/
Yes! I am jealous!
@TheLittleNaruto I am just kidding dude. Come'on! Why you acting like girls all of a sudden?
@DroidDev I am jealous as in you don't have any work.. Here I work harder
@DroidDev Are you kidding me?
@TheLittleNaruto oh....and I can also work on xamarin, and somewhat on javascript too
@TheLittleNaruto haha, you should re-consider that statement. I actually have to sit at my desk for like at least 14 hours daily.
@TheLittleNaruto how do you feel?
@rekire I have started working again.
in the office or at home?
@DroidDev 14 hours ?
@TheLittleNaruto oh....that reminded me....after I do my work at office(roughly 14 hours daily), I go home and work as a freelancer. I currently have 3 projects in pipeline :P
@TheLittleNaruto because various clients are online at various times of a day
or night
@DroidDev what's the budget of projects you generally do freelancing for?
@DroidDev You're learning a lot! Good!
I used to do that in my previous company.
@MukeshRana not much. I don't do developing myself. I just handle and bring clients. Though, basic budget for android, and ios apps is usually around 50k INR, excluding designer and server-side guys(they don't cost for much either)
@TheLittleNaruto I am thinking of a change, but I wanna shift to a bigger company
@DroidDev Clients are basically indians or from around the globe? and you only charge them for android and iOS apps right? not for the backend and designing stuff?
@MukeshRana there are international as well as local clients and I do charge them for backend and designing stuff. Everything has separate budget and has to be passed separately
Client can just get the designs or backend made from us, and then rest of things from someone else
@TheLittleNaruto well I told you recently something wrong, I implemented a IntentService exact one year ago^^
anyway....may I ask you the reason of your interest @MukeshRana ?
@rekire You liar!
@TheLittleNaruto I am sorry. I get into an age where you forget some details :/
@DroidDev Nothing is there in a bigger company.
@rekire lol
@DroidDev hehe...I was just wondering how easily freelancer can get projects.
@MukeshRana I can get projects whenever I want to.
It's because of my network.
IMHO it is great to have a development team of about 10 person which distinct jobs: UX, GFX, Frontend (e.g. Android), Backend and PM
if you want a pretty outcome
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah I know you have a strong network. But your client only provide you the android projects?
@yongyun sorry my friend.. actually i am overloaded today :(
@MukeshRana Because I can't risk taking a project on which I can't work. :P
@ChintanRathod Thanks for your explanation.. really much thx! :)
@MukeshRana I get 1 out of 10 projects that I try for. Though, I too, just like @TheL have a network of some friends, that keeps me going.
@TheLittleNaruto so how much you normally charge to your clients?
@TheLittleNaruto I actually wanna go there to have a less busier work schedule, so I can focus on other things.
@DroidDev so how many direct clients you have?
@MukeshRana That totally depends on project, A 5-8 screens app will cost 25k-35k (It can be more if functionality is complex)
@yongyun you are welcome :)
@MukeshRana only 1
@DroidDev Well.. A bigger company has so many things in their daily work not just development
You need to attend scrum Call, onsite/offsite Project Manager Meeting etc.
@TheLittleNaruto oh.. cool.. so are you able to deliver projects on time inspite of being working for a company
@DroidDev Oh okay.. so getting direct client is tough I guess
Hi guyz
please help me to solve this error
Q: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file:#23: Error inflating class com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri

osimer potheI have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception . 01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...

@MukeshRana Well... I try my best
@TheLittleNaruto but they mostly have strict and lot of time limit. Here, if I give the time estimate for development, one month. They will tell me to do designing, server side and development in three weeks
@MukeshRana Getting direct "permanent" client is difficult
can you see this question ?
@TheLittleNaruto great :) btw how many direct clients you have?
@DroidDev Yeah I know, its very tough to convince someone
@DroidDev hehe! Then you should experience a bigger company for once. You'll get to know clearly thereafter.
@MukeshRana 3-4 ? Not sure! Keep in mind: A direct client will not have project regularly.
They'll have one project that's it
But you'll have to find a client who knows those many clients who have projects
@TheLittleNaruto , please help me to solve this exception
@TheLittleNaruto ummm.....that is making me "not" wanting to look for a bigger company :/
@TheLittleNaruto hehe.. yes.. Btw how tough your life is as a freelancer alongwith a regular job?
@osimerpothe sorry dude, but it seems like your custom widget is creating some problem
How can I solve this ?
@osimerpothe You may be missing this: com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri ?
@DroidDev Good Luck ;)
actually, your question doesn't seem to have the information regarding the problem and everyone can only guess the problem @osimerpothe
which I can't atm
@TheLittleNaruto , I am not missing this
Where am I missing this ?
@DroidDev , please tell me where can I give mor information ?
@MukeshRana With full time job, one should avoid freelancing, imo
@TheLittleNaruto and what about as a full time freelancer? How you visualize your life after 5 years if you start working from today as a full time freelancer?
@MukeshRana No I won't go for it. I am good working with a firm. Because I am too lazy to work alone.
@TheLittleNaruto , actually I am thinking that the problem is in extendion the Linearllayout
@TheLittleNaruto , actually I am thinking that the problem is in extending the Linearllayout
@TheLittleNaruto so indirectly you meant to say freelancers have no future?
@TheLittleNaruto that's true. You really need to have a motivation, to work as a full time freelancer
@MukeshRana that isn't what he meant actually :P
@MukeshRana I am not sure, It totally depends on you. As @DroidDev mentioned you need a motivation to work as a full time freelancer.
@DroidDev But It get reflected.. suppose if you have to choose form freelancing and a regular job, what you gonna prefer?
@osimerpothe No idea dude!
@MukeshRana if I can, I will surely choose freelancing. Because it has more money, and you are your own boss
@DroidDev Then why don't you leave your current company and opt for that
@MukeshRana because, atm, I don't have enough clients, and enough motivation. If I am free(that I will be after leaving my job), I will rather watch anime and stuff.
plus, there is a risk factor involved
@DroidDev But you don't need motivation for a regular job?
@MukeshRana nope, its like going to school. You gotta be present everyday, and do your work.
minus the risk factor
though, i am still unable to understand, why you taking our HR rounds @MukeshRana :P
@DroidDev let's continue the discussion after lunch gotta go now
@MukeshRana hmm....ok, sure.
@AnkitSrivastava , can you help me to solve this question ?
Q: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file:#23: Error inflating class com.csipsimple.widgets.EditSipUri

osimer potheI have downloaded CSipSimple project . THen I have run it . But I am getting following exception . 01-19 13:29:16.873 14827-14827/com.csipsimple E/ActivityThread﹕ RuntimeExceptionjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.csipsimple/com.csipsimple.ui.SipHome}: java.l...

what is your package name of that class ?
how can I show you ?
by shariong code ?
This is the code of EditSipUri
you are using it in your project,right >
without changing the package name ?
then i dont know
Please help me to solve this exception .
i m facing a problem too
good after noon all
have any one of you used storage access api of android lollipop??
@DroidDev I am back now
have any one of you used storage access api of android lollipop??
@DroidDev As I already told you that I am just having a research on FreeLancer's life :P
@MukeshRana sooo.....
@MukeshRana umm...so just out of pure curiosity?
@DroidDev So I think we can resume our discussion :P
i dont have a day job
what were you guys discussing about ?
@MukeshRana @DroidDev
how a freelancer lives?
we were discussing FreeLancing vs Regular job
both is not an option at the moment :P
@MukeshRana ya, sure, go ahead. What else is in your mind?
Why not
why aren't any of them an option ?
@MukeshRana well....I am a part-time freelancer, with a full time reguler job
I am a full time doing nothing guy
I made an app
now I dont have to work
because it gets me 5000$ a month xD
woah! That's a huge success. What app did you make @AnkitSrivastava ?
02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

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